Hello to all of my readers,
Yes it's one of those Saturday nights where I am not able to just sit still...maybe because I want to be somewhere, with that particular someone, who gives a certain type of feeling that I happen to enjoy. Hmmm...yes I miss my baby, so to distract myself from this urge to run to him, I am going to blog. At the peak of massive boredom...it's 1:06 am!
So the world we live in is currently in chaos, from record breaking weather to mother natures constant PMSing...and worst of all she is taking it out on the third world countries that does not have enough resources to pull themselves together! Mother Nature is being such a B!tch and I hope she starts taking her damn chill pill and give us all a break! I know we've been treating her like a slave, that was meant to serve and provide all of our little needs, but I think we all deserve a second chance right? Like a reset? But that is not reality and the reality is all over the media that surrounds us. Let's review Mother Nature's "special" days...
On September 24, 2009 A typhoon hit the Philippines which poured over a months worth of massive rain on the Philippines which caused massive damage to the areas directly affected. When the rain finally stopped, the amount of damage, deaths and missing people was so enormous that I was literally afraid to read the news because I am not sure if I can take it. My Facebook friends loaded pictures from back home, and their houses were flooded to the roof. One man who's birthday was on the 24th,said to his rescuers that he thought he was gonna day on that day, the same that he was born. Emotions are strong because it is close to home, but more so because I can just imagine how hard it must be to be in that situation. I read in the newspaper that a cemetery that was washed over by the floods and as a result there were floating corpses. It's like living in a horror movie. It is inevitable to wonder about the health issues that they will face in days, weeks, months or even years to come. It almost seemed so unreal as I read each words on the newspaper.
Six days later a number of earthquakes shook the grounds of Indonesia and Samoa that left people scared, lost, and looking for answers. How horrible is it to realize that you just lost your whole family and have to bury them? Then realizing that they are alone and homeless and in dire need of rescue.
Soon after India got their share of Mother natures wrath! Another rain storm that was the worst in 60 years. 2.5 million people were affected by the floods. because India is another poor country...one can just find the similarity of obstacles they will face with Philippines, Indonesia, and Samoa.
Australia did not escape her mood swings. With a large amount of flood water caused massive damages to the areas ironically have not been affected by wildfires that was crossing the Australia. Homeless seems to be increasing with each disaster. So if they are not burning in FIRE they are drowning in WATER? If that is not complete hatred from Mother Nature, I don't know what is!!! But then comes el Salvador's turn.
Hurricane Ida place thousands in shelters and homeless since their home were damaged by the flood water. Mudslides started soon after the rain came down and ruined homes in its way and killed many.
Just as Australia thought they can start rebuilding, Cyclone Laurence introduced itself as Australis's first of the season in December of 2009. The winds reached 80 miles per hour...imagine that?
A tornado then hit the areas of Tennessee and Kentucky which resulted in a number of homes and many businesses to be damaged. What a way to start Good Friday. Businesses were not able to open until insurance claims had been processed and damages had been addressed. Improvements were required to be made to the business in order to resume business. Do you think she stopped there? Uh Uh Uh!
Italy got their share of Earthquake and killed hundreds. A 6.2 magnitude that left flattened cities in its wake, 295 people were killed and 2.5 Million dollars worth of damages to the remote cities.
995 people dead in July of 2009 from the flood in India. Some people waited out the waters but the strong flow of water ripped their homes apart and swept the families away with the water. It breaks my heart to imagine this.
The winter storm of Europe in 2009 that left many without food or water and trapped inside for numbers of hours. Without the simple necessity of food and water. Many died from chilling cold air that rips your body apart.
Then Haiti was hit with a 7.0 magnitude earth quake that left irreversible damages, deaths, trapped victims underneath collapsed buildings, hundreds of children left orphaned, and those who survived with the trauma. As if Mother Nature didn't have enough, a 6.0 follow up came back to traumatized the victims even more. Help were coming from US, Canada and even other countries. But watching the news and seeing these poor hungry people sprayed was completely upsetting!!!! They are not animals. They are hungry and need to survive. I ask you my readers, if you are able to go through 24 hours without eating or drinking. Tell me how you will handle yourself, when the food source is scarce and you have 9 children waiting to eat, or risk the chance of dying out of hunger? I would fight my way and get my hands on those food so that my children could eat even for just that one day.
A moment to reflect on how blessed we all are to be in this country. To have heaters when it's cold, ac's when it is hot, food, water and shelter. We don't know how much the simple things we take for granted could mean life and death when it rans out.
These are MY thoughts and MY opinions based on what I see with MY own eyes and what I feel in MY heart!
About Me

- Sabrosita
- Scarborough, Ontario, Canada
- To know me is to feel my aura...you must be an intense person to understand me. I need poetry the way I need love, I need love to live. I love the rain because it inspires me. I aim to live a content life and enjoy the fruit of hard work. I believe that hard work paves our future. One cannot wish for a companion just to live, I believe that an empire can be built by two strong individual as long as the loyalty and interest have met their equilibrium to co-exist. I think life is simply lived at it's best when we simply learn to appreciate and love every moment we have living.
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