If you live in Toronto you will know what METRO NEWSPAPER is and let's just say that almost everyone has one in hand during the morning rush hours on the bus. Sometimes we even wait for the person to put it down if there's a shortage of print. It's almost "gold" sometimes because it also helps to avoid eye contact when the bus is packed like SARDINES! I am guilty of those that reads it from front page to the last page. And I can't help but feel frustrated with all the news. Here's what I think about the following "blog worthy news":
"Eaton Centre will get a fresh look"
Understandable that since they first opened according to METRO NEWS back in 1977, they are now planning to upgrade with a $120 million dollars to serve food on real china plates. Now last time I was downtown, Eaton Centre crowds can be counted in thousands. And the food court is like the jungle, fighting for seats and the rushing of shoppers makes it hard to even sit long enough to have proper conversation without having someone cloud over you because they are waiting for you to get up so that they can sit and eat their food.
NOW how the heck would they serve food on real china plates? I am assuming that this is an attempt to assist in the current unemployment. And this new upgrade will create job for those who were immensely affected by the recession right? That is something that I would love to watch on it's first day...with new visitors to see the "upgrade". If you are planning to see this event happen (when it happens) I highly recommend bringing some form of tranquilizer because it WILL BE A JUMANJI type of event!
"Project runway cancelled"
After North Bay Airport got upgraded worth 10 million dollars, they just learned recently that the soooooo special guest aren't even coming by. I think that's a malarky considering the money should have gone to those who actually live in Toronto, and needs the financial help. *SMH*
"Hospital patients discharged to open up beds"
This is in anticipation of incidents that might happen during the G20. ARE THEY F'IN KIDDING ME?????? I would love to know how they will make that decision of who goes and who can stay in the hospital? I can see tons of law suits coming to these hospitals in the near future IF this is really what they end up implementing. GOOD LUCK!
"Gabriella Nagy"
Is this bitch for real? She is suing Rogers because since they bundled her plan, her husband found out that she is a cheating whore! Ohm...Gabrielle please stop smoking cheap crack! You was found out because you are a triflin-vowbreakin-whore!!!
It's called KARMA that got you and the other whores by your freakin necks! You are suing Rogers for BREACHED of privacy? How about you BREACHED YOUR VOWS BEFORE GOD? You REAP what you SOW and daaaaaaahlinx you WEEP cuz yous a HO! Unfuckingbelievable! Women like her are too stupid to have a vagina!
"Fake Lake"
I wish Harper drowns in his fake lake and someone to fakingly save his ass and everyone can do a fake cry when he dies because he is a fake as M(*^(*F(*&(^!!!!
"Billionaires backing the Giving Pledge"
A launch for the ridiculously wealthy people like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet to give HALF of their wealth to charity. Now I am NOT against this. I think it's a nice "thought" (because until it happen it's just another promise that they can easily break. If they really want to help WHY NOT PLUG THOSE WHO HAS LESS THAN $5000 IN THEIR BANK ACCOUNT WITH MONEY?
This way the economy can bounced back because everyone will be able to afford to actually BUY something other than the staples of life. Sometimes I feel that those who have money didn't use their brain to get to the top...but then again how would I know right? Well...I've read and watched the news and let me tell you...most of them ain't smarter than a third grader! Again I *sigh*
"Dad & son got life term for killing the daughter/sister in the name of "HONOUR"
All I am going to say is that THEY should have been sent to "OZ" jail and mesh with General Population and NO PAROLE! I think an eye for an eye is suitable here don't you think? This type of tragedy bothers me because how many girls and women out there are facing this or faced this type of ending but was never resolved?
Anyways...I will sign out for now and I must say these are my feed back on the news that I read in METRO NEWS, I did not own these title but just a quote of the printed news paper on June 17, 2010. I love METRO NEWS because they keep me updated with the world events and keeps my thinking cap HOT!
fake lake- love~