Hello Readers...here I am as promised...to blog about the email forward with the pictures of Disney's leading ladies. It is very interesting since at the end of each movie comes "Happily Ever After". But do we really know what leads to "Happily Ever After"? Does it even exist? Is there such a thing as a Prince or King? Or is it just a silly little girl's dream to believe that her Prince existed?
Relationship ideology differs between genders. It is a fact! HOWEVER...I think it is categorized in two, the GIVER and the TAKER. There will always be the one in a relationship that tends to give more and the other that just takes and takes and takes...and takes things for granted. Harsh?
In search of love we all fall victim to our own biggest fear. The heart break! There's no cure but can be pushed all the way to the back burner until something similar comes to remind us what we hate the most. Falling in love always brings our weakness. What I don't understand is when we bitch and complain about not having someone who cares...why do we push away those who genuinely wants the best for us? Why does love hurt when love is supposed to be the best feeling to take refuge in our hearts?
I watch old couples walk hand in hand. You could still see the love in their eyes. And I wonder what is the secret to making it last? How much give and take do I need to have to reach that level?
I am not foreign to heart aches. I almost gave up on love because I thought it is completely ridiculous to love someone so much when that person doesn't give a fuck if they hurt your feelings or not. Call me old school but I love romance and passion and having a cold partner doesn’t cut it. If you don't want to be in a relationship why stay? Why make that person feel that you are on the same level? When all you really want is a warm body every other night? There are escorts for you people out there who just can't understand the magic in existing in another's heart.
Valentines Day...my favorite time of the year. Single or with someone I still enjoy it. Mind you this is the time of the year that couples are either upgrading their bond or breaking it. For you hopeless romantic out there, I do hope that you get what you deserved and for the single ladies (and men) enjoy yourselves...there's tons of single events out there. A very dear friend of mine is hosting a single ladies night and let me tell you I am sure some of the ladies will not go home alone ;). So don't lose hope and don't settle for someone who will just let the V-day fly by without making it special. The only difference between a friend and a boyfriend is that intimacy, the connection that only the two of you have. Let's be real...no one dies from a broken heart...if your partner isn't treating you right...get out before you forget yourself worth. I read somewhere that there's TONS of fishies in the sea ;)
25 Years and more...how do they do it? Another dear friend of mine came to visit last night with my cousin and we talked about relationship over dinner. He has been with his partner for a verrrrry long time. And I asked him how did he do it? Trying to understand the other person and from trying to make sure you are not being taken for a fool is worst than figuring out excel formulas. He said that "relationship is hard work...you have to let your pride down". PRIDE...how does one let go of what most is so important to us? When to know when to say "sorry" and to forgive and forget? How does it work? Do we apologize for something that we didn't do just to make mends? Do we become foolish? Or do we take our ego and find another home for our heart?
For those who know me would back me up when I say I have a very strong personality. I know when I am wrong and when I am right. I will not be taken for a fool...not then and not for LOVE. If falling in love means that I have to take the blame even if I didn't do wrong, if loving someone means having to feel hurt at the end of the day, if loving someone means I lower myself worth...well then LOVE can find his own victim somewhere else.
It took a very long time for me to let my guards down. To let another take hold of my heart and it is a scary feeling. Especially when we are going 100mph...and there's no insurance. It feels good to be in a relationship and knowing that you got another person that wants the best for you. But for the sake of love...how much should one give up? Relationships are like careers...there's the 3 month probationary period. But how many gets the benefits cards? How many proves their worthy of ones heart to sign on permanent bonafide relationship?
Arguments in a relationship is inevitable...two people...two minds...two opinions. But if the two are grown folks should they not know what is right and what is wrong? Is it fair to take out your anger and frustration on your partner? I always thought the first 3 months are supposed to be the best times. Going out to places you both have never seen...doing sweet little nothings and spending as much time to know the person. Do you even know each others last name? Nicknames? Favorite color? Songs? Do you even know what makes each other smile? I was once told by this lady who spent most of her life with her husband of 50 years..."before Carl passed away...not a day went by that he didn't make me feel love...we argue but we always know that at the end of the day we love each other and learn to apologize and accept each other's flaws. It takes a whole lifetime to get to know each other...and if it's true love...you will know because you are home in his eyes". It only made me sigh to hear her talk about the things he did for her and the things she did to make sure he is okay. She gives me hope that love is out there for me...whether or not I will deserve finding it is another blog. Maybe romance is a thing to read off of novels...but I still believe that when you love someone...you don't do anything to deliberately hurt them.
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