Are You Jealous?
We've all felt that feeling when something in our gut is doing some major twist. You know that feeling...oh I KNOW that feeling too well. Some call it INSECURITY and well most of the public call it JEALOUSY.
But did we ever ask the question of the "jealous" if they like how they feel? Ask yourself that same question...DO YOU LIKE HOW IT FEELS WHEN YOU FEEL JEALOUS? As for myself I don't like how it feels. That's why I never liked falling in-love because jealousy find its way in the little cracks and before you know it I'm saying goodbye to love. But from someone who is well familiar with that feeling...let me tell you... IT DOES NOT FEEL GOOD AT ALL. If I can have my way I would rather not feel it. It feels like the world reversed and you can hear every word, replays every scene that leads to your doubts...and you try to push aside the questions floating. My heart feels like a thousand needles attacked it. I try my best to hold it together and be calm. Remembering the line that "love is not jealous" only to want to hate the initial reason why I am jealous...because I am in-love. But I choose love because it's the worst thing to hate...and as a mature person I try to get to the bottom of it. That's a huge change from how I used to just leave love because it scared my heart from breaking. But how ironic is that when leaving does exactly what I was scared of...breaking my heart.
So when someone that loves you get jealous...when they confide in you instead of jumping to conclusion, please give them that little chance to just talk and assure them that the fear is nothing. Do not yell or get mad or think that they enjoy feeling the way that they do.
When you fall in-love and open your vulnerability, emotions over power logic at times. And it takes a lot of emotions to talk about it because most of us are afraid that it would make the one they love angry or leave. But is it better to keep doubts collected in our chest until it explodes?
Communication is so crucial in relationships that if we don't talk things out...how are we to resolve the problem? How does a relationship survive based on confirming to what is ONLY acceptable for the sake of avoiding arguments?
I need resolutions to move forward and the only way to do that is to communicate. I’ve experienced and heard of relationships that has an obsolete communication. Who has time to play the game of "If you don't know by now I won't tell you"? Not even psychics can predict their own relationships. Just like a Doctor could never heal themselves, two is always better than one. It takes two to be in a relationship and it takes two to argue. It only makes sense that the two involved agree to find a resolution to the current situation.
I promised myself that I will always discuss how I feel with my man because I know how horrible the guessing game can be. When you don't know where you stand, or if you are being taken for a fool and/or for granted. But of course the "jealous" person should always step back at the situation before taking off with that flight to Q&A's. But what questions are alright to ask without it coming out as an “accusation”?
There are times when you know something just ain't right and most women regardless of the sign stays. I am not new to the game. I've had games and been played BUT I never stay long enough to get branded "blinded by love". As much as I love falling in-love or hate the rollercoaster of being in love...I would never lower myself respect to stay with someone who does not respect me and my feelings. I know that I can love a man...I know I can treat him right...but once I feel that tug best believe that I will speak my mind. If I cannot communicate how I feel with my man, how are we going to survive?
The weekend of valentines either solidifies, breaks, mends or brings hearts together. Some of us already had updated our circle of friends on how the VDAY went. Some vented, some are very boastful, some just enjoyed listening to stories, and some just ignored the topic all together. But regardless of the outcome...I think Valentines Day is about being with someone that makes you feel good, safe and loved.
I guess the hardest part of falling is when you fell so hard that you can't control your emotions and you feel like floating...and all you need is for your man or woman to hold your hands and tell you that you are on solid grounds.
Until next time...SABROSITANESS.
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