Growing up I assumed that life is pretty much straight forward. You finish school, get a job, you marry your high school love and you have kids and then the kids go to school and you and your partner retire in your "empty-nest" and live happily ever after...well till you die that is.
2007 Relationship is nothing like that Leave it to Beaver show! Over the years relationship lost its meaning. The more complicated it gets the thicker the "sugar- coating" layered itself just to make ourselves "feel better about the situation". Relationship now a days has categories and sub-categories to chose from. From booty-callls, Friends with benefits, re-bounds, ex-factors, sugar mami's and sugar papi's, "money" relationship, common law, baby-daddy or baby-mamz, illicits affairs, work affairs, Long distance love and so on. Where is the LOVE?
Was love so far gone that we no longer even believe that it exist? Or that we think Sex is love? We have been there and done that! But yet no matter how much it hurts us inside we stay in that "relationship" then we cross our fingers to hopefully find love soon. Love does not happen overnight my dear.
It's a job you need to search some some part-times hours to see if its your taste...then apply for full time. And once must keep up with the competition and upgrade and always keep it burning. If we take love like our career...with some daily routine work....perks...benefits and insurance...a contract of loyalty...dedication...and honesty...some well deserve vacations...some events to look forward to...surprises to keep each other happy...yearly bonuses...extravagant holidays...or even simple ones...remembering special occasions...file memories away...merge with other "couple" to have some activities other than in the house...train together to be better...give constructive criticism when needed...learn to take directions and when to take initiatives...dress well for the it for business or personal ;) ...and to just always try to be your best and represent each other the best way possible...I think it can work.
I believe that love does not happen is an on going upgrade. It grows every day of nurture, understanding, communications, and compromise. Relationships have been perceived in so many types of level...but most times its falsified image of LOVE. We tend to be more concern of what others might think regarding our own personal affairs that we ignore our own needs. The need to be cared for and to just share our very intimate and personal cravings. We say I love you just because its a word that sounds" nice"r. But really what is love without its meaning?
We stay in relationship that complicated our mind and alters our very own belief. We replace SEX for LOVE...and we try to believe that its "okay" and that no commitment means = no one gets hurt! But how true is it when inside we hide who we really are? We smile when inside you have so many things to say. So we stay...words unspoken...and in our deepest intimate thoughts...we hope and we pray..that someday that right person to come and rescue us from the very grave our hearts lay...and to rescue us and rekindle that heat it once be free of restrictions and to really finally say and mean the words "I love you"
I guess practice what I preach? I am trying to and hopefully my future article would have some good news...and if its will be a well learned lesson...and like what I always say " When hurt...cry...then move on"
Posted 10/2/08
These are MY thoughts and MY opinions based on what I see with MY own eyes and what I feel in MY heart!
About Me

- Sabrosita
- Scarborough, Ontario, Canada
- To know me is to feel my must be an intense person to understand me. I need poetry the way I need love, I need love to live. I love the rain because it inspires me. I aim to live a content life and enjoy the fruit of hard work. I believe that hard work paves our future. One cannot wish for a companion just to live, I believe that an empire can be built by two strong individual as long as the loyalty and interest have met their equilibrium to co-exist. I think life is simply lived at it's best when we simply learn to appreciate and love every moment we have living.
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