So this Tuesday…and let’s just say it’s a day closer to Friday which of course we absolutely love and flags our FB's status with “TGIFs”. But what does Tuesday really mean to us? Another day another dollar…but you know that darn ol’grumpy DOLLAR is what makes this complicated world go round and round. I’ve read it in history class (long ago ) when trading was in full effect…if you got a cow, you can trade its milk for bag of rice or some sort of other things you might need. Life would be simple right? Who knows…I am not sure if I am ready to squeeze a cow’s nipple at this stage of my life…I can’t even touch a spider using all of my mighty DIVA power! Nope…it will never happen!!!!
Do you like reading your horoscope? Do you read it at the beginning of the day or the end of the day? I used to read it at the end of the day but with METRO news so conveniently left on the bus by an early rider got me on that reading it before the start of my morning type of routine….so today let me tell you my horoscope and I are in SYNC! No no no…not the boy band…I meant we are connecting
Today’s horoscope for CANCERS goers “You and your wallet agree not to hit the town. Read a book and take a nice bath” – let me tell you that this is one amazing “guess” by whoever wrote this…who would’ve have thought that I The DIVA need to stay home hmmm maybe because I am not making enough mulas to splurge…hmmm…oh Lottery why do you avoid my path? As I continue reading it tells me that I am on my nesting instinct (Like que-say-what???) Nesting what? Like I’m some kind of a duck that needs to sit my bootylisciouness on some eggs? OHM I sooo don’t think so!!! Are you kidding me? From experienced mothers…it DOES NOT TICKLE your fanny when a baby pops out…no OFFENSE but oh my word…I am so not ready to pop anything out of me!!!! It then proceeded to suggest that I should stay away from my NEW man because we would appreciate the time apart. WE JUST STARTED…and I do want to see him as much as I want to but of course I got family and friends that I need to bless with my FABULOUSNESS So I think my horoscope is only 50% accurate today…passing mark…I’ll let the other Cancerians populate this world…I will eventually bless the world with my genes…but there ain’t one man that’s THAT good in bed to make me want to pop one for him (Ohhhhhh….I kill myself lmao!)
Anyways that’s Tuesday for me…to think of what just happened over the weekend and what might happen this weekend…usually by Wednesday I am booked for the rest of the week…please do call my people to make an appointment
Ciao for now my followers – until next time
(Lunch break is over )
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