So it’s MONDAY!YAY! Right?!?!? Okay I am trying to start my week as amazing as my weekend had been…*ahem* details will be revealed later…waaaaaay later ;)
As my every morning routine starts with getting up at 5am…well 5:45 with a couple of snoozes here and there…and maybe a few more! By the time I got my 3 layers of shirts, tights & Jeans and sweater and Jacket…it’s already 6:45am. That’s just about the time to catch the first of my five buses that I take, YES 5 BUSES, to go to work in Richmond Hill.
I grabbed a copy of the METRO news and read everything diligently to catch up on the news, the weathers, the tragedy, the gossips, and some other columns that the author feels legit information to share with the public like myself.
Now at this point I am still fuming with last week’s column by John Sewell ( about the Don Jail inmates being proposed to get housing and financial assistance…excusez moi? Are you kidding me? These are teens that have committed some form of misbehavior and WE must assist them? Help them get housing? That is an absolute MALARKY! I am sorry but if you do the crime…do the mutha-BEEPIN time! Plain and simple!!! Yes there are some that probably were in there because of wrong associations...BUT then again let's be REAL! Have you not seen how some of these teens nowadays act? It's a real life version of music video's and video games. What are we promoting to teens then? That if they get charged and go to jail they can be eligible for free loading off of the government? I don’t think so! I could write more about this topic…but I am not trying to get upset over this…when I am more collected I will get back on this topic
Then it hit me, as always, why am I reading the news? This is ridiculous right? It starts my day with pure bad news and even worst…possible high-blood pressure! Aaargh!!!
By the time I finished reading the news paper and the other news paper it is 8:30am and I am running after the last bus that would take me to work and start my day (hmmm…6:45am to 8:39am that is half a day right there right?)
I can’t wait to get my laptop so I can blog on the bus and be able to provide you my readers with something to either laugh about or think about!
So how’s your weekend been? Happy Monday!
These are MY thoughts and MY opinions based on what I see with MY own eyes and what I feel in MY heart!
About Me

- Sabrosita
- Scarborough, Ontario, Canada
- To know me is to feel my must be an intense person to understand me. I need poetry the way I need love, I need love to live. I love the rain because it inspires me. I aim to live a content life and enjoy the fruit of hard work. I believe that hard work paves our future. One cannot wish for a companion just to live, I believe that an empire can be built by two strong individual as long as the loyalty and interest have met their equilibrium to co-exist. I think life is simply lived at it's best when we simply learn to appreciate and love every moment we have living.
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