Hello Readers,
It's been a while since I expressed my thoughts. It is Saturday and I am blogging while my I listen to my favorite tunes and blog :)
So many positive and negative events happened since my last blog. Hawaii, Chile and Japan felt another hit of Mother Nature's wrath and I am sure there are others that did not make the news. My heart goes out to those who are the survivor of the ill fated individuals. Life...we only have one so choose well how you make a mark in anyone's life...how do you want to be remembered? You never know when your number's up.
So I guess the line "Don't judge the book by its cover" is true in many aspects. We all tend to be magnetized by physical attributes or hear-says than by making our own conclusions. Let's face it...verbal marketing is 100% effective. You're probably wondering where I am going with this right? Well...let's just say that there's this person who is constantly in my proximity and to this day I am glad I took the chance to get to know the inside than the gossip around. There's still that cautionary feeling but I think that the person is genuine...trust worthy? Hmmm that remains to be on the other side of the wall for the mean time…let’s face it I only let those I 100% trust in my life just because I’ve been hurt, betrayed, and taken for granted too many times. 2010 is my year and best believe that I aim to be happy first and foremost. Life is too short for me to stay around those that don’t genuinely care for me.
No one was born conniving or evil. "Hate" is a word that was taught to us just like every other word we've learned from our first sound to your last word of your thought. Love and hate does have a very thin line because one empowers and makes the other obsolete just the same. Both are so powerful and equally capable to hurt anyone from all levels. I rather have love in my life and peace than lie and deceit. Well you might say ain’t that obvious? Let’s be frank with you…there are people out there that just seem to aim to inflict misery and pain on others. Like I said in the beginning of this blog…our characteristic is defined by our personal intentions. What we really want out of life? How we perceive life in general and how we want to go out…with pride or prejudice? Fast lanes always end up in a big crash and truthfully I like stability because it leads to contentment. If you are happy…and live your life honestly…no doubt that you will prosper because there is no ill will in your actions. Remember KARMA? Yea she’s a bitch and one revenge hungry bitch at that! So I don’t mess with ill will because I am not inviting any of her hits.
Catching up on the news around me got me to thinking...to ask the question "Why do people submit to these acts?” I am not just talking about criminals…I am talking about everyone. Someone from South Korea is charged for starving a baby to death? And WAIT…they spent more time taking care of their online child??? How the hell does someone with the a mind and has heart and soul do such a horrible thing? What the hell is wrong with you if you can hurt a child??? I believe in eye for an eye. What those children went thru in the hands of the offenders should get the same treatment! “DO TO OTHERS WHAT YOU WANT OTHERS DO TO YOU”. I think that ZERO tolerance and the DEATH PENALTY should be in full effect.
If you are capable of taking someone’s life with your own hands…I think that it is only right to take you out of the society by any means. But of course allowing the family of the victim to have their way with the offender first. Now I know that will not bring back the victim but it will be some form of justice. And if they know taking someone’s life automatically put them on death penalty, I think there’s a chance that they might not. But crazy ass people are everywhere. Remember these are my opinions and if you do not agree that is your own calling. I understand that some are convicted for a crime that they were set up for…OKAY…but if all evidence after many deliberations, the truth comes out. I believe that they should not be able to keep their own life.
Our justice system is so beyond fucked up that we rehabilitate criminals. We tax payers, keep them warm in bed and with 3 meals per day and allowances. Even free education. Now why is this not offered to the low income families? Get them help, allowance, a place to stay and free food? Oh wait…we do have welfare, food stamps, and coop housing. But is that enough? And honestly there are so many out there that takes advantage of that service and in turn makes it harder for those who really need the government assistance to well...GET HELP. In the end no one wins and AGAIN those who are doing right gets screwed over again.
It seems that we give criminals more chances? Why not help those who are at the end of their stick so that they are not provoked to commit a crime. This does not include those serial killers, rapist, and terrorist because I think they’re so fucked up in the head to even understand that what they are doing. Who the hell in their right mind would attach a bomb on their groin to blow up a plane? I guess I will never understand what goes on in their mind…but I know that they should not be allowed to be rehabilitated because a killer will never change. They have and will and can do it again.
It scares me to think of what type of society our next generation will face. From the global warming to the criminals and government corruptions that exist, how do we promise a better tomorrow when we can’t even guarantee the present? How do we tell a child that it is safe to play outside when pedophiles are allowed to be in closed proximity to their homes and schools? How do we tell teenagers to aim for better future and higher education when their peers who committed a crime are getting better assistance by our government and they can’t even get a sufficient loan to pay for their tuition fees? How do they focus in school when teachers constantly go on strike for better pay? How do we go to school and work when you don’t drive and the TTC decide to go on strike? And driving a car gives you a harsher carbon footprints record and of course the risk of car accident because of drunk drivers or bad drivers? How do you cross the street when you can get hit easily? Have you ever questioned how your work colleague, who does nothing at the office, gets the best treatment? Or better pay?
It seems that those who are up to no good gets better options and/or chances in life than those who are trying to do right. So what is being promoted? Do well and settle for less and do badly and get second chance and better assistance from our government? I THINK THAT IS ABSOLUTELY ABSURD!!!
Anyways my lovely readers and stalkers…I’ll leave you with those thoughts to think about…after all these are just my own opinions and random thoughts.
Until next time…Sabrositaness.
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