2010 is ending with a new 2011 as our "new" beginning. It is that time of the year that some of us reflects back to what was in hope to have a better up coming year.
The whole world experienced rejoice and great suffering in just a year. From my home land Philippines to our backyard here in Canada…I’ve seen so much that it really makes me question all the current predictions. Do we really have one last year on earth?
With all the crazy weather, crazy people, and occurrences around the world…have we really reached our limits? Noah was the savior of the time when the world experienced the wrath of God...
Recently I read that there’s a modern day Noah that instead of collecting actual live animals and humans, he/she is collecting DNA samples. Is it true? And if so, what qualifies a person have that privilege or superior enough to have their DNA preserved? And if Governments controls this decision making, which Government would be picked? Would it be my homelands? Your homeland? Canada? Or the probable top pick is the ever so controlling US Government?
Nonetheless each Government will surely save their “people” first or take bribery for the ticket to the future. Do you think that a Government, from any country, would actually be able to design a LEGIT process for this ultimate pick? What would you do to get the ticket to the future?
Imagine how many would do just about ANYTHING to be “preserved”. Would it bring the good more so than the bad? Does that leave the young, the old, and the ill vulnerable to be abandoned without the fighting chance to at least get the chance to see the future thru the eyes of their successors? And lastly…since nothing is free in this world…what would it cost any of us to get that chance? Hmmm a Lottery for DNA preservation. Think about it.
So what is your plan for the New Year? Are you going to kick out 2010 with a BIG BANG or something more on a low key? Clubbing or just liming at home, whatever your pick might be…PLEASE, PLEASE, and PLEASE do not drink and drive, and for some just PLAIN DON’T DO SHIT!!!
There are people out there that should not even talk or walk at all under the influence of alcohol (amongst other things that can alter your “natural” state!) And please do not get me started with the next day “I was too drunk to know” lame excuse because I will personally slap you if you think doing anything hurtful to the mind, body, and/or soul of any living and breathing thing would be acceptable!
Remember before you celebrate the ending of the year 2010, that you think about what you want and how you want to start your 2011! Having fun is easy when you are careless but having fun while being responsible for your actions takes a very strong person.
It should never cost anyone’s happiness or livelihood. Seeeeeeeeeen?
Until next time…
Signing out…
These are MY thoughts and MY opinions based on what I see with MY own eyes and what I feel in MY heart!
About Me

- Sabrosita
- Scarborough, Ontario, Canada
- To know me is to feel my aura...you must be an intense person to understand me. I need poetry the way I need love, I need love to live. I love the rain because it inspires me. I aim to live a content life and enjoy the fruit of hard work. I believe that hard work paves our future. One cannot wish for a companion just to live, I believe that an empire can be built by two strong individual as long as the loyalty and interest have met their equilibrium to co-exist. I think life is simply lived at it's best when we simply learn to appreciate and love every moment we have living.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Be thankful...it's really not that hard!
Hello Readers, Lovers, Haters and even you Stalkers reading my blog, I thank you first and foremost because even though anonymous, it is still a good feeling :)
It has been a hot hot minute since I updated you with my life, love, and my world – and my review on them…not necessarily in that order
So everyone was all up the special date October 10, 2010 – the big 10-10-10, is the hottest hit in email threads of pass the luck or face missing it. Now to whoever spread the rumor that this happens every 823 years and the 10-10-10 happens every 1000 years? Where is the concrete evidence of this observation? Was it based on our new technology calculations? Or do we have the calendar records of the past dates or reoccurrences? So someone about 2000 to 3000 years ago took a note of “Hmmm wonder if this date will repeat?” and somehow passed this “scientific assignment” to their kids and theirs kids and their kids over thousands of years…anyways that just what I thought of the first time I read the email thread.
The long weekend that leads to the Canadian Thanksgiving came and gone but do we stop giving thanks and appreciating those we love? I think NOT. We should always be thankful for our daily blessings. We should also be thankful for the rough days as those moments helps us appreciate the best times.
With so many different cultures it’s almost irrelevant to figure out whose tradition was it to begin with right? It’s a nice tradition to gather our loved ones or spend it with a special someone to cherish the blessings and give thanks. Now I feel that we should always give thanks on a daily, this special day reminds those who tend to forget to take weekend to find their way home or take a moment to reflect back. To make amends or simply be thankful…hence name of the day is…THANKSGIVING DAY . Why Americans has it on a different date…is another story
This past Thanksgiving I had so much to be thankful for. Not just the blessings but the also the obstacles that I went thru to get to where I am and appreciate what I have. Would you believe that just over a year ago I would have never thought that I would be HAPPY. Yes it’s a word that at one time seem to be so far fetch. I thought being HAPPY is something that only happens in movies. But hey here we are, and you are reading how happy a girl can be as a woman. It does really take that much to reach contentment in life. But it’s something that one must really know WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY?
“I give thanks to the Lord up above for life, for our health, for love, for his ever forgiving heart. I give him thanks and praise for his constant guidance that lights the path I take. I give him thanks for the family and friends in my life, near and far. I thank him for our job that allows us to put the bread and butter on our table. May the lord constantly bless the food we eat and that it may nourish our body to draw strength to fight the evil temptations that crosses our path. I pray for the Lord to never give up on us, to always be part our lives because without him our life would be chaotic….amen!”
Anyways, here's a start to so many other entries that I will be posting. Life's busy schedule kept me away but soon time I will have more for you to read, to think about and hopefully compels you to comment because I LOVE reading what YOU think of MY BLOG :)
Signing out...
It has been a hot hot minute since I updated you with my life, love, and my world – and my review on them…not necessarily in that order
So everyone was all up the special date October 10, 2010 – the big 10-10-10, is the hottest hit in email threads of pass the luck or face missing it. Now to whoever spread the rumor that this happens every 823 years and the 10-10-10 happens every 1000 years? Where is the concrete evidence of this observation? Was it based on our new technology calculations? Or do we have the calendar records of the past dates or reoccurrences? So someone about 2000 to 3000 years ago took a note of “Hmmm wonder if this date will repeat?” and somehow passed this “scientific assignment” to their kids and theirs kids and their kids over thousands of years…anyways that just what I thought of the first time I read the email thread.
The long weekend that leads to the Canadian Thanksgiving came and gone but do we stop giving thanks and appreciating those we love? I think NOT. We should always be thankful for our daily blessings. We should also be thankful for the rough days as those moments helps us appreciate the best times.
With so many different cultures it’s almost irrelevant to figure out whose tradition was it to begin with right? It’s a nice tradition to gather our loved ones or spend it with a special someone to cherish the blessings and give thanks. Now I feel that we should always give thanks on a daily, this special day reminds those who tend to forget to take weekend to find their way home or take a moment to reflect back. To make amends or simply be thankful…hence name of the day is…THANKSGIVING DAY . Why Americans has it on a different date…is another story
This past Thanksgiving I had so much to be thankful for. Not just the blessings but the also the obstacles that I went thru to get to where I am and appreciate what I have. Would you believe that just over a year ago I would have never thought that I would be HAPPY. Yes it’s a word that at one time seem to be so far fetch. I thought being HAPPY is something that only happens in movies. But hey here we are, and you are reading how happy a girl can be as a woman. It does really take that much to reach contentment in life. But it’s something that one must really know WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY?
“I give thanks to the Lord up above for life, for our health, for love, for his ever forgiving heart. I give him thanks and praise for his constant guidance that lights the path I take. I give him thanks for the family and friends in my life, near and far. I thank him for our job that allows us to put the bread and butter on our table. May the lord constantly bless the food we eat and that it may nourish our body to draw strength to fight the evil temptations that crosses our path. I pray for the Lord to never give up on us, to always be part our lives because without him our life would be chaotic….amen!”
Anyways, here's a start to so many other entries that I will be posting. Life's busy schedule kept me away but soon time I will have more for you to read, to think about and hopefully compels you to comment because I LOVE reading what YOU think of MY BLOG :)
Signing out...
Friday, June 18, 2010
Got my thinking cap on...here it goes again...
Hello readers, fams, lovers, haters, and stalkers,
If you live in Toronto you will know what METRO NEWSPAPER is and let's just say that almost everyone has one in hand during the morning rush hours on the bus. Sometimes we even wait for the person to put it down if there's a shortage of print. It's almost "gold" sometimes because it also helps to avoid eye contact when the bus is packed like SARDINES! I am guilty of those that reads it from front page to the last page. And I can't help but feel frustrated with all the news. Here's what I think about the following "blog worthy news":

"Eaton Centre will get a fresh look"
Understandable that since they first opened according to METRO NEWS back in 1977, they are now planning to upgrade with a $120 million dollars to serve food on real china plates. Now last time I was downtown, Eaton Centre crowds can be counted in thousands. And the food court is like the jungle, fighting for seats and the rushing of shoppers makes it hard to even sit long enough to have proper conversation without having someone cloud over you because they are waiting for you to get up so that they can sit and eat their food.
NOW how the heck would they serve food on real china plates? I am assuming that this is an attempt to assist in the current unemployment. And this new upgrade will create job for those who were immensely affected by the recession right? That is something that I would love to watch on it's first day...with new visitors to see the "upgrade". If you are planning to see this event happen (when it happens) I highly recommend bringing some form of tranquilizer because it WILL BE A JUMANJI type of event!
"Project runway cancelled"
After North Bay Airport got upgraded worth 10 million dollars, they just learned recently that the soooooo special guest aren't even coming by. I think that's a malarky considering the money should have gone to those who actually live in Toronto, and needs the financial help. *SMH*
"Hospital patients discharged to open up beds"
This is in anticipation of incidents that might happen during the G20. ARE THEY F'IN KIDDING ME?????? I would love to know how they will make that decision of who goes and who can stay in the hospital? I can see tons of law suits coming to these hospitals in the near future IF this is really what they end up implementing. GOOD LUCK!
"Gabriella Nagy"
Is this bitch for real? She is suing Rogers because since they bundled her plan, her husband found out that she is a cheating whore! Ohm...Gabrielle please stop smoking cheap crack! You was found out because you are a triflin-vowbreakin-whore!!!
It's called KARMA that got you and the other whores by your freakin necks! You are suing Rogers for BREACHED of privacy? How about you BREACHED YOUR VOWS BEFORE GOD? You REAP what you SOW and daaaaaaahlinx you WEEP cuz yous a HO! Unfuckingbelievable! Women like her are too stupid to have a vagina!
"Fake Lake"
I wish Harper drowns in his fake lake and someone to fakingly save his ass and everyone can do a fake cry when he dies because he is a fake as M(*^(*F(*&(^!!!!
"Billionaires backing the Giving Pledge"
A launch for the ridiculously wealthy people like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet to give HALF of their wealth to charity. Now I am NOT against this. I think it's a nice "thought" (because until it happen it's just another promise that they can easily break. If they really want to help WHY NOT PLUG THOSE WHO HAS LESS THAN $5000 IN THEIR BANK ACCOUNT WITH MONEY?
This way the economy can bounced back because everyone will be able to afford to actually BUY something other than the staples of life. Sometimes I feel that those who have money didn't use their brain to get to the top...but then again how would I know right? Well...I've read and watched the news and let me tell you...most of them ain't smarter than a third grader! Again I *sigh*
"Dad & son got life term for killing the daughter/sister in the name of "HONOUR"
All I am going to say is that THEY should have been sent to "OZ" jail and mesh with General Population and NO PAROLE! I think an eye for an eye is suitable here don't you think? This type of tragedy bothers me because how many girls and women out there are facing this or faced this type of ending but was never resolved?
Anyways...I will sign out for now and I must say these are my feed back on the news that I read in METRO NEWS, I did not own these title but just a quote of the printed news paper on June 17, 2010. I love METRO NEWS because they keep me updated with the world events and keeps my thinking cap HOT!
If you live in Toronto you will know what METRO NEWSPAPER is and let's just say that almost everyone has one in hand during the morning rush hours on the bus. Sometimes we even wait for the person to put it down if there's a shortage of print. It's almost "gold" sometimes because it also helps to avoid eye contact when the bus is packed like SARDINES! I am guilty of those that reads it from front page to the last page. And I can't help but feel frustrated with all the news. Here's what I think about the following "blog worthy news":
"Eaton Centre will get a fresh look"
Understandable that since they first opened according to METRO NEWS back in 1977, they are now planning to upgrade with a $120 million dollars to serve food on real china plates. Now last time I was downtown, Eaton Centre crowds can be counted in thousands. And the food court is like the jungle, fighting for seats and the rushing of shoppers makes it hard to even sit long enough to have proper conversation without having someone cloud over you because they are waiting for you to get up so that they can sit and eat their food.
NOW how the heck would they serve food on real china plates? I am assuming that this is an attempt to assist in the current unemployment. And this new upgrade will create job for those who were immensely affected by the recession right? That is something that I would love to watch on it's first day...with new visitors to see the "upgrade". If you are planning to see this event happen (when it happens) I highly recommend bringing some form of tranquilizer because it WILL BE A JUMANJI type of event!
"Project runway cancelled"
After North Bay Airport got upgraded worth 10 million dollars, they just learned recently that the soooooo special guest aren't even coming by. I think that's a malarky considering the money should have gone to those who actually live in Toronto, and needs the financial help. *SMH*
"Hospital patients discharged to open up beds"
This is in anticipation of incidents that might happen during the G20. ARE THEY F'IN KIDDING ME?????? I would love to know how they will make that decision of who goes and who can stay in the hospital? I can see tons of law suits coming to these hospitals in the near future IF this is really what they end up implementing. GOOD LUCK!
"Gabriella Nagy"
Is this bitch for real? She is suing Rogers because since they bundled her plan, her husband found out that she is a cheating whore! Ohm...Gabrielle please stop smoking cheap crack! You was found out because you are a triflin-vowbreakin-whore!!!
It's called KARMA that got you and the other whores by your freakin necks! You are suing Rogers for BREACHED of privacy? How about you BREACHED YOUR VOWS BEFORE GOD? You REAP what you SOW and daaaaaaahlinx you WEEP cuz yous a HO! Unfuckingbelievable! Women like her are too stupid to have a vagina!
"Fake Lake"
I wish Harper drowns in his fake lake and someone to fakingly save his ass and everyone can do a fake cry when he dies because he is a fake as M(*^(*F(*&(^!!!!
"Billionaires backing the Giving Pledge"
A launch for the ridiculously wealthy people like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet to give HALF of their wealth to charity. Now I am NOT against this. I think it's a nice "thought" (because until it happen it's just another promise that they can easily break. If they really want to help WHY NOT PLUG THOSE WHO HAS LESS THAN $5000 IN THEIR BANK ACCOUNT WITH MONEY?
This way the economy can bounced back because everyone will be able to afford to actually BUY something other than the staples of life. Sometimes I feel that those who have money didn't use their brain to get to the top...but then again how would I know right? Well...I've read and watched the news and let me tell you...most of them ain't smarter than a third grader! Again I *sigh*
"Dad & son got life term for killing the daughter/sister in the name of "HONOUR"
All I am going to say is that THEY should have been sent to "OZ" jail and mesh with General Population and NO PAROLE! I think an eye for an eye is suitable here don't you think? This type of tragedy bothers me because how many girls and women out there are facing this or faced this type of ending but was never resolved?
Anyways...I will sign out for now and I must say these are my feed back on the news that I read in METRO NEWS, I did not own these title but just a quote of the printed news paper on June 17, 2010. I love METRO NEWS because they keep me updated with the world events and keeps my thinking cap HOT!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
What makes an EE (Excellent Employee) Linked discussion forum
Hello Readers, Lovers, Haters and Stalkers,
The following paragraphs consist of 1, 978 words that were collaborated by my heart, my curious yet opinionated mind, and my ability to express my thoughts so freely.
I love browsing Linked for everything that the site has. I mean you get to network with businesses, learn new skills that you can aim to achieve, and promote yourself and your business. My love for writing and my opinionated personality linked me to a discussion on "What makes an Excellent Employee". For those of you who knew me, you already know how I feel about this. Anyways, the following entries are what I've posted.
Entry One:
What defines an excellent employee? I can only speak for myself but I think one must have a career mind to be successful. If an employee is only focused on just “getting that paper” their performance is distinctively different in comparison to someone, like myself, who is career driven. The drive, dedication and loyalty will be grossly different too.
I always use the quote by Aristotle: “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit”. What defines an excellent worker? Is it someone who does the job behind the scene and not demand proper compensation? Or is it someone who performs at a mediocre level and is favored based on personality? I think everyone tend to forget that any employee initially applies for a job and with the promise to perform to his/her best ability. Employers in turn promises proper salary compensation based on qualifications, experiences, and actual hands on performance. Unfortunately, this type of review fade in the background as business schedule sometimes conflicts. But I believe that if everyone is well compensated accordingly, there will be a balanced relationship between employer and the employee.
A successful company can only be as strong as it’s employee that represents them, or does the work, whether in the front end or behind the scenes administrations.
I am guilty of being a workaholic and willing to take on any project and provide excellent quality but I do wait for the proper compensation or promise of raise. No one wants to work for free, that is a fact. And when your employee’s performance decreases you might want to review if you have compensated them properly in the past.
I’ve seen many employees and or workers from different companies, who are EXCELLENT EMPLOYEES, resign because they are being taken for granted. How can any company allow their best performers and their “dream team” detoriates by neglecting the simple calculations of performance = proper salary compensations. How much? Well, let’s look at the actual worth of the company. It’s easy to just hire newbie who will settle for less pay, but the amount of time wasted on training new ones, instead or properly compensating your current best performers, is really a company’s lost. Time is money and let’s face it who wants to lose either one?
And to Steve Hoffman, the best ones are looking, but I think that they are overlooked because no one really adds blatantly “I’M THE BEST” on their resume...which I think they should. I’ve coached colleagues and friends on how they should perform at work and I know what qualities could make a great employee. But I’ve also witness BEST EMPLOYEES who changed due to mistreatment and lack of appreciation from upper managements.
We all have to look at ourselves and what we are willing to work for. I think HR, Hiring Manager, prior to hiring someone, should ask themselves “Would I perform all those duties for that salary?” BEST EMPLOYEE exist, how a company drives their loyalty and how they abide by the code of ethics of a company will depend on how they are being treated as a person and as a worker and how they are compensated for their hard work. Who wants to wear 10 different hats and not even get a simple appreciation of thanks or have “salary increase” promised only to never see it on your pay stabs?
If your employees are dropping like flies…the upper management needs to be put under microscope because employee neglect can and will lead to lower staff which causes the quality of client service to decrease. This can only lead to misfortunes in the future.
Entry Two:
Bottom line great employees are the ones that are never recognized and become bitter. They are usually underpaid and those who many of you call "mediocre" workers (some are even relatives of the UPPER MANAGEMENTS) get away with "delegating" a job and then taking full credit for the EEs work. Unbelievable!!!!
I've seen this happen. I've seen managers ask their employees to do a report and then send that report to "their boss" and guess what? Replacing the EE's email signature with their email signature and inevitable the managers gets the credit. While the EE just sits and wait for proper compensation for all the years dedicated with the hope that the promised raise will eventually come. They tend to use the word "recession" a little too much and those of us that have this thing called "BILLS" are stuck between a hard place and a rock. It's an employers’ world, they know that people need money and they take full advantage of this. Its funny how "thank you" or proper acknowledgments are MIA in many organizations. What happened to those employers who truly appreciate their employees?
I'm one of those EE and I have to tell you that if there's a company out there who wants a dedicated, hard working, and career oriented employee and you know how to appreciate a hard working employee...contact me! :)
I invite ALL of you to join my network as well because I absolutely love all of your thoughts and your opinions!
Entry Three:
I don't believe that people who are stays at the job they hare deserves to get nothing because they chose to stay. No one leaves a solid ground for unstable unknown. So they stick around until a better job is found, THAT's the responsible way. This has no similar relations to dating. In a perfect world you can quit any job and get a high paying job just like that, but unfortunately that is just not the case. Bread and butter don't come along as easy as it was back in good ol'days.
What made you, Gisela McKay, think that those who are unhappy at their current situations deserve to have blessings pass them by? Everyone has their own stories and reasons, I'd like to think no one woke up and said "hmmm I'm just going to let things pass me by and I can rush my bottom dollar down the hole"
It all boils down to mutual respect and similar goal from both ends.
Entry Four:
We all have our own opinions and end of stick right?
My comments were out of frustration because I know there are enough employers out there but is it really the employers? Or is it the HR who handles the hiring?
What does an EE have to do to get notice? Does it involve kissing the behind and feet of those in charge? I always thought that working hard and doing the best that I would prove to my employer that what I indicated in my resume can be backed up by my actions. And reality hits that unless I am willing to kiss arse, be the coffee delivery person, or the silent one I WILL NEVER see the promised raise.
I'm sorry Gisela but I didn't mean to make you feel attacked. I was just typing away my thoughts. But it's really frustrating when people in general assume that people are at the bottom by choice. It's really not the case for all of us. We work hard and we have bills to pay and leaving is not an easy option. I am actively looking but sometimes hiring managers tend to look at those whose salary expectations are lower. Or they only want to hire on a P/T basis without possibility of getting benefits.
How do you leave a bad situation for a worst one?
But I don't give up my hopes of building a career in my future...but I will continue to provide my current employer nothing less than excellent results because I was brought up to always give my best.
Entry Five:
"Decision makers don't notice you if you don't do anything to get their attention...good or bad, as long as you get their attention" (quote from one of the group members)
This is my reply:
If someone who is supposed to be “the decision makers” only pays attention to those who jumps up and down in front of their faces and fails to acknowledge the rest who don’t, I think that person is not the right person for the job. In order to be the “decision maker” I always thought that they need to be aware and know everything in order to make the proper decision. How can anyone in that position "decide" the future or a company if they fail to know the past and the present?
Just because someone is “loud” does not mean that they are right for any “recommendation” as opposed to someone who is “quiet” but perform their job above expectations.
Why would my need to be compensated rightfully have to depend on deciding to do “either bad or good”? My job responsibility is not about JUMPING in front of my boss and making her notice me like a child. It is highly applauded for. I take care of what needs to be done in order to ensure that my boss doesn’t have to deal with, that’s what I was hired for which is TO TAKE CARE OF BUSINESS and only FLAG her when an escalation that I don’t have an authority to approve comes up. You know “able to work well independently with minimal to zero supervision. Do I need to put a flag on my desk asking for to be noticed like a child? No. I don’t agree with that. Human Resource has time lines to follow in regards to providing
I am sure that EE’s are not requesting for some form of extravagant acknowledgement. If a management fails to provide an employee’s their right of reviews and raise, I think there’s a problem. Yes, due to the latest economic events both in the US & Canada, this process might have been slower or halted all together, but I think that failing to completely acknowledge your employees performance shows poor management in general.
I am sure that if you were in the under appreciated EE’s position you would think differently…somehow I question that because we are all different in regards to how we handle situations. BUT ultimately I think it depends on how you know your own management.
ALL EE’s either take it or leave. But what happens to finding an equilibrium resolution? If that’s how it should be, leave every difficult situation, I think the world would be in chaos and everyone would just play “musical jobs”. We might as well give up our rights all together.
It bothers me how anyone in the upper management tends to forget that they used to be at the bottom and forget how hard it is to demand equal rights when the doors are always shut.
TO ALL EE’s – regardless of all the assumptions by many, I think that for every door that shuts, another will open, when? Time will tell…but never let the quality of your work go down because it is always easier to acknowledge vices as opposed to a job well done. Two wrongs don’t make anything right…patience, determination and hard work will. IT might not be from the same employer but it will happen. If the whole world thinks the way some people do, with such negative assumptions, I think human rights for equality might as well bid adieu!
The following paragraphs consist of 1, 978 words that were collaborated by my heart, my curious yet opinionated mind, and my ability to express my thoughts so freely.
I love browsing Linked for everything that the site has. I mean you get to network with businesses, learn new skills that you can aim to achieve, and promote yourself and your business. My love for writing and my opinionated personality linked me to a discussion on "What makes an Excellent Employee". For those of you who knew me, you already know how I feel about this. Anyways, the following entries are what I've posted.
Entry One:
What defines an excellent employee? I can only speak for myself but I think one must have a career mind to be successful. If an employee is only focused on just “getting that paper” their performance is distinctively different in comparison to someone, like myself, who is career driven. The drive, dedication and loyalty will be grossly different too.
I always use the quote by Aristotle: “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit”. What defines an excellent worker? Is it someone who does the job behind the scene and not demand proper compensation? Or is it someone who performs at a mediocre level and is favored based on personality? I think everyone tend to forget that any employee initially applies for a job and with the promise to perform to his/her best ability. Employers in turn promises proper salary compensation based on qualifications, experiences, and actual hands on performance. Unfortunately, this type of review fade in the background as business schedule sometimes conflicts. But I believe that if everyone is well compensated accordingly, there will be a balanced relationship between employer and the employee.
A successful company can only be as strong as it’s employee that represents them, or does the work, whether in the front end or behind the scenes administrations.
I am guilty of being a workaholic and willing to take on any project and provide excellent quality but I do wait for the proper compensation or promise of raise. No one wants to work for free, that is a fact. And when your employee’s performance decreases you might want to review if you have compensated them properly in the past.
I’ve seen many employees and or workers from different companies, who are EXCELLENT EMPLOYEES, resign because they are being taken for granted. How can any company allow their best performers and their “dream team” detoriates by neglecting the simple calculations of performance = proper salary compensations. How much? Well, let’s look at the actual worth of the company. It’s easy to just hire newbie who will settle for less pay, but the amount of time wasted on training new ones, instead or properly compensating your current best performers, is really a company’s lost. Time is money and let’s face it who wants to lose either one?
And to Steve Hoffman, the best ones are looking, but I think that they are overlooked because no one really adds blatantly “I’M THE BEST” on their resume...which I think they should. I’ve coached colleagues and friends on how they should perform at work and I know what qualities could make a great employee. But I’ve also witness BEST EMPLOYEES who changed due to mistreatment and lack of appreciation from upper managements.
We all have to look at ourselves and what we are willing to work for. I think HR, Hiring Manager, prior to hiring someone, should ask themselves “Would I perform all those duties for that salary?” BEST EMPLOYEE exist, how a company drives their loyalty and how they abide by the code of ethics of a company will depend on how they are being treated as a person and as a worker and how they are compensated for their hard work. Who wants to wear 10 different hats and not even get a simple appreciation of thanks or have “salary increase” promised only to never see it on your pay stabs?
If your employees are dropping like flies…the upper management needs to be put under microscope because employee neglect can and will lead to lower staff which causes the quality of client service to decrease. This can only lead to misfortunes in the future.
Entry Two:
Bottom line great employees are the ones that are never recognized and become bitter. They are usually underpaid and those who many of you call "mediocre" workers (some are even relatives of the UPPER MANAGEMENTS) get away with "delegating" a job and then taking full credit for the EEs work. Unbelievable!!!!
I've seen this happen. I've seen managers ask their employees to do a report and then send that report to "their boss" and guess what? Replacing the EE's email signature with their email signature and inevitable the managers gets the credit. While the EE just sits and wait for proper compensation for all the years dedicated with the hope that the promised raise will eventually come. They tend to use the word "recession" a little too much and those of us that have this thing called "BILLS" are stuck between a hard place and a rock. It's an employers’ world, they know that people need money and they take full advantage of this. Its funny how "thank you" or proper acknowledgments are MIA in many organizations. What happened to those employers who truly appreciate their employees?
I'm one of those EE and I have to tell you that if there's a company out there who wants a dedicated, hard working, and career oriented employee and you know how to appreciate a hard working employee...contact me! :)
I invite ALL of you to join my network as well because I absolutely love all of your thoughts and your opinions!
Entry Three:
I don't believe that people who are stays at the job they hare deserves to get nothing because they chose to stay. No one leaves a solid ground for unstable unknown. So they stick around until a better job is found, THAT's the responsible way. This has no similar relations to dating. In a perfect world you can quit any job and get a high paying job just like that, but unfortunately that is just not the case. Bread and butter don't come along as easy as it was back in good ol'days.
What made you, Gisela McKay, think that those who are unhappy at their current situations deserve to have blessings pass them by? Everyone has their own stories and reasons, I'd like to think no one woke up and said "hmmm I'm just going to let things pass me by and I can rush my bottom dollar down the hole"
It all boils down to mutual respect and similar goal from both ends.
Entry Four:
We all have our own opinions and end of stick right?
My comments were out of frustration because I know there are enough employers out there but is it really the employers? Or is it the HR who handles the hiring?
What does an EE have to do to get notice? Does it involve kissing the behind and feet of those in charge? I always thought that working hard and doing the best that I would prove to my employer that what I indicated in my resume can be backed up by my actions. And reality hits that unless I am willing to kiss arse, be the coffee delivery person, or the silent one I WILL NEVER see the promised raise.
I'm sorry Gisela but I didn't mean to make you feel attacked. I was just typing away my thoughts. But it's really frustrating when people in general assume that people are at the bottom by choice. It's really not the case for all of us. We work hard and we have bills to pay and leaving is not an easy option. I am actively looking but sometimes hiring managers tend to look at those whose salary expectations are lower. Or they only want to hire on a P/T basis without possibility of getting benefits.
How do you leave a bad situation for a worst one?
But I don't give up my hopes of building a career in my future...but I will continue to provide my current employer nothing less than excellent results because I was brought up to always give my best.
Entry Five:
"Decision makers don't notice you if you don't do anything to get their attention...good or bad, as long as you get their attention" (quote from one of the group members)
This is my reply:
If someone who is supposed to be “the decision makers” only pays attention to those who jumps up and down in front of their faces and fails to acknowledge the rest who don’t, I think that person is not the right person for the job. In order to be the “decision maker” I always thought that they need to be aware and know everything in order to make the proper decision. How can anyone in that position "decide" the future or a company if they fail to know the past and the present?
Just because someone is “loud” does not mean that they are right for any “recommendation” as opposed to someone who is “quiet” but perform their job above expectations.
Why would my need to be compensated rightfully have to depend on deciding to do “either bad or good”? My job responsibility is not about JUMPING in front of my boss and making her notice me like a child. It is highly applauded for. I take care of what needs to be done in order to ensure that my boss doesn’t have to deal with, that’s what I was hired for which is TO TAKE CARE OF BUSINESS and only FLAG her when an escalation that I don’t have an authority to approve comes up. You know “able to work well independently with minimal to zero supervision. Do I need to put a flag on my desk asking for to be noticed like a child? No. I don’t agree with that. Human Resource has time lines to follow in regards to providing
I am sure that EE’s are not requesting for some form of extravagant acknowledgement. If a management fails to provide an employee’s their right of reviews and raise, I think there’s a problem. Yes, due to the latest economic events both in the US & Canada, this process might have been slower or halted all together, but I think that failing to completely acknowledge your employees performance shows poor management in general.
I am sure that if you were in the under appreciated EE’s position you would think differently…somehow I question that because we are all different in regards to how we handle situations. BUT ultimately I think it depends on how you know your own management.
ALL EE’s either take it or leave. But what happens to finding an equilibrium resolution? If that’s how it should be, leave every difficult situation, I think the world would be in chaos and everyone would just play “musical jobs”. We might as well give up our rights all together.
It bothers me how anyone in the upper management tends to forget that they used to be at the bottom and forget how hard it is to demand equal rights when the doors are always shut.
TO ALL EE’s – regardless of all the assumptions by many, I think that for every door that shuts, another will open, when? Time will tell…but never let the quality of your work go down because it is always easier to acknowledge vices as opposed to a job well done. Two wrongs don’t make anything right…patience, determination and hard work will. IT might not be from the same employer but it will happen. If the whole world thinks the way some people do, with such negative assumptions, I think human rights for equality might as well bid adieu!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Randomness part dos!
Hello readers, lovers, haters and stalkers,
Life is so interesting in so many ways that I wonder sometimes if those who lost their minds are the lucky ones to find happiness in this confusing world, or are we the lucky ones not get caught in the maze?
Everything in life that we do is only worth it if we love it. Anything less than what we love is just a "duty". Love it or hate it or whatever it is that makes us tolerate things in our life defines us. What we are in this society. What we are capable of. What we are willing to fight for.
Personally after going through certain stages of my life, I still find myself in certain situations that makes me wonder WHY AM I DOING THIS? The reality hits, because I love life and everything it offers. My constant need to find "home" and "happiness" is my gasoline to be able to drive through obstacles.
Reading the news, watching shows, and the plain daily observations of my surroundings got me feeling overwhelmed. Taken back how the world in my younger years was so much calmer than the current one. I am not saying my world is upside down, but it just seems like the world with homeworks didn't seem so bad now right? When you have no rent and the only reason why you needed a job was to pay for your beeper. Ten dollar a month for my beeper was my expense too but with added rent and other "extra-fees" that my adopted parents decided to charge and this includes gifts for to a party hose and we are not invited to, church collections, groceries and did I not mention she was also receiving money from my real mother and never told us? Anyways I will discuss that soon but let's go back to the topic.
The media provides us with up to date information on what is happening around the world. Within a click of a mouse or a button we can find out how hard life is in other countries. STOP. THINK. Isn't it interesting that we search for "bad" events and the research on "good" events are lower? Why is it that we are so interested in the negativity of humanity as opposed to the great things about other country? Why does it take a war for any country to be on the front page?
I was reading about a convicted drug dealer whose drug consumptions all through the years finally caught up with him in a form of cancer. He is actually suing the government for not paying for his treatment bills. I'm sorry? Did I just read that? For not paying for his bills? Why does criminals get away with this? First they are participating in illegal events and then when they get caught they sit in jail with all the perks, might as well send them to Hilton. They free education, food, laundry, books, recreation facility and on top of that WE TAX PAYERS pay for their living expense. Usually the victims family are left to fend for themselves while criminals gets the bloody first class treatment! Tell me how fucked up that is!
I find it messed up.I really do.
The world WAS our oyster and turned into an escargo just for the rich to enjoy and those of us who can't seem to reach high are stuck with their dictations. To suffer regardless if it's mother nature's pms or if it's the government's pms.
So we are to enjoy what we can...and yet the most simple things in life is no longer free. LOVE has it's price which is our PRIDE. The pride that lingers in the air and pollute what's little left of purity. And then what are we? Unhappy ghost of the past world that used to have hopes and dreams. But now unless we are high on some drugs, prescriptions or not, it's hard to swallow the hits on our pride. It just continue to eat at us until one day the world would be just like residents evil...humans inflicted by anger and pain.
So much for this blog to be another damper...but hey it's raining and the news are coming in just like every raindrops on my window pane. Sigh.
I love the rain...until I felt my tears flowing with it.
Signing out....Sabrosita
Life is so interesting in so many ways that I wonder sometimes if those who lost their minds are the lucky ones to find happiness in this confusing world, or are we the lucky ones not get caught in the maze?
Everything in life that we do is only worth it if we love it. Anything less than what we love is just a "duty". Love it or hate it or whatever it is that makes us tolerate things in our life defines us. What we are in this society. What we are capable of. What we are willing to fight for.
Personally after going through certain stages of my life, I still find myself in certain situations that makes me wonder WHY AM I DOING THIS? The reality hits, because I love life and everything it offers. My constant need to find "home" and "happiness" is my gasoline to be able to drive through obstacles.
Reading the news, watching shows, and the plain daily observations of my surroundings got me feeling overwhelmed. Taken back how the world in my younger years was so much calmer than the current one. I am not saying my world is upside down, but it just seems like the world with homeworks didn't seem so bad now right? When you have no rent and the only reason why you needed a job was to pay for your beeper. Ten dollar a month for my beeper was my expense too but with added rent and other "extra-fees" that my adopted parents decided to charge and this includes gifts for to a party hose and we are not invited to, church collections, groceries and did I not mention she was also receiving money from my real mother and never told us? Anyways I will discuss that soon but let's go back to the topic.
The media provides us with up to date information on what is happening around the world. Within a click of a mouse or a button we can find out how hard life is in other countries. STOP. THINK. Isn't it interesting that we search for "bad" events and the research on "good" events are lower? Why is it that we are so interested in the negativity of humanity as opposed to the great things about other country? Why does it take a war for any country to be on the front page?
I was reading about a convicted drug dealer whose drug consumptions all through the years finally caught up with him in a form of cancer. He is actually suing the government for not paying for his treatment bills. I'm sorry? Did I just read that? For not paying for his bills? Why does criminals get away with this? First they are participating in illegal events and then when they get caught they sit in jail with all the perks, might as well send them to Hilton. They free education, food, laundry, books, recreation facility and on top of that WE TAX PAYERS pay for their living expense. Usually the victims family are left to fend for themselves while criminals gets the bloody first class treatment! Tell me how fucked up that is!
I find it messed up.I really do.
The world WAS our oyster and turned into an escargo just for the rich to enjoy and those of us who can't seem to reach high are stuck with their dictations. To suffer regardless if it's mother nature's pms or if it's the government's pms.
So we are to enjoy what we can...and yet the most simple things in life is no longer free. LOVE has it's price which is our PRIDE. The pride that lingers in the air and pollute what's little left of purity. And then what are we? Unhappy ghost of the past world that used to have hopes and dreams. But now unless we are high on some drugs, prescriptions or not, it's hard to swallow the hits on our pride. It just continue to eat at us until one day the world would be just like residents evil...humans inflicted by anger and pain.
So much for this blog to be another damper...but hey it's raining and the news are coming in just like every raindrops on my window pane. Sigh.
I love the rain...until I felt my tears flowing with it.
Signing out....Sabrosita
Monday, May 24, 2010
Adios...Au revoir...Goodbye
Saying goodbye is not an easy thing
We tend to realize that forever is not enough
To love
To Feel
To experience
We promise to treasure the moments
To attend life's every events
Say how we feel every time
As if it's the last given chance.
But we are only human
And we tend to forget...
Promises we break all the time
In the New Year to refresh
With new resolutions we make.
But what if we just simply be
Love ourselves to live honestly
Then we wouldn't worry about deceits
Or trespassing against our beliefs.
What if we are all equal
In color, in features, in characteristic
Would race or status matter?
There will be no discrimination
Or would we find something else to hate
Something to differentiate?
But in the end we all fall down
And ashes to ashes our color fades out
Grey...not black, white, yellow, or brown
Where you began you end right to the ground.
We tend to realize that forever is not enough
To love
To Feel
To experience
We promise to treasure the moments
To attend life's every events
Say how we feel every time
As if it's the last given chance.
But we are only human
And we tend to forget...
Promises we break all the time
In the New Year to refresh
With new resolutions we make.
But what if we just simply be
Love ourselves to live honestly
Then we wouldn't worry about deceits
Or trespassing against our beliefs.
What if we are all equal
In color, in features, in characteristic
Would race or status matter?
There will be no discrimination
Or would we find something else to hate
Something to differentiate?
But in the end we all fall down
And ashes to ashes our color fades out
Grey...not black, white, yellow, or brown
Where you began you end right to the ground.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Nia on youtube
Watching this video of this little girl singing Betcha by Golly Wow by the Stylistics at the tender age of 6 is mind boggling! Her vocal ability is amazing and her ability to relate to the feeling of each word in that song.
It makes me wonder just how kids with such talent come across this gift? To know the song, to feel each beats, to express the emotions and energy within a song takes talent and excellent coordination and control.
I am sure she will be the next big thing...
I wonder when God blesses me with a baby girl, would she love music like Lennox and I? (well I only want to have baby with Lennox because I think he would be the perfect daddy and he is the first man that I've really loved like this)
Anyhow...I am signing out for now :)
Saturday, May 1, 2010
If I could have anything...I'd ask to be his everything
At last I found what I've been missing out on
The kind that takes you so high up in this world
When nothing make sense his love clears the air
With his love I know I could do it all
It may not be easy to love me
But he excels on understanding me
What would I do without his hugs & kisses
Without him my morning won't be easy
The nights would be too cold
Never ending restless sleeps
My desires would be just cravings.
Without his arms to hold me
I'd be so incomplete.
I know in my heart I deserve him...
He deserves my everything...
I am looking forward to what our future holds
For eternity I'd be infinitely his.
My heart, my body, my mind, my soul
Found in his heart my forever home.

Lyrics | Alicia Keys lyrics - Unthinkable lyrics
The kind that takes you so high up in this world
When nothing make sense his love clears the air
With his love I know I could do it all
It may not be easy to love me
But he excels on understanding me
What would I do without his hugs & kisses
Without him my morning won't be easy
The nights would be too cold
Never ending restless sleeps
My desires would be just cravings.
Without his arms to hold me
I'd be so incomplete.
I know in my heart I deserve him...
He deserves my everything...
I am looking forward to what our future holds
For eternity I'd be infinitely his.
My heart, my body, my mind, my soul
Found in his heart my forever home.
Lyrics | Alicia Keys lyrics - Unthinkable lyrics
Sunday, April 25, 2010
When A Woman's Fed Up...
It was a rough month for me! I’ve had trouble in my relationship, my work, and even with myself. It was a constant battle to be this understanding. It's as if every element in this world is testing my patience. Giving my world a crazy spin and I can see the changes that is up & surely coming. It scares me...it excites me, and above all it leaves me breathless because change always means some things will never be the same
Relationships, whether be it in your personal or professional career, takes work and dedication to succeed. Collaborating two hearts to make a relationship work is an ultimate test to humans. There are two personalities, two minds, two morals, to religions, two beliefs, and two different histories. To merge these to make the future takes a lot of give & take.
Ladies we are all pre-programmed to care and to create our own niche. Fellas...I can't speak for y'all (for obvious reasons!). Women think A LOT and WE WOMEN looks at the whole picture NOT just the moment. We think of the pre & post situations. That's why FELLAS y'all need to check yourself. If you are with an educated woman...don't think for second that she won't catch bullshits. Let's face it...men are like dogs and women are like cats. Cat like ability to take care of bullshit and knows how the trace should be kept DL. Men like dogs, does their BS and let trails all over and then tries to deny the BS that is reeking in the air. REALLY? Are you really serious that you'd think your EDUCATED WOMAN won't booked that BS? Hmmm...OHM think again! IF you
The internet is truly a magical place where truth and lies and make believes co-exist. But there's this thing called HISTORY that allows those lies and hidden searches float right up for your woman to go POSTAL! Don't even try to assume that she is all up your business! It is YOUR woman's business to know when you are browsing sites that disrespects your relationship! How men try to pass this as nothing still makes me shake my head and just stop myself from catching a case! Fellas...fellas...fellas...please do yourself a fav. STOP and THINK before you ACT! That's all...stop & think!
NOW you got it!!!Yup IF you think it might cause a problem with your woman...MOST LIKELY it will.
Men will be men and would click on porno. But to deny it is just silly and sad! After all, your woman might be willing to watch and try those things with you. But lying about it is another thing...that just means you are guilt of something. If you are not able to talk with you woman about the things that you enjoy...best believe that she CAN do it better than you
She will leave and you will move on...but if you got a good woman by your side. You better think twice before you fuck shit up! There are so many things in this life that women can do better and one of them is the rebound because the line up never ends once she flashes that "single card".
Women can get any men at any time and any place. It's just that easy. Fellas you know you can't…even if you are the hottest man out there. If a woman stands outside naked, there will be some sort of commotions and line up to get to her...and then police MIGHT be called. IF a man does the same...police will be called right away and some various reactions.
I wonder why people gamble on their relationship! Little white lies can lead to so many other lies which will inevitably take you to monster lies. If what you think you are doing could possibly upset your woman then why are you proceeding? Would you like it if she did the same? Remember it takes two to make or break a relationship and if what you got with her is good...you'd be a 40 years old man ALONE without love and all you can do is wonder WHAT IF you didn't do the things you did that ended your chance for happiness? This applies to you ladies too! You'd be a single women still dreaming of love & risked it all for foolishness. NOW I know some of you might be thinking "if he cheats I'll cheat too". But two wrongs cannot make it right. It makes it worst because you're both just taking hits like a boxing match!
Do you just ask or do you observe? I personally would ask because I don't really have time for mind games. It's either, tell me what's good or lie and risk me leaving. We can all cry over spilled milk…but mop it up, clean it up and then get yourself a whole new bag of milk at a cost and sure enough in due time you will enjoying your fresh cup of milk. So why do people act BEFORE they think? If any of you readers know the answer to this...do get at me!
I do need tons of advice on relationships because I never knew how hard love is until I felt real REAL love...For the first time I am really in love with L but I am not a fool so please believe it that even with being this much in love...I AM CAPABLE OF LEAVING if my heart is not his priority to take care of. But he is my superman and he shows me just how much he loves me everyday with the things he does, the things he say, and the way he looks at me. And I know that he knows just how much I love him too. So ladies and fellas...please don't go out there breaking anyone heart...there's really no other feelings as great as when you finally found true love.
So this is my time to sign out and leave you with a song and I'll be
Saturday, April 17, 2010
It doesn’t get any easier everyday you are gone
It doesn’t get easier with every song that plays on
Cuz all I remember was our good times
The moments that made me fall in love with you
I guess I am still in denial
But reality yanks me right back
Back to the moment I heard your words
In your eyes my reflections fades
And your soul no longer matches my own
I know I can find another lover
Matter of fact he was holding me tight
A few hours later
Sippin on good drinks…
Listening to the DJ play reggae beats
But the alcohol didn't numb by heart
I find myself wishing it was you holding me
You dancing with me…
But I guess our time wasn’t meant to be
Part of me don’t want you to call
But my heart is dying
To hear you words…
The things you used to say
Just like when we lay…
In the dark together
You holding me…
But you lied…
You promised to never let go
And here we go
With broken hearts
And another man wants
To have my heart
How do I say yes to another?
When you was all that I wanted
And still for my
It doesn’t get easier with every song that plays on
Cuz all I remember was our good times
The moments that made me fall in love with you
I guess I am still in denial
But reality yanks me right back
Back to the moment I heard your words
In your eyes my reflections fades
And your soul no longer matches my own
I know I can find another lover
Matter of fact he was holding me tight
A few hours later
Sippin on good drinks…
Listening to the DJ play reggae beats
But the alcohol didn't numb by heart
I find myself wishing it was you holding me
You dancing with me…
But I guess our time wasn’t meant to be
Part of me don’t want you to call
But my heart is dying
To hear you words…
The things you used to say
Just like when we lay…
In the dark together
You holding me…
But you lied…
You promised to never let go
And here we go
With broken hearts
And another man wants
To have my heart
How do I say yes to another?
When you was all that I wanted
And still for my
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Sunday Randomness
Hello Readers,
So this is Sunday...a pretty chill day for me with my sweety. My life is full of surprises even on the calmest day of the week.
So I went downstairs to get a pack of smoke and randomly talking to this man about burnt movie and how the store is still burning some copies of Hurt Locker. When this apt. building security guard started to play "cop" and talk about how it's illegal and shit to buy pirated movies. I was like HOLD THE FUCKIN PHONE...ohm...last I recall it was a conversation between A & B not C! I don't recall asking him for his blodclut opinion! So being the smart mouthed person that I am I told him that it's my money and I will spend it however I want to spend it. And if I am able to get good deals...wtf not??? SO I thought that was the end of it...surely I was mistaken. PIZZA came and I had to pick it up from downstairs. Mr. Security was sure enough to cross my path once again. As I was paying the delivery guy he started saying "Don't trust her, she's a thief" So last I remember I saw red like a bull I attacked! I told him " where the fuck you come off calling me a thief you fake ass cop wanna be? Just cuz you failed the police academy and you can only settle for being a security does not mean you can open your blodclut mouth!!! Guess he learned his lesson BUT then again...I am sure that we will meet again...sooner than later and I am looking forward to it.
Anyways...so yes I am still with him...the only man that I can honestly say I love with all my heart that I actually don't mind doing dishes...YUP that's a HUGE deal...I don't like doing dishes for ANYONE!
Relationships are hard but it gets easier in time right??? If someone ever release an actual manual on relationship and I am talking about real solutions and NOT of those waste of paper books...I am sure to buy & read it. Men and women are different in terms of how we handle our emotions and how we deal with situations. Sometimes I think we are too afraid to be happy because of what our past painted the future for us. But how do we let go of the past if our future don't understand that our reactions is not meant to start a fight but a simple cry out for a little bit more words of security! But without communication a relationship is always heading towards the end before it can even really flourish. But what do I know...I am still fighting my jealousy demons that my patient man is trying his best to deal with and understand.
Anyways...until next time...Sabrositaness!
So this is Sunday...a pretty chill day for me with my sweety. My life is full of surprises even on the calmest day of the week.
So I went downstairs to get a pack of smoke and randomly talking to this man about burnt movie and how the store is still burning some copies of Hurt Locker. When this apt. building security guard started to play "cop" and talk about how it's illegal and shit to buy pirated movies. I was like HOLD THE FUCKIN PHONE...ohm...last I recall it was a conversation between A & B not C! I don't recall asking him for his blodclut opinion! So being the smart mouthed person that I am I told him that it's my money and I will spend it however I want to spend it. And if I am able to get good deals...wtf not??? SO I thought that was the end of it...surely I was mistaken. PIZZA came and I had to pick it up from downstairs. Mr. Security was sure enough to cross my path once again. As I was paying the delivery guy he started saying "Don't trust her, she's a thief" So last I remember I saw red like a bull I attacked! I told him " where the fuck you come off calling me a thief you fake ass cop wanna be? Just cuz you failed the police academy and you can only settle for being a security does not mean you can open your blodclut mouth!!! Guess he learned his lesson BUT then again...I am sure that we will meet again...sooner than later and I am looking forward to it.
Anyways...so yes I am still with him...the only man that I can honestly say I love with all my heart that I actually don't mind doing dishes...YUP that's a HUGE deal...I don't like doing dishes for ANYONE!
Relationships are hard but it gets easier in time right??? If someone ever release an actual manual on relationship and I am talking about real solutions and NOT of those waste of paper books...I am sure to buy & read it. Men and women are different in terms of how we handle our emotions and how we deal with situations. Sometimes I think we are too afraid to be happy because of what our past painted the future for us. But how do we let go of the past if our future don't understand that our reactions is not meant to start a fight but a simple cry out for a little bit more words of security! But without communication a relationship is always heading towards the end before it can even really flourish. But what do I know...I am still fighting my jealousy demons that my patient man is trying his best to deal with and understand.
Anyways...until next time...Sabrositaness!
The Unthinkable
***Y'all know what song inspired me to write this...I just had to...but lately all I could think about is...my baby***
You know I got a little something to tell you.
Something that my heart wants you to know.
I wonder if maybe
You are the answer to my prayers.
The love that is so ideal...
Nothing is unreachable...
I see it in your eyes...
Every time you look at me...
And then you smile...
I know that it's crazy
To love this much
But I know I'm ready...
To give you my all
I can't see myself without you around.
It's your face I want to see when the morning comes...
And my day won't be complete...
Unless you are right beside me as I sleep.
Don't you know that I am ready...
To love someone like this baby.
If you go I would lose it.
Cry myself to sleep for eternity.
Good girl gone bad will be a reality
Because without you
Smiling will be unnecessary.
I know you are ready...
I feel it in your touch
When you make love to me.
You're the man I want to marry...
I love how you call me wifey.
Baby we're ready...
So what are we waiting for?
God blessed the path we walking on.
So you think we could do the unthinkable?
Be so crazy in love to half on a baby?
You're my present from my future...
You've made my heart feel secure
I love you baby
You know I got a little something to tell you.
Something that my heart wants you to know.
I wonder if maybe
You are the answer to my prayers.
The love that is so ideal...
Nothing is unreachable...
I see it in your eyes...
Every time you look at me...
And then you smile...
I know that it's crazy
To love this much
But I know I'm ready...
To give you my all
I can't see myself without you around.
It's your face I want to see when the morning comes...
And my day won't be complete...
Unless you are right beside me as I sleep.
Don't you know that I am ready...
To love someone like this baby.
If you go I would lose it.
Cry myself to sleep for eternity.
Good girl gone bad will be a reality
Because without you
Smiling will be unnecessary.
I know you are ready...
I feel it in your touch
When you make love to me.
You're the man I want to marry...
I love how you call me wifey.
Baby we're ready...
So what are we waiting for?
God blessed the path we walking on.
So you think we could do the unthinkable?
Be so crazy in love to half on a baby?
You're my present from my future...
You've made my heart feel secure
I love you baby
Monday, March 22, 2010
Live MY Life
It’s not that I am skipping…or avoiding or acting different
Just living a life that I can call my own
No one to tell me how to be, when to be, or what to believe
I had my moments when I was in the dark
When I thought no one cared or loved me as a matter of fact
I had my back up against the wall
Everyone left…nothing was right any more
Good karma I thought would come back to me
Became a memory of how people could be
They’re all living their life
Then I asked “What about me?”
So I made movements to flip the written scripts
I got my family who went all out for me
Who was there without judging me
Change of lifestyle meant being good internally
External will reflect what's within inevitably
Don’t want the same old thing
Dusted dirt off of my shoulder to be free
This is my refresh
A new start
A new canvass to paint the rest of my life
The one above granted my wish
Life with happiness without feeling guilt
So if you wonder where I have been
I am here…more aware than what I used to be
I’ve been doing right by me
Learnt from my old mistakes
Took notes then that’s why I am better today
I am not going to apologize for living my life
I am answering life’s questions of “whys”
If you know me at all...
You'd understand I'm just living my life!
Just living a life that I can call my own
No one to tell me how to be, when to be, or what to believe
I had my moments when I was in the dark
When I thought no one cared or loved me as a matter of fact
I had my back up against the wall
Everyone left…nothing was right any more
Good karma I thought would come back to me
Became a memory of how people could be
They’re all living their life
Then I asked “What about me?”
So I made movements to flip the written scripts
I got my family who went all out for me
Who was there without judging me
Change of lifestyle meant being good internally
External will reflect what's within inevitably
Don’t want the same old thing
Dusted dirt off of my shoulder to be free
This is my refresh
A new start
A new canvass to paint the rest of my life
The one above granted my wish
Life with happiness without feeling guilt
So if you wonder where I have been
I am here…more aware than what I used to be
I’ve been doing right by me
Learnt from my old mistakes
Took notes then that’s why I am better today
I am not going to apologize for living my life
I am answering life’s questions of “whys”
If you know me at all...
You'd understand I'm just living my life!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Hello Readers,
How are you? Hows life been treating you for the 2010? Considering it is mid March already!!! Wow...Years are getting shorter, days seems to have changed to hours and hours feels like a second...I swear I was in 1999 then I blinked and it March 2010 only has ten more days until April comes hopping in! Most conversations I have had lately was about how fast everything seem to go by...life seems to be faster and as we all are guilty of...we simply don't have time to enjoy every minute of it. We always tend to reason that there are things to be done, needs to be done, or over due to be taken care of. But why can't we stop? Well TIME = MONEY therefore due to the fact that the circulation of dineros seems to be in a 1% group of the rich & wealthy...we simply don't have their "TIME".
I used to say that you can't eat love! Looking for a partner in life means being compatible with the person based on the following qualities: Chemistry, Visual Appreciation, Emotional Connection, Sexual Intensity and Financial Credibility. LOVE was the last thing I want to focus on because let's face it...LOVE alone does not seem to be enough because there are so many people out there that just don't love LOVE anymore.
There's so many cheaters out there and I just really don't have any tolerance for that. This is coming from personal experiences. I still don't understand why people cheat...but I guess we will never know because unless we ourselves respect the person we are currently with...temptations are out there. But you must ask yourself...is it worth it? Do you really think that the person you are cheatin with won't turn around and do it to you? Karma is not one to mess with! But I think the biggest mistake is staying with someone who do you wrong! As much as you love someone nothing in this world can fix a relationship that has to deal with cheating lovers!!! Personally...do your crying, vent, get your dirnk on with your friends and MOVE ON! I mean...once a cheater ALWAYS will be a cheater.
Frankly, I don't have that time in this lifetime to play games. I like being inlove, being happy, content and knowing that I can still look at myself in the mirror and respect the person that I am. I know my worth and I know love should not hurt...therefore love has a thin line...which side you are on is based on YOUR OWN actions.
Life has a funny way in reminding us what matters most AND it sure knows how to catch you off guard! I mean the world is a pretty damn small place lately. Some of our past seems to haunt us or seem to cross fire with our future. Have you even been in a situation when you know you are not supposed to be in that time & place and you took a chance...and BOOM sure enough karma's shadow approaches near by to tell you...SEE BITCH I TOLD YOU SO! Makes you retract and say to yourself "I knew it...what are the likelihood?" But it also benefits future because you realizes that nothing is worth it when it would lead to your future going back to a dark damped place. Never forget the past to ensure that you take care of tomorrow.
Life as of late, truly have been good to me. I feel that God did listen to my prayer...I asked him to take my hand and guide me to a happy life. What he thinks I deserved and sure enough things are finally calm. Work is good, new apt is awesome, my friends and family are in good health and doing well and the man of my life is the love I've always craved for.
I know NO RELATIONSHIP is perfect...there were issues that we are both working on to ensure it does not ruin our future. But I love him and I know he loves me with his words, his actions, his eyes and the way he makes me feel like I am important to him. I know he is not a ball player, or has riches out of this world, but I love him and no man can take me away from him. I could see him in my life for the rest of our life. I can't see the future like a psychic but I feel him. If he could only hear how my heart treasure him. I respect him for his goal orientedness, for his hard work and for taking care of my needs. And when he looks at me and smile...I know he could be the one I could half a baby with. For those who knows me...this would be a shocker since I didn't want to have kids. I used to feel that true love is not around and I don't want to have a broken family. So I rather not. And then I met him...I thank him for finding me. For helping me restore my belief that yes, falling and being so inlove with someone can exist. The kind of love that I tend to write about finally applies to my own real life story. (Papa, if you are reading this...we are worth more than gold...and the sky is a limit...you are my Happily Ever...hopefully there's no ending in our love story...I love you Lennox!)
I will be back to post some more of my new works...and some more of my random thoughts on Saturdays :) But for now I will say ALOHA!!!
Until next time :) Sabrosita
How are you? Hows life been treating you for the 2010? Considering it is mid March already!!! Wow...Years are getting shorter, days seems to have changed to hours and hours feels like a second...I swear I was in 1999 then I blinked and it March 2010 only has ten more days until April comes hopping in! Most conversations I have had lately was about how fast everything seem to go by...life seems to be faster and as we all are guilty of...we simply don't have time to enjoy every minute of it. We always tend to reason that there are things to be done, needs to be done, or over due to be taken care of. But why can't we stop? Well TIME = MONEY therefore due to the fact that the circulation of dineros seems to be in a 1% group of the rich & wealthy...we simply don't have their "TIME".
I used to say that you can't eat love! Looking for a partner in life means being compatible with the person based on the following qualities: Chemistry, Visual Appreciation, Emotional Connection, Sexual Intensity and Financial Credibility. LOVE was the last thing I want to focus on because let's face it...LOVE alone does not seem to be enough because there are so many people out there that just don't love LOVE anymore.
There's so many cheaters out there and I just really don't have any tolerance for that. This is coming from personal experiences. I still don't understand why people cheat...but I guess we will never know because unless we ourselves respect the person we are currently with...temptations are out there. But you must ask yourself...is it worth it? Do you really think that the person you are cheatin with won't turn around and do it to you? Karma is not one to mess with! But I think the biggest mistake is staying with someone who do you wrong! As much as you love someone nothing in this world can fix a relationship that has to deal with cheating lovers!!! Personally...do your crying, vent, get your dirnk on with your friends and MOVE ON! I mean...once a cheater ALWAYS will be a cheater.
Frankly, I don't have that time in this lifetime to play games. I like being inlove, being happy, content and knowing that I can still look at myself in the mirror and respect the person that I am. I know my worth and I know love should not hurt...therefore love has a thin line...which side you are on is based on YOUR OWN actions.
Life has a funny way in reminding us what matters most AND it sure knows how to catch you off guard! I mean the world is a pretty damn small place lately. Some of our past seems to haunt us or seem to cross fire with our future. Have you even been in a situation when you know you are not supposed to be in that time & place and you took a chance...and BOOM sure enough karma's shadow approaches near by to tell you...SEE BITCH I TOLD YOU SO! Makes you retract and say to yourself "I knew it...what are the likelihood?" But it also benefits future because you realizes that nothing is worth it when it would lead to your future going back to a dark damped place. Never forget the past to ensure that you take care of tomorrow.
Life as of late, truly have been good to me. I feel that God did listen to my prayer...I asked him to take my hand and guide me to a happy life. What he thinks I deserved and sure enough things are finally calm. Work is good, new apt is awesome, my friends and family are in good health and doing well and the man of my life is the love I've always craved for.
I know NO RELATIONSHIP is perfect...there were issues that we are both working on to ensure it does not ruin our future. But I love him and I know he loves me with his words, his actions, his eyes and the way he makes me feel like I am important to him. I know he is not a ball player, or has riches out of this world, but I love him and no man can take me away from him. I could see him in my life for the rest of our life. I can't see the future like a psychic but I feel him. If he could only hear how my heart treasure him. I respect him for his goal orientedness, for his hard work and for taking care of my needs. And when he looks at me and smile...I know he could be the one I could half a baby with. For those who knows me...this would be a shocker since I didn't want to have kids. I used to feel that true love is not around and I don't want to have a broken family. So I rather not. And then I met him...I thank him for finding me. For helping me restore my belief that yes, falling and being so inlove with someone can exist. The kind of love that I tend to write about finally applies to my own real life story. (Papa, if you are reading this...we are worth more than gold...and the sky is a limit...you are my Happily Ever...hopefully there's no ending in our love story...I love you Lennox!)
I will be back to post some more of my new works...and some more of my random thoughts on Saturdays :) But for now I will say ALOHA!!!
Until next time :) Sabrosita
Saturday, March 6, 2010
What's up WORLD?

Hello Readers,
It's been a while since I expressed my thoughts. It is Saturday and I am blogging while my I listen to my favorite tunes and blog :)
So many positive and negative events happened since my last blog. Hawaii, Chile and Japan felt another hit of Mother Nature's wrath and I am sure there are others that did not make the news. My heart goes out to those who are the survivor of the ill fated individuals. Life...we only have one so choose well how you make a mark in anyone's life...how do you want to be remembered? You never know when your number's up.
So I guess the line "Don't judge the book by its cover" is true in many aspects. We all tend to be magnetized by physical attributes or hear-says than by making our own conclusions. Let's face it...verbal marketing is 100% effective. You're probably wondering where I am going with this right? Well...let's just say that there's this person who is constantly in my proximity and to this day I am glad I took the chance to get to know the inside than the gossip around. There's still that cautionary feeling but I think that the person is genuine...trust worthy? Hmmm that remains to be on the other side of the wall for the mean time…let’s face it I only let those I 100% trust in my life just because I’ve been hurt, betrayed, and taken for granted too many times. 2010 is my year and best believe that I aim to be happy first and foremost. Life is too short for me to stay around those that don’t genuinely care for me.
No one was born conniving or evil. "Hate" is a word that was taught to us just like every other word we've learned from our first sound to your last word of your thought. Love and hate does have a very thin line because one empowers and makes the other obsolete just the same. Both are so powerful and equally capable to hurt anyone from all levels. I rather have love in my life and peace than lie and deceit. Well you might say ain’t that obvious? Let’s be frank with you…there are people out there that just seem to aim to inflict misery and pain on others. Like I said in the beginning of this blog…our characteristic is defined by our personal intentions. What we really want out of life? How we perceive life in general and how we want to go out…with pride or prejudice? Fast lanes always end up in a big crash and truthfully I like stability because it leads to contentment. If you are happy…and live your life honestly…no doubt that you will prosper because there is no ill will in your actions. Remember KARMA? Yea she’s a bitch and one revenge hungry bitch at that! So I don’t mess with ill will because I am not inviting any of her hits.
Catching up on the news around me got me to thinking...to ask the question "Why do people submit to these acts?” I am not just talking about criminals…I am talking about everyone. Someone from South Korea is charged for starving a baby to death? And WAIT…they spent more time taking care of their online child??? How the hell does someone with the a mind and has heart and soul do such a horrible thing? What the hell is wrong with you if you can hurt a child??? I believe in eye for an eye. What those children went thru in the hands of the offenders should get the same treatment! “DO TO OTHERS WHAT YOU WANT OTHERS DO TO YOU”. I think that ZERO tolerance and the DEATH PENALTY should be in full effect.
If you are capable of taking someone’s life with your own hands…I think that it is only right to take you out of the society by any means. But of course allowing the family of the victim to have their way with the offender first. Now I know that will not bring back the victim but it will be some form of justice. And if they know taking someone’s life automatically put them on death penalty, I think there’s a chance that they might not. But crazy ass people are everywhere. Remember these are my opinions and if you do not agree that is your own calling. I understand that some are convicted for a crime that they were set up for…OKAY…but if all evidence after many deliberations, the truth comes out. I believe that they should not be able to keep their own life.
Our justice system is so beyond fucked up that we rehabilitate criminals. We tax payers, keep them warm in bed and with 3 meals per day and allowances. Even free education. Now why is this not offered to the low income families? Get them help, allowance, a place to stay and free food? Oh wait…we do have welfare, food stamps, and coop housing. But is that enough? And honestly there are so many out there that takes advantage of that service and in turn makes it harder for those who really need the government assistance to well...GET HELP. In the end no one wins and AGAIN those who are doing right gets screwed over again.
It seems that we give criminals more chances? Why not help those who are at the end of their stick so that they are not provoked to commit a crime. This does not include those serial killers, rapist, and terrorist because I think they’re so fucked up in the head to even understand that what they are doing. Who the hell in their right mind would attach a bomb on their groin to blow up a plane? I guess I will never understand what goes on in their mind…but I know that they should not be allowed to be rehabilitated because a killer will never change. They have and will and can do it again.
It scares me to think of what type of society our next generation will face. From the global warming to the criminals and government corruptions that exist, how do we promise a better tomorrow when we can’t even guarantee the present? How do we tell a child that it is safe to play outside when pedophiles are allowed to be in closed proximity to their homes and schools? How do we tell teenagers to aim for better future and higher education when their peers who committed a crime are getting better assistance by our government and they can’t even get a sufficient loan to pay for their tuition fees? How do they focus in school when teachers constantly go on strike for better pay? How do we go to school and work when you don’t drive and the TTC decide to go on strike? And driving a car gives you a harsher carbon footprints record and of course the risk of car accident because of drunk drivers or bad drivers? How do you cross the street when you can get hit easily? Have you ever questioned how your work colleague, who does nothing at the office, gets the best treatment? Or better pay?
It seems that those who are up to no good gets better options and/or chances in life than those who are trying to do right. So what is being promoted? Do well and settle for less and do badly and get second chance and better assistance from our government? I THINK THAT IS ABSOLUTELY ABSURD!!!
Anyways my lovely readers and stalkers…I’ll leave you with those thoughts to think about…after all these are just my own opinions and random thoughts.
Until next time…Sabrositaness.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Mr. Man
Constant kissing,
And touching...
Touches that makes me fall...
Fall for the things that you so...so well
Well...enough to make me think of you so
So much times we rock the bed and moan
Moan your name cuz what you do is what I crave
Craving our moments...
Our kisses that we share
Shared those laughter
And it linger in the air
Air that we exhale as we just move on and on
On you turn me on
While Luther play that song...
Songs you sang as we chill
Our body entwined...
And just be...
Be here with me...
Is where I longed for you to be...
Because I know that we could...
Be more than just...
Just what we became to be...
What are we?
We make love but not in love...
Would you miss it?
It was a one line then two
Maybe three by then I knew...
Knew that this music man
Could be a sweet one too...
Too far yet close...
Close enough to talk,
To talk is to make a call
Then say that first hello...
Then a conversation flow right through...
Through this nite of dark sky...
Sky high...
Up there where we can get high...
High as a cloud so that we may fly...
Flyin thoughts that only he and I understand...
Understood the language we exchange everytime
Everytime we talk it's like the first time.
Time time time is it the right one?
One, two, three months gone by...
He still captures my mind
Mind is a terrible thing to waste...
Waste no time...the presciouness of memory in line
For its just a sad thing to wake up alone...
Alone not to be...
Be without him is a sad story...
It doesn't start with once upon a time...
How many times can a heart break...
One, two, or three maybe...
Maybe this is how the story came to be
How he became...
Mr. Man to me.
And touching...
Touches that makes me fall...
Fall for the things that you so...so well
Well...enough to make me think of you so
So much times we rock the bed and moan
Moan your name cuz what you do is what I crave
Craving our moments...
Our kisses that we share
Shared those laughter
And it linger in the air
Air that we exhale as we just move on and on
On you turn me on
While Luther play that song...
Songs you sang as we chill
Our body entwined...
And just be...
Be here with me...
Is where I longed for you to be...
Because I know that we could...
Be more than just...
Just what we became to be...
What are we?
We make love but not in love...
Would you miss it?
It was a one line then two
Maybe three by then I knew...
Knew that this music man
Could be a sweet one too...
Too far yet close...
Close enough to talk,
To talk is to make a call
Then say that first hello...
Then a conversation flow right through...
Through this nite of dark sky...
Sky high...
Up there where we can get high...
High as a cloud so that we may fly...
Flyin thoughts that only he and I understand...
Understood the language we exchange everytime
Everytime we talk it's like the first time.
Time time time is it the right one?
One, two, three months gone by...
He still captures my mind
Mind is a terrible thing to waste...
Waste no time...the presciouness of memory in line
For its just a sad thing to wake up alone...
Alone not to be...
Be without him is a sad story...
It doesn't start with once upon a time...
How many times can a heart break...
One, two, or three maybe...
Maybe this is how the story came to be
How he became...
Mr. Man to me.
Nothing Compares To You
I know all of the things that you do
Can't compare you to all the men I am used to
I can't even say you're my O'neal
I hope someday we say I do's as we kneel
I won't wish you to be just like Mike
Honey we ain't got Game we got Love.
Don't want you to be like Usher
The man Confessed his way out of the best thing in his life
Never had to sing like D'Angelo
You'll never have to ask How Does It Feel?
There's no need to ask, for you I'll just provide.
When Joe look for his Good Girl..
You got a woman in me.
Tyrese would envy you as he sang On Top Of Me
Cuz baby I'll be all over you
I'll be your personal fantasy Galaxy.
Better than R. Kelly's Chocolate Factory.
When DruHill talked about how Men Always Regret
With me there's no need to worry I got you.
I know you said it better than BoyzIIMen
When you say your Thank You In Advance
When it comes to loving you...
Seven days of the week is never enough
Can't compare you to all the men I am used to
I can't even say you're my O'neal
I hope someday we say I do's as we kneel
I won't wish you to be just like Mike
Honey we ain't got Game we got Love.
Don't want you to be like Usher
The man Confessed his way out of the best thing in his life
Never had to sing like D'Angelo
You'll never have to ask How Does It Feel?
There's no need to ask, for you I'll just provide.
When Joe look for his Good Girl..
You got a woman in me.
Tyrese would envy you as he sang On Top Of Me
Cuz baby I'll be all over you
I'll be your personal fantasy Galaxy.
Better than R. Kelly's Chocolate Factory.
When DruHill talked about how Men Always Regret
With me there's no need to worry I got you.
I know you said it better than BoyzIIMen
When you say your Thank You In Advance
When it comes to loving you...
Seven days of the week is never enough
The Woman In Me
Gradually floatin above this world of mine
Overlookin the people of my time
I am beyond the years I spent on earth
My mind captures the love and hurt
I am a woman of today
Not afraid of talking to God as I pray
I am the sun that warms your skin
The wind that lets you know I care
I am the snow on Christmas eve
Assuring you that I'll never leave
In me you may believe
It's me myself and I that will set you free
My touch lets you know that you live
I will not shy away from my womanly needs
I show strength even when I am weak
I give and take as I please
Can you handle that woman in me?
I'm neither black, white or Yellow
I refused to be categorized in colour
I am a person of individuality
Never claiming any perfection
I have humanly faults too
In godly form I am nefertiti
Beautiful, strong, sensual and sweet
My intensity will make you quiver
From your head to your feet
I got curves that'll make you drop to your knees
I have desire just like yourself
I will not hide it like a shy little girl
My eyes truly are the window to my soul
My lips are the entrance to eternity
Like nefertiti I am a queen
I demand for my king to be loyal to me
My skin soft like heaven
My scent surrounds you in your dream
Enter my world with an open mind
With me theres' no need to hide
I'm a lover and a friend
I'm a fighter till the very end
It is my duty to protect my beauty
To shine for all the world to see
My soft lips with a rosy red glow
Make a wish for a brighter tomorrow
Here I am infont of you
Slowly my aura surrounds you.
Overlookin the people of my time
I am beyond the years I spent on earth
My mind captures the love and hurt
I am a woman of today
Not afraid of talking to God as I pray
I am the sun that warms your skin
The wind that lets you know I care
I am the snow on Christmas eve
Assuring you that I'll never leave
In me you may believe
It's me myself and I that will set you free
My touch lets you know that you live
I will not shy away from my womanly needs
I show strength even when I am weak
I give and take as I please
Can you handle that woman in me?
I'm neither black, white or Yellow
I refused to be categorized in colour
I am a person of individuality
Never claiming any perfection
I have humanly faults too
In godly form I am nefertiti
Beautiful, strong, sensual and sweet
My intensity will make you quiver
From your head to your feet
I got curves that'll make you drop to your knees
I have desire just like yourself
I will not hide it like a shy little girl
My eyes truly are the window to my soul
My lips are the entrance to eternity
Like nefertiti I am a queen
I demand for my king to be loyal to me
My skin soft like heaven
My scent surrounds you in your dream
Enter my world with an open mind
With me theres' no need to hide
I'm a lover and a friend
I'm a fighter till the very end
It is my duty to protect my beauty
To shine for all the world to see
My soft lips with a rosy red glow
Make a wish for a brighter tomorrow
Here I am infont of you
Slowly my aura surrounds you.
Always always, Never never
From the very first time we knew there was something there
We used to always talk till the morning sunrise.
You never knew the little things you do mean so much to me
And I’m always afraid to fall in love
I told myself never to let you in
But cupid must have hit me right, when you smiled at me.
I was never happy just to be your friend.
You always had a way that I can’t explain
I tried to look for someone else
But it’s you…I crave for always in the end.
You always tested my patience.
I always push away my own doubts
Tears never seemed to dry at night
When you’re far and your kiss I longed to have
Every 7th day, you always come along
Always lost in this never ending dream
Another cycle of never knowing
Always praying that we never let go
To just tell you that I love you so
But you never let me in
Always got excuses why you left me waiting
I always try to make you smile
Your special day, I went an extra mile.
But you were the last to call on mine.
You assumed materialistic things suffice
Instead of you being there to personally say a bday wish.
Right then I realize…
You’re just a waste of time.
Conversation never seemed to last any more
It always left me feeling frustrated
Wishing I should have never called.
It hurts when I think that it’s been a year
And you always never care enough for me.
And you’re the one who always caused most of my tears.
How many times can a girl wish upon a star?
How many times do we lay there in silence,
Always hiding what we truly feel inside?
So close yet we’re always so far apart.
Falsified image of what we are.
Always never wanting it to end when we touched.
It satisfied you assuming that I’ll always be around.
When you call I always come running, never wanting it to be missed.
Make sure everything’s perfect before I open the door.
But when you’re gone I miss your eyes
I miss the laughter we share in the dark.
But the sunshine never seemed to shine bright enough…
I see clouds and the rain hide the tears I shed at night.
It seemed you take it all for granted.
I’m tired of acting nonchalant that's why it has to end.
You’re an empty canvas and I’m the uninspired artist.
Your action speaks louder than words.
I hear what you try to convey all along.
So it’s your turn to listen.
This is when I say never, even if I've always believed.
I’ll always remember your warmth touch.
But I never want to feel cold during those 6 nights.
I never want to feel lost in your eyes at night
Just to always see emptiness when morning comes around.
You always had me believing that you care.
It seemed to me you never knew what you've always had.
We both know that you’re replaceable…
I just happen to have fallen with the things you do.
It may take some time... that’s always true,
I know I will and can always move on.
Expressing these words as tears steadily flow
For my feelings for you left me feeling lost.
And as always the good in this goodbye is…
You will never ever see me cry.
We used to always talk till the morning sunrise.
You never knew the little things you do mean so much to me
And I’m always afraid to fall in love
I told myself never to let you in
But cupid must have hit me right, when you smiled at me.
I was never happy just to be your friend.
You always had a way that I can’t explain
I tried to look for someone else
But it’s you…I crave for always in the end.
You always tested my patience.
I always push away my own doubts
Tears never seemed to dry at night
When you’re far and your kiss I longed to have
Every 7th day, you always come along
Always lost in this never ending dream
Another cycle of never knowing
Always praying that we never let go
To just tell you that I love you so
But you never let me in
Always got excuses why you left me waiting
I always try to make you smile
Your special day, I went an extra mile.
But you were the last to call on mine.
You assumed materialistic things suffice
Instead of you being there to personally say a bday wish.
Right then I realize…
You’re just a waste of time.
Conversation never seemed to last any more
It always left me feeling frustrated
Wishing I should have never called.
It hurts when I think that it’s been a year
And you always never care enough for me.
And you’re the one who always caused most of my tears.
How many times can a girl wish upon a star?
How many times do we lay there in silence,
Always hiding what we truly feel inside?
So close yet we’re always so far apart.
Falsified image of what we are.
Always never wanting it to end when we touched.
It satisfied you assuming that I’ll always be around.
When you call I always come running, never wanting it to be missed.
Make sure everything’s perfect before I open the door.
But when you’re gone I miss your eyes
I miss the laughter we share in the dark.
But the sunshine never seemed to shine bright enough…
I see clouds and the rain hide the tears I shed at night.
It seemed you take it all for granted.
I’m tired of acting nonchalant that's why it has to end.
You’re an empty canvas and I’m the uninspired artist.
Your action speaks louder than words.
I hear what you try to convey all along.
So it’s your turn to listen.
This is when I say never, even if I've always believed.
I’ll always remember your warmth touch.
But I never want to feel cold during those 6 nights.
I never want to feel lost in your eyes at night
Just to always see emptiness when morning comes around.
You always had me believing that you care.
It seemed to me you never knew what you've always had.
We both know that you’re replaceable…
I just happen to have fallen with the things you do.
It may take some time... that’s always true,
I know I will and can always move on.
Expressing these words as tears steadily flow
For my feelings for you left me feeling lost.
And as always the good in this goodbye is…
You will never ever see me cry.
He Loves Her
I watched him...
...Smile back.
I saw him...
....Give her that hug
Like a movie...
...On a big screen
The world suddenly...
...Became still
And I could see...
...Every angle
Of the two of you...
In that...
...Passionate kiss
A nightmare...
...I couldn't wake up
And I tried...
...But that image
Was already...
...Carved in my heart
I don't understand...
...Why I can't believe
What's right before me...
...I knew about her
The one...
...He gave
His name to...
...And I was the one
That kept...
...The silly hopes
Of him coming back...
...I was amongst
The crowd...
...His eyes were
Only on hers...
...I became
The background...
...That became
The audience...
...The hit and run
...Without one
Witness around...
...Why does he
Love her...
...The way he couldn't
Love me...
...When he
Kissed her...
...He would
Hold her tight...
And he...
...Loved her
The way...
...I loved him
This movie I can't pause...
...As I remember
The "We"...
...Left the "I"
To become "Them"...
...And he gave her
My forever more...
...But I somehow
Stayed in love...
...The way I have been
Just like before...
...This is my painful ending
Watching their happy beginning...
...Smile back.
I saw him...
....Give her that hug
Like a movie...
...On a big screen
The world suddenly...
...Became still
And I could see...
...Every angle
Of the two of you...
In that...
...Passionate kiss
A nightmare...
...I couldn't wake up
And I tried...
...But that image
Was already...
...Carved in my heart
I don't understand...
...Why I can't believe
What's right before me...
...I knew about her
The one...
...He gave
His name to...
...And I was the one
That kept...
...The silly hopes
Of him coming back...
...I was amongst
The crowd...
...His eyes were
Only on hers...
...I became
The background...
...That became
The audience...
...The hit and run
...Without one
Witness around...
...Why does he
Love her...
...The way he couldn't
Love me...
...When he
Kissed her...
...He would
Hold her tight...
And he...
...Loved her
The way...
...I loved him
This movie I can't pause...
...As I remember
The "We"...
...Left the "I"
To become "Them"...
...And he gave her
My forever more...
...But I somehow
Stayed in love...
...The way I have been
Just like before...
...This is my painful ending
Watching their happy beginning...
My Everything
How long does it take until I no longer have to wait....
To break the gates that stops my skin to touch yours
My heart is one with yours
My thoughts occupied by your words
Our world...yes...yours and mine...entwined....
Like the night I counted every sip of my wine
Hoping you'll see the anticipation as I waited for my time.
Every breathe and every smile
Every twinkle that I see deep in your eyes
It's like my heart froze you in time...
Just to paint every inch of you that I admire
No frame can quite capture the beauty that I see
Because in your eyes I know that's a reflection of me
No matter who sees that I am forever be
Yours and yours to keep...would you just hold me?
It's the ticking of the seconds on my faithful wrist
Telling me that this night must be ended with a kiss
A kiss to end this magical bliss...
I sigh...and I wished
That somehow your mind captured the aura of my mist
And I dare not close my eyes even for this one special wish
Too afraid that one second I'd missed
The smile that brought joy to my lips
And so I wait for that special kiss...
and with one sweep it was your lips ignited with mine
I could swear my heart never felt all emotions at one time
So how long does a girl have to wait....
To feel those lips before it's too late?
Knowing all I have to give is my everything...
Knowing I could potentially lose my everything...
To break the gates that stops my skin to touch yours
My heart is one with yours
My thoughts occupied by your words
Our world...yes...yours and mine...entwined....
Like the night I counted every sip of my wine
Hoping you'll see the anticipation as I waited for my time.
Every breathe and every smile
Every twinkle that I see deep in your eyes
It's like my heart froze you in time...
Just to paint every inch of you that I admire
No frame can quite capture the beauty that I see
Because in your eyes I know that's a reflection of me
No matter who sees that I am forever be
Yours and yours to keep...would you just hold me?
It's the ticking of the seconds on my faithful wrist
Telling me that this night must be ended with a kiss
A kiss to end this magical bliss...
I sigh...and I wished
That somehow your mind captured the aura of my mist
And I dare not close my eyes even for this one special wish
Too afraid that one second I'd missed
The smile that brought joy to my lips
And so I wait for that special kiss...
and with one sweep it was your lips ignited with mine
I could swear my heart never felt all emotions at one time
So how long does a girl have to wait....
To feel those lips before it's too late?
Knowing all I have to give is my everything...
Knowing I could potentially lose my everything...
The room span around
Taking me all the way back in time
The very moment...
The exact year...
To the day...
Of the month...
On that hour...
To the dot of the second
Like a bookmark in my mind.
Reliving the story of one page
From the chapter that once upon a time included you
Realizing I would do it a thousand times
To love you like I did before
To give you my all and so much more
I'm willing now just like I have before
All it took was my name for you to call
Me, myself, and I are ready to give all and all
Through the years nothing seemed to change
I hope the "then" does not ruin
The possibility of what could be "now"
It was a bitter sweet past
But we could make a sweet life somehow
Right here...just me and you...
I'm taking a chance to see what might be
A future with you is all I seek...
Say that you do want to start new cuz I do.
With all my heart love you
Taking me all the way back in time
The very moment...
The exact year...
To the day...
Of the month...
On that hour...
To the dot of the second
Like a bookmark in my mind.
Reliving the story of one page
From the chapter that once upon a time included you
Realizing I would do it a thousand times
To love you like I did before
To give you my all and so much more
I'm willing now just like I have before
All it took was my name for you to call
Me, myself, and I are ready to give all and all
Through the years nothing seemed to change
I hope the "then" does not ruin
The possibility of what could be "now"
It was a bitter sweet past
But we could make a sweet life somehow
Right here...just me and you...
I'm taking a chance to see what might be
A future with you is all I seek...
Say that you do want to start new cuz I do.
With all my heart love you
Karma ( I wrote this way back....)
lf in doubt of how you feel
And what you want is unclear
Be honest...
You owe yourself that much
What do you really want?
I offered you my all...
Pushed aside your chains
The cars, the cash, and your games
I only wanted you to be strong
To ignore temptations outside our home
But my heart can't hold on to you
When you give away whats just for us boo
I gave you too many last chances
Pushed aside my doubts and what-ifs..
But I woke up this morning
Realizing I can't be the lover that chases
Someone who wants to be free
I've felt the painful sting
From a heart that's never real.
The kind that feeds off of breaking another.
I won't try to change your mind
Or manipulate your heart to love mine
You know I'm that independant woman
Got my own place, my friends and family
Got my J.O.B more than you U.S.O.B
More than your sidekick hoe could ever be!
Don't you dare try to crawl back in my life
When you find out that...
Her love is based on your funds
Karma is calling your name outloud!
And what you want is unclear
Be honest...
You owe yourself that much
What do you really want?
I offered you my all...
Pushed aside your chains
The cars, the cash, and your games
I only wanted you to be strong
To ignore temptations outside our home
But my heart can't hold on to you
When you give away whats just for us boo
I gave you too many last chances
Pushed aside my doubts and what-ifs..
But I woke up this morning
Realizing I can't be the lover that chases
Someone who wants to be free
I've felt the painful sting
From a heart that's never real.
The kind that feeds off of breaking another.
I won't try to change your mind
Or manipulate your heart to love mine
You know I'm that independant woman
Got my own place, my friends and family
Got my J.O.B more than you U.S.O.B
More than your sidekick hoe could ever be!
Don't you dare try to crawl back in my life
When you find out that...
Her love is based on your funds
Karma is calling your name outloud!
Ghost (this was from my other site)
I accidentally made you my priority
When you intentionally made me your option
The simple things in life that meant so much
Is all I've asked of you...
But it's the price you refused to man up to
When I serviced all your needs and wants
Anytime...you felt the need to want
Anywhere...you needed your wants
My weakness became my curse
Your strong hold I can't seem to shake off
The truth is painful and death of me
You're a poison I've taken in human form
The Romeo and Juliet story I hate so much
I die with every kiss...
And over...
And over...
Like the unlearnt lesson
I kept making the same damn mistakes
The addicted masochist
I take in the long term pain
For a momentary pleasure
And nohing was left of me
I'm just a ghost of what
I used to be...
When you intentionally made me your option
The simple things in life that meant so much
Is all I've asked of you...
But it's the price you refused to man up to
When I serviced all your needs and wants
Anytime...you felt the need to want
Anywhere...you needed your wants
My weakness became my curse
Your strong hold I can't seem to shake off
The truth is painful and death of me
You're a poison I've taken in human form
The Romeo and Juliet story I hate so much
I die with every kiss...
And over...
And over...
Like the unlearnt lesson
I kept making the same damn mistakes
The addicted masochist
I take in the long term pain
For a momentary pleasure
And nohing was left of me
I'm just a ghost of what
I used to be...
Monday, February 22, 2010
A Penny For Your Thoughts?

What do you say when you hear a heart out of control?
What are the right words to connect to I love you so?
How important is time other than to recount moments with you?
For the days, months and years did not erase the memory of you…
What benefit does light have if darkness hid tears well from you?
What does it makes of you if loving you is all I do?
And what came upon me that compelled me to give my all to you?
What is love if love breaks hearts?
What is a heart without beating for love?
What is relationship if you can’t relate?
What is beauty if lies are what they only seek?
What is judgment if he who can opt out from making it?
What is pride if nothing really matters anymore?
What is ego without bruising another soul?
What is reality if in our dreams we are better off?
What are answers if it leaves questions unresolved?
What is forever if no one lives long enough to know?
And what questions do you have after reading my thoughts?
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Saturday - my 2 hours moment...
Hello Readers and Stalkers alike :P
So it's another Saturday,).
The Dj on the radio inspires my soul. His playlist inspires my body to feel certain type of ways that I need to just write...I love writing blogs as much as I love poetry. It runs in my body like an electric circuits and it is sometimes out of control.
I have more written works that could make you go crazy and will make you get at your lover :) But for now let's keep it soft...and soon time...I will hit you guys with something hard core ;)
At Last
Never knew I could feel this way
The kind that makes you just dance and sway
Never thought it’s possible to fall so fast
To feel that this might just last
To hear you say “I love you”
And I say it right back
To engrave your name in my heart
You managed to break down my wall
From the beginning I see no end to it all
We are beyond the physical
Equally you inspire my mind
I admire your dedication
I trust that you will protect my heart
I see it in your eyes
And all of the things you do
If only you could see
The kind of empire we could be
Promises are meant to be broken
So I guarantee my love is true
The intensity from the day we met
No one can compare to you
You’re the fire that ignites my body
Like a lighter to a half lit spliff
Craving your skin
Haunted by your touch
Enveloped by your scent
Savoring you inch by inch
Fever like symptoms
Travels down my body
When you slide inside of me
Your lips are so deadly
I die with every kiss
Your caress resurrects me
Each stroke takes me back in that zone
And I willingly lose control
As you reside inside me…
I asked God could this really be?
At last my man found me.
So it's another Saturday,).
The Dj on the radio inspires my soul. His playlist inspires my body to feel certain type of ways that I need to just write...I love writing blogs as much as I love poetry. It runs in my body like an electric circuits and it is sometimes out of control.
I have more written works that could make you go crazy and will make you get at your lover :) But for now let's keep it soft...and soon time...I will hit you guys with something hard core ;)
At Last
Never knew I could feel this way
The kind that makes you just dance and sway
Never thought it’s possible to fall so fast
To feel that this might just last
To hear you say “I love you”
And I say it right back
To engrave your name in my heart
You managed to break down my wall
From the beginning I see no end to it all
We are beyond the physical
Equally you inspire my mind
I admire your dedication
I trust that you will protect my heart
I see it in your eyes
And all of the things you do
If only you could see
The kind of empire we could be
Promises are meant to be broken
So I guarantee my love is true
The intensity from the day we met
No one can compare to you
You’re the fire that ignites my body
Like a lighter to a half lit spliff
Craving your skin
Haunted by your touch
Enveloped by your scent
Savoring you inch by inch
Fever like symptoms
Travels down my body
When you slide inside of me
Your lips are so deadly
I die with every kiss
Your caress resurrects me
Each stroke takes me back in that zone
And I willingly lose control
As you reside inside me…
I asked God could this really be?
At last my man found me.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Are You Jealous?

Are You Jealous?
We've all felt that feeling when something in our gut is doing some major twist. You know that feeling...oh I KNOW that feeling too well. Some call it INSECURITY and well most of the public call it JEALOUSY.
But did we ever ask the question of the "jealous" if they like how they feel? Ask yourself that same question...DO YOU LIKE HOW IT FEELS WHEN YOU FEEL JEALOUS? As for myself I don't like how it feels. That's why I never liked falling in-love because jealousy find its way in the little cracks and before you know it I'm saying goodbye to love. But from someone who is well familiar with that feeling...let me tell you... IT DOES NOT FEEL GOOD AT ALL. If I can have my way I would rather not feel it. It feels like the world reversed and you can hear every word, replays every scene that leads to your doubts...and you try to push aside the questions floating. My heart feels like a thousand needles attacked it. I try my best to hold it together and be calm. Remembering the line that "love is not jealous" only to want to hate the initial reason why I am jealous...because I am in-love. But I choose love because it's the worst thing to hate...and as a mature person I try to get to the bottom of it. That's a huge change from how I used to just leave love because it scared my heart from breaking. But how ironic is that when leaving does exactly what I was scared of...breaking my heart.
So when someone that loves you get jealous...when they confide in you instead of jumping to conclusion, please give them that little chance to just talk and assure them that the fear is nothing. Do not yell or get mad or think that they enjoy feeling the way that they do.
When you fall in-love and open your vulnerability, emotions over power logic at times. And it takes a lot of emotions to talk about it because most of us are afraid that it would make the one they love angry or leave. But is it better to keep doubts collected in our chest until it explodes?
Communication is so crucial in relationships that if we don't talk things out...how are we to resolve the problem? How does a relationship survive based on confirming to what is ONLY acceptable for the sake of avoiding arguments?
I need resolutions to move forward and the only way to do that is to communicate. I’ve experienced and heard of relationships that has an obsolete communication. Who has time to play the game of "If you don't know by now I won't tell you"? Not even psychics can predict their own relationships. Just like a Doctor could never heal themselves, two is always better than one. It takes two to be in a relationship and it takes two to argue. It only makes sense that the two involved agree to find a resolution to the current situation.
I promised myself that I will always discuss how I feel with my man because I know how horrible the guessing game can be. When you don't know where you stand, or if you are being taken for a fool and/or for granted. But of course the "jealous" person should always step back at the situation before taking off with that flight to Q&A's. But what questions are alright to ask without it coming out as an “accusation”?
There are times when you know something just ain't right and most women regardless of the sign stays. I am not new to the game. I've had games and been played BUT I never stay long enough to get branded "blinded by love". As much as I love falling in-love or hate the rollercoaster of being in love...I would never lower myself respect to stay with someone who does not respect me and my feelings. I know that I can love a man...I know I can treat him right...but once I feel that tug best believe that I will speak my mind. If I cannot communicate how I feel with my man, how are we going to survive?
The weekend of valentines either solidifies, breaks, mends or brings hearts together. Some of us already had updated our circle of friends on how the VDAY went. Some vented, some are very boastful, some just enjoyed listening to stories, and some just ignored the topic all together. But regardless of the outcome...I think Valentines Day is about being with someone that makes you feel good, safe and loved.
I guess the hardest part of falling is when you fell so hard that you can't control your emotions and you feel like floating...and all you need is for your man or woman to hold your hands and tell you that you are on solid grounds.
Until next time...SABROSITANESS.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Happily Ever After - Does it exist?

Hello Readers...here I am as promised...to blog about the email forward with the pictures of Disney's leading ladies. It is very interesting since at the end of each movie comes "Happily Ever After". But do we really know what leads to "Happily Ever After"? Does it even exist? Is there such a thing as a Prince or King? Or is it just a silly little girl's dream to believe that her Prince existed?
Relationship ideology differs between genders. It is a fact! HOWEVER...I think it is categorized in two, the GIVER and the TAKER. There will always be the one in a relationship that tends to give more and the other that just takes and takes and takes...and takes things for granted. Harsh?
In search of love we all fall victim to our own biggest fear. The heart break! There's no cure but can be pushed all the way to the back burner until something similar comes to remind us what we hate the most. Falling in love always brings our weakness. What I don't understand is when we bitch and complain about not having someone who cares...why do we push away those who genuinely wants the best for us? Why does love hurt when love is supposed to be the best feeling to take refuge in our hearts?
I watch old couples walk hand in hand. You could still see the love in their eyes. And I wonder what is the secret to making it last? How much give and take do I need to have to reach that level?
I am not foreign to heart aches. I almost gave up on love because I thought it is completely ridiculous to love someone so much when that person doesn't give a fuck if they hurt your feelings or not. Call me old school but I love romance and passion and having a cold partner doesn’t cut it. If you don't want to be in a relationship why stay? Why make that person feel that you are on the same level? When all you really want is a warm body every other night? There are escorts for you people out there who just can't understand the magic in existing in another's heart.
Valentines Day...my favorite time of the year. Single or with someone I still enjoy it. Mind you this is the time of the year that couples are either upgrading their bond or breaking it. For you hopeless romantic out there, I do hope that you get what you deserved and for the single ladies (and men) enjoy yourselves...there's tons of single events out there. A very dear friend of mine is hosting a single ladies night and let me tell you I am sure some of the ladies will not go home alone ;). So don't lose hope and don't settle for someone who will just let the V-day fly by without making it special. The only difference between a friend and a boyfriend is that intimacy, the connection that only the two of you have. Let's be real...no one dies from a broken heart...if your partner isn't treating you right...get out before you forget yourself worth. I read somewhere that there's TONS of fishies in the sea ;)
25 Years and more...how do they do it? Another dear friend of mine came to visit last night with my cousin and we talked about relationship over dinner. He has been with his partner for a verrrrry long time. And I asked him how did he do it? Trying to understand the other person and from trying to make sure you are not being taken for a fool is worst than figuring out excel formulas. He said that "relationship is hard work...you have to let your pride down". PRIDE...how does one let go of what most is so important to us? When to know when to say "sorry" and to forgive and forget? How does it work? Do we apologize for something that we didn't do just to make mends? Do we become foolish? Or do we take our ego and find another home for our heart?
For those who know me would back me up when I say I have a very strong personality. I know when I am wrong and when I am right. I will not be taken for a fool...not then and not for LOVE. If falling in love means that I have to take the blame even if I didn't do wrong, if loving someone means having to feel hurt at the end of the day, if loving someone means I lower myself worth...well then LOVE can find his own victim somewhere else.
It took a very long time for me to let my guards down. To let another take hold of my heart and it is a scary feeling. Especially when we are going 100mph...and there's no insurance. It feels good to be in a relationship and knowing that you got another person that wants the best for you. But for the sake of love...how much should one give up? Relationships are like careers...there's the 3 month probationary period. But how many gets the benefits cards? How many proves their worthy of ones heart to sign on permanent bonafide relationship?
Arguments in a relationship is inevitable...two people...two minds...two opinions. But if the two are grown folks should they not know what is right and what is wrong? Is it fair to take out your anger and frustration on your partner? I always thought the first 3 months are supposed to be the best times. Going out to places you both have never seen...doing sweet little nothings and spending as much time to know the person. Do you even know each others last name? Nicknames? Favorite color? Songs? Do you even know what makes each other smile? I was once told by this lady who spent most of her life with her husband of 50 years..."before Carl passed away...not a day went by that he didn't make me feel love...we argue but we always know that at the end of the day we love each other and learn to apologize and accept each other's flaws. It takes a whole lifetime to get to know each other...and if it's true love...you will know because you are home in his eyes". It only made me sigh to hear her talk about the things he did for her and the things she did to make sure he is okay. She gives me hope that love is out there for me...whether or not I will deserve finding it is another blog. Maybe romance is a thing to read off of novels...but I still believe that when you love someone...you don't do anything to deliberately hurt them.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
You're the #1
When it comes to how I feel
When it comes to who I want
To see...
To hear...
To touch...
My King...
My reality...
My dreams...
You're the #1
Like a bad habit I can't let go
I'm an addict and to rehab I refused to go
Surpassing the physicality
Feeding my curiosity
I'm worst than a custy
When I'm jonzing for you baby
I don't need the Sun, the Moon, or the Stars
I just need your kisses with your heart
Inevitably misunderstandings will surface
It might even create a gap between you and me
As long as we keep holding on to what we got
Never forget we are worth more than gold from the start
Nothing can make us stop
We got an empire to build from the ground up
There's no point to chase tired ass games
I don't need glitter just to be fooled and lied again
I don't want any other man
Because you are who I want
My King…
You are second to none.
***This is about the sweetest man I know...Lennox <3 ***
When it comes to who I want
To see...
To hear...
To touch...
My King...
My reality...
My dreams...
You're the #1
Like a bad habit I can't let go
I'm an addict and to rehab I refused to go
Surpassing the physicality
Feeding my curiosity
I'm worst than a custy
When I'm jonzing for you baby
I don't need the Sun, the Moon, or the Stars
I just need your kisses with your heart
Inevitably misunderstandings will surface
It might even create a gap between you and me
As long as we keep holding on to what we got
Never forget we are worth more than gold from the start
Nothing can make us stop
We got an empire to build from the ground up
There's no point to chase tired ass games
I don't need glitter just to be fooled and lied again
I don't want any other man
Because you are who I want
My King…
You are second to none.
***This is about the sweetest man I know...Lennox <3 ***
Mother Nature's PMSing
Hello to all of my readers,
Yes it's one of those Saturday nights where I am not able to just sit still...maybe because I want to be somewhere, with that particular someone, who gives a certain type of feeling that I happen to enjoy. Hmmm...yes I miss my baby, so to distract myself from this urge to run to him, I am going to blog. At the peak of massive boredom...it's 1:06 am!
So the world we live in is currently in chaos, from record breaking weather to mother natures constant PMSing...and worst of all she is taking it out on the third world countries that does not have enough resources to pull themselves together! Mother Nature is being such a B!tch and I hope she starts taking her damn chill pill and give us all a break! I know we've been treating her like a slave, that was meant to serve and provide all of our little needs, but I think we all deserve a second chance right? Like a reset? But that is not reality and the reality is all over the media that surrounds us. Let's review Mother Nature's "special" days...
On September 24, 2009 A typhoon hit the Philippines which poured over a months worth of massive rain on the Philippines which caused massive damage to the areas directly affected. When the rain finally stopped, the amount of damage, deaths and missing people was so enormous that I was literally afraid to read the news because I am not sure if I can take it. My Facebook friends loaded pictures from back home, and their houses were flooded to the roof. One man who's birthday was on the 24th,said to his rescuers that he thought he was gonna day on that day, the same that he was born. Emotions are strong because it is close to home, but more so because I can just imagine how hard it must be to be in that situation. I read in the newspaper that a cemetery that was washed over by the floods and as a result there were floating corpses. It's like living in a horror movie. It is inevitable to wonder about the health issues that they will face in days, weeks, months or even years to come. It almost seemed so unreal as I read each words on the newspaper.
Six days later a number of earthquakes shook the grounds of Indonesia and Samoa that left people scared, lost, and looking for answers. How horrible is it to realize that you just lost your whole family and have to bury them? Then realizing that they are alone and homeless and in dire need of rescue.
Soon after India got their share of Mother natures wrath! Another rain storm that was the worst in 60 years. 2.5 million people were affected by the floods. because India is another poor country...one can just find the similarity of obstacles they will face with Philippines, Indonesia, and Samoa.
Australia did not escape her mood swings. With a large amount of flood water caused massive damages to the areas ironically have not been affected by wildfires that was crossing the Australia. Homeless seems to be increasing with each disaster. So if they are not burning in FIRE they are drowning in WATER? If that is not complete hatred from Mother Nature, I don't know what is!!! But then comes el Salvador's turn.
Hurricane Ida place thousands in shelters and homeless since their home were damaged by the flood water. Mudslides started soon after the rain came down and ruined homes in its way and killed many.
Just as Australia thought they can start rebuilding, Cyclone Laurence introduced itself as Australis's first of the season in December of 2009. The winds reached 80 miles per hour...imagine that?
A tornado then hit the areas of Tennessee and Kentucky which resulted in a number of homes and many businesses to be damaged. What a way to start Good Friday. Businesses were not able to open until insurance claims had been processed and damages had been addressed. Improvements were required to be made to the business in order to resume business. Do you think she stopped there? Uh Uh Uh!
Italy got their share of Earthquake and killed hundreds. A 6.2 magnitude that left flattened cities in its wake, 295 people were killed and 2.5 Million dollars worth of damages to the remote cities.
995 people dead in July of 2009 from the flood in India. Some people waited out the waters but the strong flow of water ripped their homes apart and swept the families away with the water. It breaks my heart to imagine this.
The winter storm of Europe in 2009 that left many without food or water and trapped inside for numbers of hours. Without the simple necessity of food and water. Many died from chilling cold air that rips your body apart.
Then Haiti was hit with a 7.0 magnitude earth quake that left irreversible damages, deaths, trapped victims underneath collapsed buildings, hundreds of children left orphaned, and those who survived with the trauma. As if Mother Nature didn't have enough, a 6.0 follow up came back to traumatized the victims even more. Help were coming from US, Canada and even other countries. But watching the news and seeing these poor hungry people sprayed was completely upsetting!!!! They are not animals. They are hungry and need to survive. I ask you my readers, if you are able to go through 24 hours without eating or drinking. Tell me how you will handle yourself, when the food source is scarce and you have 9 children waiting to eat, or risk the chance of dying out of hunger? I would fight my way and get my hands on those food so that my children could eat even for just that one day.
A moment to reflect on how blessed we all are to be in this country. To have heaters when it's cold, ac's when it is hot, food, water and shelter. We don't know how much the simple things we take for granted could mean life and death when it rans out.
Yes it's one of those Saturday nights where I am not able to just sit still...maybe because I want to be somewhere, with that particular someone, who gives a certain type of feeling that I happen to enjoy. Hmmm...yes I miss my baby, so to distract myself from this urge to run to him, I am going to blog. At the peak of massive boredom...it's 1:06 am!
So the world we live in is currently in chaos, from record breaking weather to mother natures constant PMSing...and worst of all she is taking it out on the third world countries that does not have enough resources to pull themselves together! Mother Nature is being such a B!tch and I hope she starts taking her damn chill pill and give us all a break! I know we've been treating her like a slave, that was meant to serve and provide all of our little needs, but I think we all deserve a second chance right? Like a reset? But that is not reality and the reality is all over the media that surrounds us. Let's review Mother Nature's "special" days...
On September 24, 2009 A typhoon hit the Philippines which poured over a months worth of massive rain on the Philippines which caused massive damage to the areas directly affected. When the rain finally stopped, the amount of damage, deaths and missing people was so enormous that I was literally afraid to read the news because I am not sure if I can take it. My Facebook friends loaded pictures from back home, and their houses were flooded to the roof. One man who's birthday was on the 24th,said to his rescuers that he thought he was gonna day on that day, the same that he was born. Emotions are strong because it is close to home, but more so because I can just imagine how hard it must be to be in that situation. I read in the newspaper that a cemetery that was washed over by the floods and as a result there were floating corpses. It's like living in a horror movie. It is inevitable to wonder about the health issues that they will face in days, weeks, months or even years to come. It almost seemed so unreal as I read each words on the newspaper.
Six days later a number of earthquakes shook the grounds of Indonesia and Samoa that left people scared, lost, and looking for answers. How horrible is it to realize that you just lost your whole family and have to bury them? Then realizing that they are alone and homeless and in dire need of rescue.
Soon after India got their share of Mother natures wrath! Another rain storm that was the worst in 60 years. 2.5 million people were affected by the floods. because India is another poor country...one can just find the similarity of obstacles they will face with Philippines, Indonesia, and Samoa.
Australia did not escape her mood swings. With a large amount of flood water caused massive damages to the areas ironically have not been affected by wildfires that was crossing the Australia. Homeless seems to be increasing with each disaster. So if they are not burning in FIRE they are drowning in WATER? If that is not complete hatred from Mother Nature, I don't know what is!!! But then comes el Salvador's turn.
Hurricane Ida place thousands in shelters and homeless since their home were damaged by the flood water. Mudslides started soon after the rain came down and ruined homes in its way and killed many.
Just as Australia thought they can start rebuilding, Cyclone Laurence introduced itself as Australis's first of the season in December of 2009. The winds reached 80 miles per hour...imagine that?
A tornado then hit the areas of Tennessee and Kentucky which resulted in a number of homes and many businesses to be damaged. What a way to start Good Friday. Businesses were not able to open until insurance claims had been processed and damages had been addressed. Improvements were required to be made to the business in order to resume business. Do you think she stopped there? Uh Uh Uh!
Italy got their share of Earthquake and killed hundreds. A 6.2 magnitude that left flattened cities in its wake, 295 people were killed and 2.5 Million dollars worth of damages to the remote cities.
995 people dead in July of 2009 from the flood in India. Some people waited out the waters but the strong flow of water ripped their homes apart and swept the families away with the water. It breaks my heart to imagine this.
The winter storm of Europe in 2009 that left many without food or water and trapped inside for numbers of hours. Without the simple necessity of food and water. Many died from chilling cold air that rips your body apart.
Then Haiti was hit with a 7.0 magnitude earth quake that left irreversible damages, deaths, trapped victims underneath collapsed buildings, hundreds of children left orphaned, and those who survived with the trauma. As if Mother Nature didn't have enough, a 6.0 follow up came back to traumatized the victims even more. Help were coming from US, Canada and even other countries. But watching the news and seeing these poor hungry people sprayed was completely upsetting!!!! They are not animals. They are hungry and need to survive. I ask you my readers, if you are able to go through 24 hours without eating or drinking. Tell me how you will handle yourself, when the food source is scarce and you have 9 children waiting to eat, or risk the chance of dying out of hunger? I would fight my way and get my hands on those food so that my children could eat even for just that one day.
A moment to reflect on how blessed we all are to be in this country. To have heaters when it's cold, ac's when it is hot, food, water and shelter. We don't know how much the simple things we take for granted could mean life and death when it rans out.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Wanting...but not in need...
Chinese Astrology: Year of the Ox
You could be receiving some sad or unhappy news. Remember to remain tactful under this circumstance, regardless of what you're faced with now. In the future, your friends and family could remember how well you composed yourself upon the release of this information more than the news itself.
Daily Flirt:
A little indulgence never hurt anybody, you least of all. Go forth on a quest for serious pleasure and total decadence.
Daily Couples:
You and your darling have already explored the tried-and-true. The stars say it's time to branch out and experiment with innovation. Think about your relationship and your individual connections to the world.
Daily Singles:
So the romantic sizzle went fizzle between you and a recent prospect. Even when things don't work out, you know that you were better off for following your instincts. You're so much wiser now.
January 29, 2010
1. Cancer (6/22-7/22)
You've been feeling extremely emotional for days, and that's actually going to peak right about now -- thanks to the stars. You may need to put an end to a particular situation that's gone past the point of being productive or emotionally healthy for all parties concerned. While that won't be easy, you know it has to be done. It really is for the best.
Who is this person that seems to know my life and flops all of my thought in my horoscope? What is it about a monogamy relationship that seems to be difficult to understand? Could it be me or could it be him? I got the commitment I wanted. He was someone attentive, caring, emotionally attached, and not afraid of relationship. But then between my moving to Scarborough to wanting to make him happy, something fell in between the cracks, that I thought I was absolutely sure was FINE. And being the woman that I am, my emotions was off the hook. But in the end...he is the one I want...we just have to communicate better and as for myself...I need to trust him to be with him.
There’s a very distinct line between wanting and needing. And for those of you that knows the woman that I am, I DON’T NEED a MAN…I however WANT a MAN because of the obvious things that they can do. BUT I will not SETTLE for less than what I DESERVED. I know that relationships are balanced by “give and take” but why does MOST relationship lack the simple, yet important, element of excitement and romance? If being in a monogamous relationship mean settling for LESS, no wonder there are so many smart, independent, powerful & beautiful SINGLE women out there.
You could be receiving some sad or unhappy news. Remember to remain tactful under this circumstance, regardless of what you're faced with now. In the future, your friends and family could remember how well you composed yourself upon the release of this information more than the news itself.
Daily Flirt:
A little indulgence never hurt anybody, you least of all. Go forth on a quest for serious pleasure and total decadence.
Daily Couples:
You and your darling have already explored the tried-and-true. The stars say it's time to branch out and experiment with innovation. Think about your relationship and your individual connections to the world.
Daily Singles:
So the romantic sizzle went fizzle between you and a recent prospect. Even when things don't work out, you know that you were better off for following your instincts. You're so much wiser now.
January 29, 2010
1. Cancer (6/22-7/22)
You've been feeling extremely emotional for days, and that's actually going to peak right about now -- thanks to the stars. You may need to put an end to a particular situation that's gone past the point of being productive or emotionally healthy for all parties concerned. While that won't be easy, you know it has to be done. It really is for the best.
Who is this person that seems to know my life and flops all of my thought in my horoscope? What is it about a monogamy relationship that seems to be difficult to understand? Could it be me or could it be him? I got the commitment I wanted. He was someone attentive, caring, emotionally attached, and not afraid of relationship. But then between my moving to Scarborough to wanting to make him happy, something fell in between the cracks, that I thought I was absolutely sure was FINE. And being the woman that I am, my emotions was off the hook. But in the end...he is the one I want...we just have to communicate better and as for myself...I need to trust him to be with him.
There’s a very distinct line between wanting and needing. And for those of you that knows the woman that I am, I DON’T NEED a MAN…I however WANT a MAN because of the obvious things that they can do. BUT I will not SETTLE for less than what I DESERVED. I know that relationships are balanced by “give and take” but why does MOST relationship lack the simple, yet important, element of excitement and romance? If being in a monogamous relationship mean settling for LESS, no wonder there are so many smart, independent, powerful & beautiful SINGLE women out there.
Friday, January 15, 2010
My 10th time moving...Oh gosh!

Hello y'all...soooooo I'm moving tomorrow morning...kinda scary thing don't you think? lol!!! Anyhow I will report back since I am running around like a headless chicken (a fine headless chicken if I must say so myself!!!!)
I got my brother and his friends helping me...so that is a blessing...and ofcourse that special somebody is helping me pack as well :)
Here we go...wish me luck!
Happy weekend :)
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Nesting Instinct????? Wtf????

So this Tuesday…and let’s just say it’s a day closer to Friday which of course we absolutely love and flags our FB's status with “TGIFs”. But what does Tuesday really mean to us? Another day another dollar…but you know that darn ol’grumpy DOLLAR is what makes this complicated world go round and round. I’ve read it in history class (long ago ) when trading was in full effect…if you got a cow, you can trade its milk for bag of rice or some sort of other things you might need. Life would be simple right? Who knows…I am not sure if I am ready to squeeze a cow’s nipple at this stage of my life…I can’t even touch a spider using all of my mighty DIVA power! Nope…it will never happen!!!!
Do you like reading your horoscope? Do you read it at the beginning of the day or the end of the day? I used to read it at the end of the day but with METRO news so conveniently left on the bus by an early rider got me on that reading it before the start of my morning type of routine….so today let me tell you my horoscope and I are in SYNC! No no no…not the boy band…I meant we are connecting
Today’s horoscope for CANCERS goers “You and your wallet agree not to hit the town. Read a book and take a nice bath” – let me tell you that this is one amazing “guess” by whoever wrote this…who would’ve have thought that I The DIVA need to stay home hmmm maybe because I am not making enough mulas to splurge…hmmm…oh Lottery why do you avoid my path? As I continue reading it tells me that I am on my nesting instinct (Like que-say-what???) Nesting what? Like I’m some kind of a duck that needs to sit my bootylisciouness on some eggs? OHM I sooo don’t think so!!! Are you kidding me? From experienced mothers…it DOES NOT TICKLE your fanny when a baby pops out…no OFFENSE but oh my word…I am so not ready to pop anything out of me!!!! It then proceeded to suggest that I should stay away from my NEW man because we would appreciate the time apart. WE JUST STARTED…and I do want to see him as much as I want to but of course I got family and friends that I need to bless with my FABULOUSNESS So I think my horoscope is only 50% accurate today…passing mark…I’ll let the other Cancerians populate this world…I will eventually bless the world with my genes…but there ain’t one man that’s THAT good in bed to make me want to pop one for him (Ohhhhhh….I kill myself lmao!)
Anyways that’s Tuesday for me…to think of what just happened over the weekend and what might happen this weekend…usually by Wednesday I am booked for the rest of the week…please do call my people to make an appointment
Ciao for now my followers – until next time
(Lunch break is over )
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