When it comes to how I feel
When it comes to who I want
To see...
To hear...
To touch...
My King...
My reality...
My dreams...
You're the #1
Like a bad habit I can't let go
I'm an addict and to rehab I refused to go
Surpassing the physicality
Feeding my curiosity
I'm worst than a custy
When I'm jonzing for you baby
I don't need the Sun, the Moon, or the Stars
I just need your kisses with your heart
Inevitably misunderstandings will surface
It might even create a gap between you and me
As long as we keep holding on to what we got
Never forget we are worth more than gold from the start
Nothing can make us stop
We got an empire to build from the ground up
There's no point to chase tired ass games
I don't need glitter just to be fooled and lied again
I don't want any other man
Because you are who I want
My King…
You are second to none.
***This is about the sweetest man I know...Lennox <3 ***
These are MY thoughts and MY opinions based on what I see with MY own eyes and what I feel in MY heart!
About Me

- Sabrosita
- Scarborough, Ontario, Canada
- To know me is to feel my aura...you must be an intense person to understand me. I need poetry the way I need love, I need love to live. I love the rain because it inspires me. I aim to live a content life and enjoy the fruit of hard work. I believe that hard work paves our future. One cannot wish for a companion just to live, I believe that an empire can be built by two strong individual as long as the loyalty and interest have met their equilibrium to co-exist. I think life is simply lived at it's best when we simply learn to appreciate and love every moment we have living.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Mother Nature's PMSing
Hello to all of my readers,
Yes it's one of those Saturday nights where I am not able to just sit still...maybe because I want to be somewhere, with that particular someone, who gives a certain type of feeling that I happen to enjoy. Hmmm...yes I miss my baby, so to distract myself from this urge to run to him, I am going to blog. At the peak of massive boredom...it's 1:06 am!
So the world we live in is currently in chaos, from record breaking weather to mother natures constant PMSing...and worst of all she is taking it out on the third world countries that does not have enough resources to pull themselves together! Mother Nature is being such a B!tch and I hope she starts taking her damn chill pill and give us all a break! I know we've been treating her like a slave, that was meant to serve and provide all of our little needs, but I think we all deserve a second chance right? Like a reset? But that is not reality and the reality is all over the media that surrounds us. Let's review Mother Nature's "special" days...
On September 24, 2009 A typhoon hit the Philippines which poured over a months worth of massive rain on the Philippines which caused massive damage to the areas directly affected. When the rain finally stopped, the amount of damage, deaths and missing people was so enormous that I was literally afraid to read the news because I am not sure if I can take it. My Facebook friends loaded pictures from back home, and their houses were flooded to the roof. One man who's birthday was on the 24th,said to his rescuers that he thought he was gonna day on that day, the same that he was born. Emotions are strong because it is close to home, but more so because I can just imagine how hard it must be to be in that situation. I read in the newspaper that a cemetery that was washed over by the floods and as a result there were floating corpses. It's like living in a horror movie. It is inevitable to wonder about the health issues that they will face in days, weeks, months or even years to come. It almost seemed so unreal as I read each words on the newspaper.
Six days later a number of earthquakes shook the grounds of Indonesia and Samoa that left people scared, lost, and looking for answers. How horrible is it to realize that you just lost your whole family and have to bury them? Then realizing that they are alone and homeless and in dire need of rescue.
Soon after India got their share of Mother natures wrath! Another rain storm that was the worst in 60 years. 2.5 million people were affected by the floods. because India is another poor country...one can just find the similarity of obstacles they will face with Philippines, Indonesia, and Samoa.
Australia did not escape her mood swings. With a large amount of flood water caused massive damages to the areas ironically have not been affected by wildfires that was crossing the Australia. Homeless seems to be increasing with each disaster. So if they are not burning in FIRE they are drowning in WATER? If that is not complete hatred from Mother Nature, I don't know what is!!! But then comes el Salvador's turn.
Hurricane Ida place thousands in shelters and homeless since their home were damaged by the flood water. Mudslides started soon after the rain came down and ruined homes in its way and killed many.
Just as Australia thought they can start rebuilding, Cyclone Laurence introduced itself as Australis's first of the season in December of 2009. The winds reached 80 miles per hour...imagine that?
A tornado then hit the areas of Tennessee and Kentucky which resulted in a number of homes and many businesses to be damaged. What a way to start Good Friday. Businesses were not able to open until insurance claims had been processed and damages had been addressed. Improvements were required to be made to the business in order to resume business. Do you think she stopped there? Uh Uh Uh!
Italy got their share of Earthquake and killed hundreds. A 6.2 magnitude that left flattened cities in its wake, 295 people were killed and 2.5 Million dollars worth of damages to the remote cities.
995 people dead in July of 2009 from the flood in India. Some people waited out the waters but the strong flow of water ripped their homes apart and swept the families away with the water. It breaks my heart to imagine this.
The winter storm of Europe in 2009 that left many without food or water and trapped inside for numbers of hours. Without the simple necessity of food and water. Many died from chilling cold air that rips your body apart.
Then Haiti was hit with a 7.0 magnitude earth quake that left irreversible damages, deaths, trapped victims underneath collapsed buildings, hundreds of children left orphaned, and those who survived with the trauma. As if Mother Nature didn't have enough, a 6.0 follow up came back to traumatized the victims even more. Help were coming from US, Canada and even other countries. But watching the news and seeing these poor hungry people sprayed was completely upsetting!!!! They are not animals. They are hungry and need to survive. I ask you my readers, if you are able to go through 24 hours without eating or drinking. Tell me how you will handle yourself, when the food source is scarce and you have 9 children waiting to eat, or risk the chance of dying out of hunger? I would fight my way and get my hands on those food so that my children could eat even for just that one day.
A moment to reflect on how blessed we all are to be in this country. To have heaters when it's cold, ac's when it is hot, food, water and shelter. We don't know how much the simple things we take for granted could mean life and death when it rans out.
Yes it's one of those Saturday nights where I am not able to just sit still...maybe because I want to be somewhere, with that particular someone, who gives a certain type of feeling that I happen to enjoy. Hmmm...yes I miss my baby, so to distract myself from this urge to run to him, I am going to blog. At the peak of massive boredom...it's 1:06 am!
So the world we live in is currently in chaos, from record breaking weather to mother natures constant PMSing...and worst of all she is taking it out on the third world countries that does not have enough resources to pull themselves together! Mother Nature is being such a B!tch and I hope she starts taking her damn chill pill and give us all a break! I know we've been treating her like a slave, that was meant to serve and provide all of our little needs, but I think we all deserve a second chance right? Like a reset? But that is not reality and the reality is all over the media that surrounds us. Let's review Mother Nature's "special" days...
On September 24, 2009 A typhoon hit the Philippines which poured over a months worth of massive rain on the Philippines which caused massive damage to the areas directly affected. When the rain finally stopped, the amount of damage, deaths and missing people was so enormous that I was literally afraid to read the news because I am not sure if I can take it. My Facebook friends loaded pictures from back home, and their houses were flooded to the roof. One man who's birthday was on the 24th,said to his rescuers that he thought he was gonna day on that day, the same that he was born. Emotions are strong because it is close to home, but more so because I can just imagine how hard it must be to be in that situation. I read in the newspaper that a cemetery that was washed over by the floods and as a result there were floating corpses. It's like living in a horror movie. It is inevitable to wonder about the health issues that they will face in days, weeks, months or even years to come. It almost seemed so unreal as I read each words on the newspaper.
Six days later a number of earthquakes shook the grounds of Indonesia and Samoa that left people scared, lost, and looking for answers. How horrible is it to realize that you just lost your whole family and have to bury them? Then realizing that they are alone and homeless and in dire need of rescue.
Soon after India got their share of Mother natures wrath! Another rain storm that was the worst in 60 years. 2.5 million people were affected by the floods. because India is another poor country...one can just find the similarity of obstacles they will face with Philippines, Indonesia, and Samoa.
Australia did not escape her mood swings. With a large amount of flood water caused massive damages to the areas ironically have not been affected by wildfires that was crossing the Australia. Homeless seems to be increasing with each disaster. So if they are not burning in FIRE they are drowning in WATER? If that is not complete hatred from Mother Nature, I don't know what is!!! But then comes el Salvador's turn.
Hurricane Ida place thousands in shelters and homeless since their home were damaged by the flood water. Mudslides started soon after the rain came down and ruined homes in its way and killed many.
Just as Australia thought they can start rebuilding, Cyclone Laurence introduced itself as Australis's first of the season in December of 2009. The winds reached 80 miles per hour...imagine that?
A tornado then hit the areas of Tennessee and Kentucky which resulted in a number of homes and many businesses to be damaged. What a way to start Good Friday. Businesses were not able to open until insurance claims had been processed and damages had been addressed. Improvements were required to be made to the business in order to resume business. Do you think she stopped there? Uh Uh Uh!
Italy got their share of Earthquake and killed hundreds. A 6.2 magnitude that left flattened cities in its wake, 295 people were killed and 2.5 Million dollars worth of damages to the remote cities.
995 people dead in July of 2009 from the flood in India. Some people waited out the waters but the strong flow of water ripped their homes apart and swept the families away with the water. It breaks my heart to imagine this.
The winter storm of Europe in 2009 that left many without food or water and trapped inside for numbers of hours. Without the simple necessity of food and water. Many died from chilling cold air that rips your body apart.
Then Haiti was hit with a 7.0 magnitude earth quake that left irreversible damages, deaths, trapped victims underneath collapsed buildings, hundreds of children left orphaned, and those who survived with the trauma. As if Mother Nature didn't have enough, a 6.0 follow up came back to traumatized the victims even more. Help were coming from US, Canada and even other countries. But watching the news and seeing these poor hungry people sprayed was completely upsetting!!!! They are not animals. They are hungry and need to survive. I ask you my readers, if you are able to go through 24 hours without eating or drinking. Tell me how you will handle yourself, when the food source is scarce and you have 9 children waiting to eat, or risk the chance of dying out of hunger? I would fight my way and get my hands on those food so that my children could eat even for just that one day.
A moment to reflect on how blessed we all are to be in this country. To have heaters when it's cold, ac's when it is hot, food, water and shelter. We don't know how much the simple things we take for granted could mean life and death when it rans out.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Wanting...but not in need...
Chinese Astrology: Year of the Ox
You could be receiving some sad or unhappy news. Remember to remain tactful under this circumstance, regardless of what you're faced with now. In the future, your friends and family could remember how well you composed yourself upon the release of this information more than the news itself.
Daily Flirt:
A little indulgence never hurt anybody, you least of all. Go forth on a quest for serious pleasure and total decadence.
Daily Couples:
You and your darling have already explored the tried-and-true. The stars say it's time to branch out and experiment with innovation. Think about your relationship and your individual connections to the world.
Daily Singles:
So the romantic sizzle went fizzle between you and a recent prospect. Even when things don't work out, you know that you were better off for following your instincts. You're so much wiser now.
January 29, 2010
1. Cancer (6/22-7/22)
You've been feeling extremely emotional for days, and that's actually going to peak right about now -- thanks to the stars. You may need to put an end to a particular situation that's gone past the point of being productive or emotionally healthy for all parties concerned. While that won't be easy, you know it has to be done. It really is for the best.
Who is this person that seems to know my life and flops all of my thought in my horoscope? What is it about a monogamy relationship that seems to be difficult to understand? Could it be me or could it be him? I got the commitment I wanted. He was someone attentive, caring, emotionally attached, and not afraid of relationship. But then between my moving to Scarborough to wanting to make him happy, something fell in between the cracks, that I thought I was absolutely sure was FINE. And being the woman that I am, my emotions was off the hook. But in the end...he is the one I want...we just have to communicate better and as for myself...I need to trust him to be with him.
There’s a very distinct line between wanting and needing. And for those of you that knows the woman that I am, I DON’T NEED a MAN…I however WANT a MAN because of the obvious things that they can do. BUT I will not SETTLE for less than what I DESERVED. I know that relationships are balanced by “give and take” but why does MOST relationship lack the simple, yet important, element of excitement and romance? If being in a monogamous relationship mean settling for LESS, no wonder there are so many smart, independent, powerful & beautiful SINGLE women out there.
You could be receiving some sad or unhappy news. Remember to remain tactful under this circumstance, regardless of what you're faced with now. In the future, your friends and family could remember how well you composed yourself upon the release of this information more than the news itself.
Daily Flirt:
A little indulgence never hurt anybody, you least of all. Go forth on a quest for serious pleasure and total decadence.
Daily Couples:
You and your darling have already explored the tried-and-true. The stars say it's time to branch out and experiment with innovation. Think about your relationship and your individual connections to the world.
Daily Singles:
So the romantic sizzle went fizzle between you and a recent prospect. Even when things don't work out, you know that you were better off for following your instincts. You're so much wiser now.
January 29, 2010
1. Cancer (6/22-7/22)
You've been feeling extremely emotional for days, and that's actually going to peak right about now -- thanks to the stars. You may need to put an end to a particular situation that's gone past the point of being productive or emotionally healthy for all parties concerned. While that won't be easy, you know it has to be done. It really is for the best.
Who is this person that seems to know my life and flops all of my thought in my horoscope? What is it about a monogamy relationship that seems to be difficult to understand? Could it be me or could it be him? I got the commitment I wanted. He was someone attentive, caring, emotionally attached, and not afraid of relationship. But then between my moving to Scarborough to wanting to make him happy, something fell in between the cracks, that I thought I was absolutely sure was FINE. And being the woman that I am, my emotions was off the hook. But in the end...he is the one I want...we just have to communicate better and as for myself...I need to trust him to be with him.
There’s a very distinct line between wanting and needing. And for those of you that knows the woman that I am, I DON’T NEED a MAN…I however WANT a MAN because of the obvious things that they can do. BUT I will not SETTLE for less than what I DESERVED. I know that relationships are balanced by “give and take” but why does MOST relationship lack the simple, yet important, element of excitement and romance? If being in a monogamous relationship mean settling for LESS, no wonder there are so many smart, independent, powerful & beautiful SINGLE women out there.
Friday, January 15, 2010
My 10th time moving...Oh gosh!

Hello y'all...soooooo I'm moving tomorrow morning...kinda scary thing don't you think? lol!!! Anyhow I will report back since I am running around like a headless chicken (a fine headless chicken if I must say so myself!!!!)
I got my brother and his friends helping me...so that is a blessing...and ofcourse that special somebody is helping me pack as well :)
Here we go...wish me luck!
Happy weekend :)
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Nesting Instinct????? Wtf????

So this Tuesday…and let’s just say it’s a day closer to Friday which of course we absolutely love and flags our FB's status with “TGIFs”. But what does Tuesday really mean to us? Another day another dollar…but you know that darn ol’grumpy DOLLAR is what makes this complicated world go round and round. I’ve read it in history class (long ago ) when trading was in full effect…if you got a cow, you can trade its milk for bag of rice or some sort of other things you might need. Life would be simple right? Who knows…I am not sure if I am ready to squeeze a cow’s nipple at this stage of my life…I can’t even touch a spider using all of my mighty DIVA power! Nope…it will never happen!!!!
Do you like reading your horoscope? Do you read it at the beginning of the day or the end of the day? I used to read it at the end of the day but with METRO news so conveniently left on the bus by an early rider got me on that reading it before the start of my morning type of routine….so today let me tell you my horoscope and I are in SYNC! No no no…not the boy band…I meant we are connecting
Today’s horoscope for CANCERS goers “You and your wallet agree not to hit the town. Read a book and take a nice bath” – let me tell you that this is one amazing “guess” by whoever wrote this…who would’ve have thought that I The DIVA need to stay home hmmm maybe because I am not making enough mulas to splurge…hmmm…oh Lottery why do you avoid my path? As I continue reading it tells me that I am on my nesting instinct (Like que-say-what???) Nesting what? Like I’m some kind of a duck that needs to sit my bootylisciouness on some eggs? OHM I sooo don’t think so!!! Are you kidding me? From experienced mothers…it DOES NOT TICKLE your fanny when a baby pops out…no OFFENSE but oh my word…I am so not ready to pop anything out of me!!!! It then proceeded to suggest that I should stay away from my NEW man because we would appreciate the time apart. WE JUST STARTED…and I do want to see him as much as I want to but of course I got family and friends that I need to bless with my FABULOUSNESS So I think my horoscope is only 50% accurate today…passing mark…I’ll let the other Cancerians populate this world…I will eventually bless the world with my genes…but there ain’t one man that’s THAT good in bed to make me want to pop one for him (Ohhhhhh….I kill myself lmao!)
Anyways that’s Tuesday for me…to think of what just happened over the weekend and what might happen this weekend…usually by Wednesday I am booked for the rest of the week…please do call my people to make an appointment
Ciao for now my followers – until next time
(Lunch break is over )
Monday, January 11, 2010
Monday Oh Monday!
So it’s MONDAY!YAY! Right?!?!? Okay I am trying to start my week as amazing as my weekend had been…*ahem* details will be revealed later…waaaaaay later ;)
As my every morning routine starts with getting up at 5am…well 5:45 with a couple of snoozes here and there…and maybe a few more! By the time I got my 3 layers of shirts, tights & Jeans and sweater and Jacket…it’s already 6:45am. That’s just about the time to catch the first of my five buses that I take, YES 5 BUSES, to go to work in Richmond Hill.
I grabbed a copy of the METRO news and read everything diligently to catch up on the news, the weathers, the tragedy, the gossips, and some other columns that the author feels legit information to share with the public like myself.
Now at this point I am still fuming with last week’s column by John Sewell (http://www.metronews.ca/toronto/comment/article/416240--toronto-s-handling-of-don-jail-is-a-disgrace) about the Don Jail inmates being proposed to get housing and financial assistance…excusez moi? Are you kidding me? These are teens that have committed some form of misbehavior and WE must assist them? Help them get housing? That is an absolute MALARKY! I am sorry but if you do the crime…do the mutha-BEEPIN time! Plain and simple!!! Yes there are some that probably were in there because of wrong associations...BUT then again let's be REAL! Have you not seen how some of these teens nowadays act? It's a real life version of music video's and video games. What are we promoting to teens then? That if they get charged and go to jail they can be eligible for free loading off of the government? I don’t think so! I could write more about this topic…but I am not trying to get upset over this…when I am more collected I will get back on this topic
Then it hit me, as always, why am I reading the news? This is ridiculous right? It starts my day with pure bad news and even worst…possible high-blood pressure! Aaargh!!!
By the time I finished reading the news paper and the other news paper it is 8:30am and I am running after the last bus that would take me to work and start my day (hmmm…6:45am to 8:39am that is half a day right there right?)
I can’t wait to get my laptop so I can blog on the bus and be able to provide you my readers with something to either laugh about or think about!
So how’s your weekend been? Happy Monday!
As my every morning routine starts with getting up at 5am…well 5:45 with a couple of snoozes here and there…and maybe a few more! By the time I got my 3 layers of shirts, tights & Jeans and sweater and Jacket…it’s already 6:45am. That’s just about the time to catch the first of my five buses that I take, YES 5 BUSES, to go to work in Richmond Hill.
I grabbed a copy of the METRO news and read everything diligently to catch up on the news, the weathers, the tragedy, the gossips, and some other columns that the author feels legit information to share with the public like myself.
Now at this point I am still fuming with last week’s column by John Sewell (http://www.metronews.ca/toronto/comment/article/416240--toronto-s-handling-of-don-jail-is-a-disgrace) about the Don Jail inmates being proposed to get housing and financial assistance…excusez moi? Are you kidding me? These are teens that have committed some form of misbehavior and WE must assist them? Help them get housing? That is an absolute MALARKY! I am sorry but if you do the crime…do the mutha-BEEPIN time! Plain and simple!!! Yes there are some that probably were in there because of wrong associations...BUT then again let's be REAL! Have you not seen how some of these teens nowadays act? It's a real life version of music video's and video games. What are we promoting to teens then? That if they get charged and go to jail they can be eligible for free loading off of the government? I don’t think so! I could write more about this topic…but I am not trying to get upset over this…when I am more collected I will get back on this topic
Then it hit me, as always, why am I reading the news? This is ridiculous right? It starts my day with pure bad news and even worst…possible high-blood pressure! Aaargh!!!
By the time I finished reading the news paper and the other news paper it is 8:30am and I am running after the last bus that would take me to work and start my day (hmmm…6:45am to 8:39am that is half a day right there right?)
I can’t wait to get my laptop so I can blog on the bus and be able to provide you my readers with something to either laugh about or think about!
So how’s your weekend been? Happy Monday!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Morning After The Party (Extended X-mas/New Year Celebration)
Good morning world,
So this is the morning after the party which consist of Family, Great Friends, Great Food and most of all Tons of Laughter. With about 18 kids and almost 30 adults in a house, crowded as it may seem, is truly a perfect moment. Which most were captured in pictures & videos OF COURSE!!!!
A potluck event and with gifts for the kids to open, this amazing chaos lasted until the early morning. I made my famous Jello Shots and there were enough alcohol to get a football team feeling TIPSY! Yes of course there were designated drivers as well. And some slept over too.
My brother & his friends have been together since High School and they all remained friends through the years. It is amazing to watch them now, with kids, and talk about the next generation. I've always been around them as the little sister, and although I was away for many years, coming back and enjoying these moments makes me wish I was never distant.
For the kids, it is great that they see this type of close knit friends and closeness and hopefully it influences them to keep the same type of friends.
In conclusion this is the last Christmas/New Year Party and we are all ready to greet 2010 together.
So to all...the saying that goes "you are judged by the company you keep...well then I must be AMAZING!!!"
Happy New Year Y'all!!!!!!!!
So this is the morning after the party which consist of Family, Great Friends, Great Food and most of all Tons of Laughter. With about 18 kids and almost 30 adults in a house, crowded as it may seem, is truly a perfect moment. Which most were captured in pictures & videos OF COURSE!!!!
A potluck event and with gifts for the kids to open, this amazing chaos lasted until the early morning. I made my famous Jello Shots and there were enough alcohol to get a football team feeling TIPSY! Yes of course there were designated drivers as well. And some slept over too.
My brother & his friends have been together since High School and they all remained friends through the years. It is amazing to watch them now, with kids, and talk about the next generation. I've always been around them as the little sister, and although I was away for many years, coming back and enjoying these moments makes me wish I was never distant.
For the kids, it is great that they see this type of close knit friends and closeness and hopefully it influences them to keep the same type of friends.
In conclusion this is the last Christmas/New Year Party and we are all ready to greet 2010 together.
So to all...the saying that goes "you are judged by the company you keep...well then I must be AMAZING!!!"
Happy New Year Y'all!!!!!!!!
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Your rain...
It's hard
Not to fall for me...
To miss me the way
You've been longing for me
I'm in your mind
Day in...
Day out...
And you can't seem
To dust the thoughts
You wonder
Do I linger in your mind?
My face seems to
Float on by...
From a dream
You want to wake up
In reality to find me
To hold me
To be
With me...
You want my loving
And that's cool
I got 999 men
and now plus you
Asking and wanting
To prove
Themselves to me
To be so true
If you let one of them
To take me
If you don't fight
Hard enough
For me to
The rain is all
That you can taste
And every time
Those clouds comes in
You'll remember me
Smiling... at you
Looking... at you
You'd missed out
On a love that's true
You could have been
The one I say I do to...
When it train...
It pours...
It comes down
Strong on you
We could have
Made love in the rain...
Spooning me
As we watch the rain
On my window pane...
But now
You try hard...
To hide the pain
Your tears flowing...
As your rain...
Posted 5/2/09
Not to fall for me...
To miss me the way
You've been longing for me
I'm in your mind
Day in...
Day out...
And you can't seem
To dust the thoughts
You wonder
Do I linger in your mind?
My face seems to
Float on by...
From a dream
You want to wake up
In reality to find me
To hold me
To be
With me...
You want my loving
And that's cool
I got 999 men
and now plus you
Asking and wanting
To prove
Themselves to me
To be so true
If you let one of them
To take me
If you don't fight
Hard enough
For me to
The rain is all
That you can taste
And every time
Those clouds comes in
You'll remember me
Smiling... at you
Looking... at you
You'd missed out
On a love that's true
You could have been
The one I say I do to...
When it train...
It pours...
It comes down
Strong on you
We could have
Made love in the rain...
Spooning me
As we watch the rain
On my window pane...
But now
You try hard...
To hide the pain
Your tears flowing...
As your rain...
Posted 5/2/09
Pandoras Box
We ignored the signs like blind fools
We were the missing pieces of each other
Instead we became just ex's to one another
I was that down %#&@$! chick
Like EVE of Rough Rider...
The one that fell for a Rasta
Your Sabrosita...
Held it together like a soldier!
When you reached zero chips
It didn't matter...
This mami pulled it together!
Like a Texas Hold Em' Champion player
Bluffed throughout the game
And let you shine brighter!
Like Pinocchio your lies were hard to hide!
You roamed the streets like the Dark Knight
Spreading dosage to custy's alike
Scarborough's mobile pharmacy!
But you were unavailable to me.
Showered me with gifts
A luxury of 100% silk cold bed sheets!
The streets can't love you like I do
Didn't Ms. Stephens preached that to you?
You trying to buy what I gave you for free
My love didn't cost a thing!
Thought you got the hint when I played that song to you!
I didn't mind riding the rocket with you...
Way back when it was just you and me!
When red light means go...
And four seasons went by seven times!
But you roamed the streets one night!
Forgot the route that takes you home!
And I got tired...
Of waiting until your food got cold...
When all the candles melted...
And all I see were smokes...
I stopped believing in you
In my strength to be our glue!
I thought you were......
The "Happily" to my "Ever After"
Then comes the predicted bad weather
As if Tsunami, Tornado and Earthquake
In my heart decided to meet!
Tore our foundation!
Span all the lies around!
The lightning had its show...
Highlighted the imperfections in the dark!
We've opened Pandora's box!
Our time in this game is up!
You're too far gone to hold...
I will rise above this tragedy...
My eyes will dry eventually...
But I wonder if you knew...
We were the perfect fit!
You were the beautiful nightmare...
That changed my future to bitter
From what used to be so sweet...
Posted 11/15/09
We were the missing pieces of each other
Instead we became just ex's to one another
I was that down %#&@$! chick
Like EVE of Rough Rider...
The one that fell for a Rasta
Your Sabrosita...
Held it together like a soldier!
When you reached zero chips
It didn't matter...
This mami pulled it together!
Like a Texas Hold Em' Champion player
Bluffed throughout the game
And let you shine brighter!
Like Pinocchio your lies were hard to hide!
You roamed the streets like the Dark Knight
Spreading dosage to custy's alike
Scarborough's mobile pharmacy!
But you were unavailable to me.
Showered me with gifts
A luxury of 100% silk cold bed sheets!
The streets can't love you like I do
Didn't Ms. Stephens preached that to you?
You trying to buy what I gave you for free
My love didn't cost a thing!
Thought you got the hint when I played that song to you!
I didn't mind riding the rocket with you...
Way back when it was just you and me!
When red light means go...
And four seasons went by seven times!
But you roamed the streets one night!
Forgot the route that takes you home!
And I got tired...
Of waiting until your food got cold...
When all the candles melted...
And all I see were smokes...
I stopped believing in you
In my strength to be our glue!
I thought you were......
The "Happily" to my "Ever After"
Then comes the predicted bad weather
As if Tsunami, Tornado and Earthquake
In my heart decided to meet!
Tore our foundation!
Span all the lies around!
The lightning had its show...
Highlighted the imperfections in the dark!
We've opened Pandora's box!
Our time in this game is up!
You're too far gone to hold...
I will rise above this tragedy...
My eyes will dry eventually...
But I wonder if you knew...
We were the perfect fit!
You were the beautiful nightmare...
That changed my future to bitter
From what used to be so sweet...
Posted 11/15/09
I still...
I’ve written it many different ways before
I heard myself screaming your name some more
I hate you! I love you! I miss you! I need you!
I can’t seem to get over you!
I died with every moment I reminisced what once was.
The same memory is what I need to live by.
I thought I was weak for crying…
But not drowning in my own tears made me strong.
No matter how much my heart breaks
I still believe that love will come home to me someday.
But loving you and loving me doesn’t seem to work
It’s like the same poison that killed Juliet
Her love was never given a chance to grow
Or did she try to move on?
I am not Juliet and you are not my Romeo.
This selfish love needs to go.
Is it my fault that I can’t get over you?
Is it his fault that he can never be you?
Is it your fault that I fell in with love you?
But it’s your fault that you decided to stray from US.
From the very thing I thought was good enough
I gave you the very best of me
I guess I drowned you with love and sincerity
I've wasted thousands of kisses on your lips
Threw away my dreams of being happy
You almost made me hate love
But love was patient with me…
Until my heart decides to break away from you
Until then…I’ll dedicate these words to you.
Posted 11/21/08
I heard myself screaming your name some more
I hate you! I love you! I miss you! I need you!
I can’t seem to get over you!
I died with every moment I reminisced what once was.
The same memory is what I need to live by.
I thought I was weak for crying…
But not drowning in my own tears made me strong.
No matter how much my heart breaks
I still believe that love will come home to me someday.
But loving you and loving me doesn’t seem to work
It’s like the same poison that killed Juliet
Her love was never given a chance to grow
Or did she try to move on?
I am not Juliet and you are not my Romeo.
This selfish love needs to go.
Is it my fault that I can’t get over you?
Is it his fault that he can never be you?
Is it your fault that I fell in with love you?
But it’s your fault that you decided to stray from US.
From the very thing I thought was good enough
I gave you the very best of me
I guess I drowned you with love and sincerity
I've wasted thousands of kisses on your lips
Threw away my dreams of being happy
You almost made me hate love
But love was patient with me…
Until my heart decides to break away from you
Until then…I’ll dedicate these words to you.
Posted 11/21/08
My Resume [Follow up on the thread]
As requested here’s the resume that I put together to reply on my thread. Thanks for the love on the piece everyone!
I am an enthusiastic, reliable and highly motivated individual with over 15 years of dating experience from puppy love to being engaged. With Strong analytical skills with the ability to focus on detail, identify a problem and propose a solution (which was learned the hard way). A strong member of any team (for we are a team once we are together) and multitasking skills (can be the wifey and business woman at the same time), capable to work well independently and as part of a team. Excels in fast-paced environments (let’s it face one must always upgrade) and communicates efficiently. Looking for a companion where I can upgrade my skills and dedicate my time and most importantly my heart.
Both book smart and street smart!
Work Experience
I’ve worked on self to understand
Who I am,
Where I want to be
And the life I want to lead
I’ve realized that love is something you can’t buy
But you can’t survive on love alone
A mind must be balance and guide the heart at all times
For the heart can succumb to the most simple gesture of kindness
The heart accepts and forgives anything
But with the right assistance with our mind
The heart can avoid heart aches
The heart can survive the heart ache
Because the mind knows better than to quit.
The body is a temple not to be worship in a glass
But to be given to the one you love,
Not just to bear a child,
But to make passionate love
The hands are not to inflict pain
To shake the hands of those whose aura shines to you
To hug those who touches your heart
To hug those who needs a hug
The lips to kiss with passion and intensity
The lips to open for the words to come out
From the heart we shall speak the truth
To say how we feel when cupid hits us
But do bite your tongue
When the words that wants to come out are of lies
For truth reveals itself in due time
I do not hold a grudge anymore…
Keeping that anger inside does not do anything to others
But it kept me like a prisoner without parole
So this time I am putting myself out there
I know love exist even if being unfaithful seem to be “bliss”
You hear it in a song and even on so many show
But this is life and I am real
So this is my resume
And hoping that I be blessed
The one that God especially created to match mine
He whose heart beats compliments mine.
So what you guys think? Please do reply and post your own resume :)
Posted 11/15/08
I am an enthusiastic, reliable and highly motivated individual with over 15 years of dating experience from puppy love to being engaged. With Strong analytical skills with the ability to focus on detail, identify a problem and propose a solution (which was learned the hard way). A strong member of any team (for we are a team once we are together) and multitasking skills (can be the wifey and business woman at the same time), capable to work well independently and as part of a team. Excels in fast-paced environments (let’s it face one must always upgrade) and communicates efficiently. Looking for a companion where I can upgrade my skills and dedicate my time and most importantly my heart.
Both book smart and street smart!
Work Experience
I’ve worked on self to understand
Who I am,
Where I want to be
And the life I want to lead
I’ve realized that love is something you can’t buy
But you can’t survive on love alone
A mind must be balance and guide the heart at all times
For the heart can succumb to the most simple gesture of kindness
The heart accepts and forgives anything
But with the right assistance with our mind
The heart can avoid heart aches
The heart can survive the heart ache
Because the mind knows better than to quit.
The body is a temple not to be worship in a glass
But to be given to the one you love,
Not just to bear a child,
But to make passionate love
The hands are not to inflict pain
To shake the hands of those whose aura shines to you
To hug those who touches your heart
To hug those who needs a hug
The lips to kiss with passion and intensity
The lips to open for the words to come out
From the heart we shall speak the truth
To say how we feel when cupid hits us
But do bite your tongue
When the words that wants to come out are of lies
For truth reveals itself in due time
I do not hold a grudge anymore…
Keeping that anger inside does not do anything to others
But it kept me like a prisoner without parole
So this time I am putting myself out there
I know love exist even if being unfaithful seem to be “bliss”
You hear it in a song and even on so many show
But this is life and I am real
So this is my resume
And hoping that I be blessed
The one that God especially created to match mine
He whose heart beats compliments mine.
So what you guys think? Please do reply and post your own resume :)
Posted 11/15/08
Resumes [Review & Response]
I thought of this thread "Resume" from the conversation I had at the office. How easy it would be if men and women provide a resume on what they got to offer...this is also a follow up on my post called "What is L.O.V.E.
Everything in life has a reason
A reason of being and existing
But all I want is a reason to breathe and that is you
To exist in your heart and to be the one you run to
To give you the kiss that you been missing for so long
To trace your face as we lay down face to face
To hear your heart beat in sequence with mine.
I want to be the one you call home
Keep your heart safe away from the cold
Can we give love a try?
Only this time there's no more holding back.
if you're looking for something lasting
If you want that butterfly fluttering
As long as you can handle all day of laughing
All night of love making
And Saturday of entertaining
And that Sunday of movie and home cooking
Can you handle all that loving?
I got more curves than that woman on a magazine
Inside and out it's real, it's all me
I just have a few more questions, I hope you don't mind
Would you keep that twinkle in our eyes?
Would you take care of my heart?
And if we argue would you sleep staying mad?
I would rather talk and cuddle and preserved this love
Would you stay after we made love?
Or call your boys and head to a strip club?
Posted 11/2/08
Everything in life has a reason
A reason of being and existing
But all I want is a reason to breathe and that is you
To exist in your heart and to be the one you run to
To give you the kiss that you been missing for so long
To trace your face as we lay down face to face
To hear your heart beat in sequence with mine.
I want to be the one you call home
Keep your heart safe away from the cold
Can we give love a try?
Only this time there's no more holding back.
if you're looking for something lasting
If you want that butterfly fluttering
As long as you can handle all day of laughing
All night of love making
And Saturday of entertaining
And that Sunday of movie and home cooking
Can you handle all that loving?
I got more curves than that woman on a magazine
Inside and out it's real, it's all me
I just have a few more questions, I hope you don't mind
Would you keep that twinkle in our eyes?
Would you take care of my heart?
And if we argue would you sleep staying mad?
I would rather talk and cuddle and preserved this love
Would you stay after we made love?
Or call your boys and head to a strip club?
Posted 11/2/08
Dear Heart
I know it hurts you
but why do you chose to hold on?
You seem to not get it
Do I have need to explain some more?
Can't you see he left us?
Can't you believe what I seen?
The words that I screamed out loud
As you slowly shattered piece by piece.
I know he was good to you
For that moment in time
I know he made u beat faster
That was his talent, the master mind!
I guess it's my fault that I let him stare in mine
Cuz that was the moment he stole your keys through my eyes
Oh those silly kisses that I allowed him to take
Without even saying thank you
He just take and take and take
You're so stubborn you make me scream!
I cry and cry and you just don't listen to me!
You keep on holding on to a man that wanted to be free.
If I could I'd trade you in for free
For another that knows better than be a fool for him
What a shame you silly thing
He don't love us so stop beating for him!
Now now don't you start to cry
When you get emotional
It's so hard to breathe sometimes.
Do we need a book on how to move on?
Or go with the ladies to watch a man shake his groins?
Would that somehow help you jump for joy?
Shall we ask a Doctor for a pill for a temporary relief?
Until we finally get over that "oh he used to be so sweet"
Let's go and get out there my heart!
Let's not let Mr. Right pass us by and let another break his heart
Just because we're hang up on a man that don't deserve our love!
Dear heart, I just want you to stop breaking apart!
Posted 10/27/08
but why do you chose to hold on?
You seem to not get it
Do I have need to explain some more?
Can't you see he left us?
Can't you believe what I seen?
The words that I screamed out loud
As you slowly shattered piece by piece.
I know he was good to you
For that moment in time
I know he made u beat faster
That was his talent, the master mind!
I guess it's my fault that I let him stare in mine
Cuz that was the moment he stole your keys through my eyes
Oh those silly kisses that I allowed him to take
Without even saying thank you
He just take and take and take
You're so stubborn you make me scream!
I cry and cry and you just don't listen to me!
You keep on holding on to a man that wanted to be free.
If I could I'd trade you in for free
For another that knows better than be a fool for him
What a shame you silly thing
He don't love us so stop beating for him!
Now now don't you start to cry
When you get emotional
It's so hard to breathe sometimes.
Do we need a book on how to move on?
Or go with the ladies to watch a man shake his groins?
Would that somehow help you jump for joy?
Shall we ask a Doctor for a pill for a temporary relief?
Until we finally get over that "oh he used to be so sweet"
Let's go and get out there my heart!
Let's not let Mr. Right pass us by and let another break his heart
Just because we're hang up on a man that don't deserve our love!
Dear heart, I just want you to stop breaking apart!
Posted 10/27/08
Chances are
So I wear my broken heart on my sleeve
Asking God to take it easy on me
Another tear I just might die
and forever have that scar of how you tore it apart
But I go on day by day
But by the weekend I die again like today
Tired of listening to our old tunes
Tired of remembering what once so good
Tired of trying to make me whole
while the missing pieces you seemed to hold
A broken puzzle and only you can fix
I'm afraid to let you
see me cry
Listening to Etta James Sunday kinda of love
And my world went back to our past
The kisses that you gave to only me
The laughter that used to belong to me
When your hand used to caress me...
Used to...
Why do i soak in this blood shed?
Why do I let you laugh with somebody else?
While I drown in my tears you caused
When my heart you tore apart.
Prevented me from allowing another
To once again fall in love...
No more ... at the end of my words
No more wishing and hoping that you'd return
No more crying myself to sleep
No more praying my heart for you to fix.
Chances are it was meant to be
As played out that line seems to me
Chances are I've wasted enough time
Probably ignored a guy who could've
Mend this broken heart
Chances are I'm opening my heart
Allowing myself to give love a try
Changing the pattern begins with me
Dry my tears and let my smile free
Allow my heart to feel that staccato beats
To feel that nervousness of
Another man's kiss
Chances are I'd be a little cautious
Chances are my heart would sing
Chances are I'd wear my heart on my sleeve
Only this time to show
That I got so much love to give!
Chances are I'd fall in love again
Asking God to take it easy on me
Another tear I just might die
and forever have that scar of how you tore it apart
But I go on day by day
But by the weekend I die again like today
Tired of listening to our old tunes
Tired of remembering what once so good
Tired of trying to make me whole
while the missing pieces you seemed to hold
A broken puzzle and only you can fix
I'm afraid to let you
see me cry
Listening to Etta James Sunday kinda of love
And my world went back to our past
The kisses that you gave to only me
The laughter that used to belong to me
When your hand used to caress me...
Used to...
Why do i soak in this blood shed?
Why do I let you laugh with somebody else?
While I drown in my tears you caused
When my heart you tore apart.
Prevented me from allowing another
To once again fall in love...
No more ... at the end of my words
No more wishing and hoping that you'd return
No more crying myself to sleep
No more praying my heart for you to fix.
Chances are it was meant to be
As played out that line seems to me
Chances are I've wasted enough time
Probably ignored a guy who could've
Mend this broken heart
Chances are I'm opening my heart
Allowing myself to give love a try
Changing the pattern begins with me
Dry my tears and let my smile free
Allow my heart to feel that staccato beats
To feel that nervousness of
Another man's kiss
Chances are I'd be a little cautious
Chances are my heart would sing
Chances are I'd wear my heart on my sleeve
Only this time to show
That I got so much love to give!
Chances are I'd fall in love again
To answer your question where I get my inspiration...
Nothing in this life is irreplaceable So I've been told...
You start dying the moment you were born
Someone had to say goodbye
For two new hearts to say hello
When a door closes
Another opens up for you
Too many cliche I wish weren't true
With all the goodbyes
And tears I shed through
A dramatic episode
A tired rerun on my life story been told
I bid farewell per seasons without fail
I said goodbye to friends
I said goodbye to lovers
I even said goodbye to my grandparents
and 2 sets of parents
I said goodbye to my only sibling
I said goodbye to my best-friend
I said goodbye to coworkers that became my friends
I even said goodbye to the old me
The one who used to have her own family
The girl who used to believe in love and marriage
The little girl who used to wed her Ken and Barbie
I said goodbye to my dreams
The dreams of white fence, a pool, a dog, and yes a maybe a man.
I gave up the dream of walking down the isle to you with my Daddy
I gave up feeling my belly for a possibility of a baby
I gave up trying to lose the weight...after all it don't matter anymore...
a man will stray if he's a dog.
Another goodbye and I'd lose control
For I can't understand why they all had to go
Why can't I get that chance
To say good morning and goodnight with my own man?
To walk down the aisle in my perfect wedding gown?
Or have him look at me with the love in his mind?
Why can't Sunday be with my family
Why did my parents had to send me away with the belief my life's better without them?
When is my turn to feel that life inside of me...
to look forward in the morning when I wake up while my kids jump around me.
or to rush to school for PTA or bake sale of the month?
I'm tired of hopes and dreams just to wish for more
I'm tired of sleeping alone and waking up not knowing my dreams
I'm tired of those same 4 page letters about an ex
I wish I'm shopping for a lingerie for a make up sex
I don't want to say goodbye...
Just to try to get over our hello
To answer your question where I get my inspiration...
To keep you guessing what's real and what's played out words
I guess this is really what's behind my written thoughts.
I'm just tired of saying goodbyes....
Writing them down helps the memory to stay awhile.
Just in case one day my turn comes unannounced.
Posted 10/23/08
You start dying the moment you were born
Someone had to say goodbye
For two new hearts to say hello
When a door closes
Another opens up for you
Too many cliche I wish weren't true
With all the goodbyes
And tears I shed through
A dramatic episode
A tired rerun on my life story been told
I bid farewell per seasons without fail
I said goodbye to friends
I said goodbye to lovers
I even said goodbye to my grandparents
and 2 sets of parents
I said goodbye to my only sibling
I said goodbye to my best-friend
I said goodbye to coworkers that became my friends
I even said goodbye to the old me
The one who used to have her own family
The girl who used to believe in love and marriage
The little girl who used to wed her Ken and Barbie
I said goodbye to my dreams
The dreams of white fence, a pool, a dog, and yes a maybe a man.
I gave up the dream of walking down the isle to you with my Daddy
I gave up feeling my belly for a possibility of a baby
I gave up trying to lose the weight...after all it don't matter anymore...
a man will stray if he's a dog.
Another goodbye and I'd lose control
For I can't understand why they all had to go
Why can't I get that chance
To say good morning and goodnight with my own man?
To walk down the aisle in my perfect wedding gown?
Or have him look at me with the love in his mind?
Why can't Sunday be with my family
Why did my parents had to send me away with the belief my life's better without them?
When is my turn to feel that life inside of me...
to look forward in the morning when I wake up while my kids jump around me.
or to rush to school for PTA or bake sale of the month?
I'm tired of hopes and dreams just to wish for more
I'm tired of sleeping alone and waking up not knowing my dreams
I'm tired of those same 4 page letters about an ex
I wish I'm shopping for a lingerie for a make up sex
I don't want to say goodbye...
Just to try to get over our hello
To answer your question where I get my inspiration...
To keep you guessing what's real and what's played out words
I guess this is really what's behind my written thoughts.
I'm just tired of saying goodbyes....
Writing them down helps the memory to stay awhile.
Just in case one day my turn comes unannounced.
Posted 10/23/08
I think I'm over you
I repeated those words over and over again
But the stubborn tears tend to reappear
Every Sunday or when there's soft rain falls,
I remember you...when you let me fall
Fall in love with you
I tried to shake it off
Our memories that gets me soft
An over played movie
Damn those good ol'memories
But I'm almost over you,
I'm almost over you at last...
Except when I'm alone,
I could feel your warmth embrace
The soft kisses at the back of my neck
When you used to nibble my ear
When your hands held mine
And when we criss crossed our thighs
And when I need someone,
It all points out to you...
I'm incapable...of forgetting you
Incapable...of not feeling blue
Up to now I still can't believe
The hold on my heart, the key you seemed to keep
But I am almost over you...
I will repeat those words until it comes true
Anything better than crying over you
And no matter what I do,
I'm incapable of forgetting you...
It's beyond my heart's control...
For my heart, my mind, my soul you disabled.
I'm almost over you
Until "Thanks Giving" comes around
To think of the things we should be thankful for
And I wished I was able to be thankful of you this time around.
I still remember you putting me on the counter
Just for an intense and long passionate kiss
I wished I didn't remember...
After all my heart in your hand was always in danger.
I'm almost over you...
Just as long as the summer no longer comes around
Or the Fall leaves no longer paint the town
Or the Winter when we used to cuddle for warmth
Or any holidays as a matter of fact
Because wrapping presents just breaks my heart.
Or that darn Spring
When you confessed of your illicit fling.
So this thanks giving I'm really thank for...
Being able to write these words...
Because without poetry...I'd probably explode!
Posted 10/11/08
I repeated those words over and over again
But the stubborn tears tend to reappear
Every Sunday or when there's soft rain falls,
I remember you...when you let me fall
Fall in love with you
I tried to shake it off
Our memories that gets me soft
An over played movie
Damn those good ol'memories
But I'm almost over you,
I'm almost over you at last...
Except when I'm alone,
I could feel your warmth embrace
The soft kisses at the back of my neck
When you used to nibble my ear
When your hands held mine
And when we criss crossed our thighs
And when I need someone,
It all points out to you...
I'm incapable...of forgetting you
Incapable...of not feeling blue
Up to now I still can't believe
The hold on my heart, the key you seemed to keep
But I am almost over you...
I will repeat those words until it comes true
Anything better than crying over you
And no matter what I do,
I'm incapable of forgetting you...
It's beyond my heart's control...
For my heart, my mind, my soul you disabled.
I'm almost over you
Until "Thanks Giving" comes around
To think of the things we should be thankful for
And I wished I was able to be thankful of you this time around.
I still remember you putting me on the counter
Just for an intense and long passionate kiss
I wished I didn't remember...
After all my heart in your hand was always in danger.
I'm almost over you...
Just as long as the summer no longer comes around
Or the Fall leaves no longer paint the town
Or the Winter when we used to cuddle for warmth
Or any holidays as a matter of fact
Because wrapping presents just breaks my heart.
Or that darn Spring
When you confessed of your illicit fling.
So this thanks giving I'm really thank for...
Being able to write these words...
Because without poetry...I'd probably explode!
Posted 10/11/08
"it's just words" I hear him say
Words that came out like a memorized line from a play
In disbelief thinking I heard him wrong....
I stepped back not to over act
But to act like a director looking for a movie? nah that's "whack"
"Just words" lingers in my ear...words words words...
Words records the history that our early years missed
Words are spoken when souls are being cleansed
Words the young are encouraged to master
Words that the old ones pass on to each other
"Just words" I won't let that get me any angrier...
Words are power and weakness in the same
Words sometimes are mistreated like a puzzle or a game
Spoken Words honor the emotions of happiness or pain
Words are magical to a child who dreams
As their parents tuck them in for the night
Words to explain the wrongs and right
Romantic words that bonds a princess to her knight
Words used to be forbidden depending on your skin
Words we're hidden in secrets from the kings
Words are carelessly spoken like a cheap side walk sale
Spitting words out without a care
Then I ask myself what is "words" to me?
Words makes me stand and scream
Words come out in my deepest dreams
Words makes me quiver and shiver
As I deliver what some might not want to hear...
With words its a difference of guilty or to be set free
Whether you're doing your part in society...
Words makes you and me, and her and him...with identity.
"Just words" don't you ever repeat to me...
As a poet I demand that you choose your words carefully
A poet can use words as a weapon or to cure a soul.
Words to express yourself!
It used to be so simple when we were a child...
There's only good words and bad words....
There's no manipulation to tell a lie...
or sugar coat something to win a fight!
So we sat in silence and it was beautiful
For words should not be wasted on a fool
Words that came out like a memorized line from a play
In disbelief thinking I heard him wrong....
I stepped back not to over act
But to act like a director looking for a movie? nah that's "whack"
"Just words" lingers in my ear...words words words...
Words records the history that our early years missed
Words are spoken when souls are being cleansed
Words the young are encouraged to master
Words that the old ones pass on to each other
"Just words" I won't let that get me any angrier...
Words are power and weakness in the same
Words sometimes are mistreated like a puzzle or a game
Spoken Words honor the emotions of happiness or pain
Words are magical to a child who dreams
As their parents tuck them in for the night
Words to explain the wrongs and right
Romantic words that bonds a princess to her knight
Words used to be forbidden depending on your skin
Words we're hidden in secrets from the kings
Words are carelessly spoken like a cheap side walk sale
Spitting words out without a care
Then I ask myself what is "words" to me?
Words makes me stand and scream
Words come out in my deepest dreams
Words makes me quiver and shiver
As I deliver what some might not want to hear...
With words its a difference of guilty or to be set free
Whether you're doing your part in society...
Words makes you and me, and her and him...with identity.
"Just words" don't you ever repeat to me...
As a poet I demand that you choose your words carefully
A poet can use words as a weapon or to cure a soul.
Words to express yourself!
It used to be so simple when we were a child...
There's only good words and bad words....
There's no manipulation to tell a lie...
or sugar coat something to win a fight!
So we sat in silence and it was beautiful
For words should not be wasted on a fool
It’s simply
How I’m makin’ you …
Loose ya head
Wit no subject …
Don’t you dare say…
It’s “Just another thread”
See today …
Instead of my
Let’s say
This I give to you
I’m making you sweat
Some new words to say “heyyy!!!”
So, hey … we say
I keep leading you on…along…so come on!
And notice …
How we just may
Flowasist our way
It’s ok …
You singin’ along …
Praying that I go on…
But then I chop it up
Add few breaks …
Then stop it ….
Lock it up wit a
Dot ...
Others mock it
But you know I got it …
Yo they …
Givin me props …
So I bring it …
you can’t miss it!!!
It’s not for just a minute…
From Monday to Sunday…I’ll make you nod nod nod
Losing control…every dot dot dot
I’m Contagiously
Riding your mind with my flow…
A yo …
I spit it fo’ my poetry boo
Imma take you high…
Make you think….
Did you hit a spliff before you read this line?
Get a wiff and get lost in my words …
You know I’m in you kid …
Hit that …
While you lean’ back …
To the
Hmmm, ahhhh …
Ahhh, hmmm …
AHH! …
This ain’t a song …
It’s something new
For you old schoolers …and new schools too
I got love for you too!!!
Sort of like an
A cappella tunes
Wit a new twist
Nah …
It’s like a new funk Rock
And I’m da new KiZZ ...
You know what’s up!
You know who this is
I play wit your words
On some
And gave birth to the RE-Flow of The Year
THEY call me Tha Flowasist!
Posted 10/8/08
How I’m makin’ you …
Loose ya head
Wit no subject …
Don’t you dare say…
It’s “Just another thread”
See today …
Instead of my
Let’s say
This I give to you
I’m making you sweat
Some new words to say “heyyy!!!”
So, hey … we say
I keep leading you on…along…so come on!
And notice …
How we just may
Flowasist our way
It’s ok …
You singin’ along …
Praying that I go on…
But then I chop it up
Add few breaks …
Then stop it ….
Lock it up wit a
Dot ...
Others mock it
But you know I got it …
Yo they …
Givin me props …
So I bring it …
you can’t miss it!!!
It’s not for just a minute…
From Monday to Sunday…I’ll make you nod nod nod
Losing control…every dot dot dot
I’m Contagiously
Riding your mind with my flow…
A yo …
I spit it fo’ my poetry boo
Imma take you high…
Make you think….
Did you hit a spliff before you read this line?
Get a wiff and get lost in my words …
You know I’m in you kid …
Hit that …
While you lean’ back …
To the
Hmmm, ahhhh …
Ahhh, hmmm …
AHH! …
This ain’t a song …
It’s something new
For you old schoolers …and new schools too
I got love for you too!!!
Sort of like an
A cappella tunes
Wit a new twist
Nah …
It’s like a new funk Rock
And I’m da new KiZZ ...
You know what’s up!
You know who this is
I play wit your words
On some
And gave birth to the RE-Flow of The Year
THEY call me Tha Flowasist!
Posted 10/8/08
Kiss me in the morning
Will you kiss me in the morning
If I allow you to kiss me tonight?
Will you call me your baby If I let you hold me tight?
Or would you tell your boys of a fun one night?
If I take a sip of wine...if it alters my mind
Would make sure that you drive me home fast?
Or would you keep on trying to get in my pants?
If for some reason you end up being my man
Would you be careful with my heart?
Or would you lie to my face every time I cry?
If someday we kiss and say I do
Would you wink at one of the brides maid behind me boo?
If I carry your son and he lit-up our life brighter than the sun
Would you plant your seed everywhere like a farm man?
If I carry your daughter and she's your little precious one
Would you fight anyone who breaks her heart like you did mine?
If we survive all the heart ache and pain
And I am still holding on to you and hoping that you'd change
Would you kiss me in the morning and finally say
"Sorry for hurting you"?
But this is the present and the future I can't foresee...
Your phone ringing interrupted your speech to me
You stepped back a few feet but I heard you say "baby"
So will I kiss you in the morning?
I doubt you'll ever get a chance with me!
Posted 10/4/08
If I allow you to kiss me tonight?
Will you call me your baby If I let you hold me tight?
Or would you tell your boys of a fun one night?
If I take a sip of wine...if it alters my mind
Would make sure that you drive me home fast?
Or would you keep on trying to get in my pants?
If for some reason you end up being my man
Would you be careful with my heart?
Or would you lie to my face every time I cry?
If someday we kiss and say I do
Would you wink at one of the brides maid behind me boo?
If I carry your son and he lit-up our life brighter than the sun
Would you plant your seed everywhere like a farm man?
If I carry your daughter and she's your little precious one
Would you fight anyone who breaks her heart like you did mine?
If we survive all the heart ache and pain
And I am still holding on to you and hoping that you'd change
Would you kiss me in the morning and finally say
"Sorry for hurting you"?
But this is the present and the future I can't foresee...
Your phone ringing interrupted your speech to me
You stepped back a few feet but I heard you say "baby"
So will I kiss you in the morning?
I doubt you'll ever get a chance with me!
Posted 10/4/08
No wonder I didn't make the cut
I had a man tell me
That’s he’s curious about me
That I made his heart stop
Over thinking and wanting to kiss
Wait…I heard this old jingle before!
I guess I struck a chord
His screw face says it all!
He followed me around
And yelling
“No you ain’t all that!”
Then it hits me
Like an epiphany
Why AM I not ALL THAT to him?
A girl he can holler at?
He must feel lucky (I giggled privately!)
Well let’s see…
I believe that anything
That hollers meant to be caged like a wild dog
Thank god I ain’t all that to him anymore!
I paused because
I can’t stop laughing (lol)
That sounded funny…
Didn’t it?
But I sat for a minute
Rewound my life
And pressed replay
Then I noticed that
I’ve been seeing reruns
The reason may be that
I tend to stay on the same course!
When would these men get with the program?
But here I am
Writing a similar script
I got him tripping
Cause this pretty woman walked away from him
He thought I wanted an audition?
To be his leading lady? Amongst how many? (ha!)
But when I checked his
I’m like…
No Wonder I’m not your type!
I don’t respond to your “holla!”
You already got a baby mama drama!
You just mad that you didn’t
Made me stop
And Guess what?
I may be single…
But I’m happy not to roll with you like those s l u t s!
Posted 10/3/08
That’s he’s curious about me
That I made his heart stop
Over thinking and wanting to kiss
Wait…I heard this old jingle before!
I guess I struck a chord
His screw face says it all!
He followed me around
And yelling
“No you ain’t all that!”
Then it hits me
Like an epiphany
Why AM I not ALL THAT to him?
A girl he can holler at?
He must feel lucky (I giggled privately!)
Well let’s see…
I believe that anything
That hollers meant to be caged like a wild dog
Thank god I ain’t all that to him anymore!
I paused because
I can’t stop laughing (lol)
That sounded funny…
Didn’t it?
But I sat for a minute
Rewound my life
And pressed replay
Then I noticed that
I’ve been seeing reruns
The reason may be that
I tend to stay on the same course!
When would these men get with the program?
But here I am
Writing a similar script
I got him tripping
Cause this pretty woman walked away from him
He thought I wanted an audition?
To be his leading lady? Amongst how many? (ha!)
But when I checked his
I’m like…
No Wonder I’m not your type!
I don’t respond to your “holla!”
You already got a baby mama drama!
You just mad that you didn’t
Made me stop
And Guess what?
I may be single…
But I’m happy not to roll with you like those s l u t s!
Posted 10/3/08
Poetry making love to me...
Slowly you undress my emotions
Caressing my skin with your flow
You made me quiver with your words
Like a kiss at the back of my neck and I'm sold
Gentle cool breeze between us two
But I knew you being inside of me felt sooo soo so good
I let out a scream as we merged into one
My Mind inspired by you
My body is out of control
My soul was lifted with just the thought of you
I shiver as we exhale
I quiver...
I breathe...
I cried as you kiss my lips
My lips need not speak those words
Our hands does all the work
You being a part of...our entity
The bond that only you and I can see
I've reached heaven
and roamed the open sea
You got me down on my knees
You pulled me back up and kissed me once more
As we rode our raging emotions out of control
I exhaled and heard your heart beats
I could still taste you in my lips
Do you mind if I take some notes?
To share our love making to the world?
Posted 10/2/08
Caressing my skin with your flow
You made me quiver with your words
Like a kiss at the back of my neck and I'm sold
Gentle cool breeze between us two
But I knew you being inside of me felt sooo soo so good
I let out a scream as we merged into one
My Mind inspired by you
My body is out of control
My soul was lifted with just the thought of you
I shiver as we exhale
I quiver...
I breathe...
I cried as you kiss my lips
My lips need not speak those words
Our hands does all the work
You being a part of...our entity
The bond that only you and I can see
I've reached heaven
and roamed the open sea
You got me down on my knees
You pulled me back up and kissed me once more
As we rode our raging emotions out of control
I exhaled and heard your heart beats
I could still taste you in my lips
Do you mind if I take some notes?
To share our love making to the world?
Posted 10/2/08
What is ?
Growing up I assumed that life is pretty much straight forward. You finish school, get a job, you marry your high school love and you have kids and then the kids go to school and you and your partner retire in your "empty-nest" and live happily ever after...well till you die that is.
2007 Relationship is nothing like that Leave it to Beaver show! Over the years relationship lost its meaning. The more complicated it gets the thicker the "sugar- coating" layered itself just to make ourselves "feel better about the situation". Relationship now a days has categories and sub-categories to chose from. From booty-callls, Friends with benefits, re-bounds, ex-factors, sugar mami's and sugar papi's, "money" relationship, common law, baby-daddy or baby-mamz, illicits affairs, work affairs, Long distance love and so on. Where is the LOVE?
Was love so far gone that we no longer even believe that it exist? Or that we think Sex is love? We have been there and done that! But yet no matter how much it hurts us inside we stay in that "relationship" then we cross our fingers to hopefully find love soon. Love does not happen overnight my dear.
It's a job you need to search for...do some internship...do some part-times hours to see if its your taste...then apply for full time. And once hired...you must keep up with the competition and upgrade and always keep it burning. If we take love like our career...with some daily routine work....perks...benefits and insurance...a contract of loyalty...dedication...and honesty...some well deserve vacations...some events to look forward to...surprises to keep each other happy...yearly bonuses...extravagant holidays...or even simple ones...remembering special occasions...file memories away...merge with other "couple" to have some activities other than in the house...train together to be better...give constructive criticism when needed...learn to take directions and when to take initiatives...dress well for the occasion..be it for business or personal ;) ...and to just always try to be your best and represent each other the best way possible...I think it can work.
I believe that love does not happen overnight...love is an on going upgrade. It grows every day of nurture, understanding, communications, and compromise. Relationships have been perceived in so many types of level...but most times its falsified image of LOVE. We tend to be more concern of what others might think regarding our own personal affairs that we ignore our own needs. The need to love..to be cared for and to just share our very intimate and personal cravings. We say I love you just because its a word that sounds" nice"r. But really what is love without its meaning?
We stay in relationship that complicated our mind and alters our very own belief. We replace SEX for LOVE...and we try to believe that its "okay" and that no commitment means = no one gets hurt! But how true is it when inside we hide who we really are? We smile when inside you have so many things to say. So we stay...words unspoken...and in our deepest intimate thoughts...we hope and we pray..that someday that right person to come and rescue us from the very grave our hearts lay...and to rescue us and rekindle that heat it once had...to be free of restrictions and to really finally say and mean the words "I love you"
I guess practice what I preach? I am trying to and hopefully my future article would have some good news...and if its not...it will be a well learned lesson...and like what I always say " When hurt...cry...then move on"
Posted 10/2/08
2007 Relationship is nothing like that Leave it to Beaver show! Over the years relationship lost its meaning. The more complicated it gets the thicker the "sugar- coating" layered itself just to make ourselves "feel better about the situation". Relationship now a days has categories and sub-categories to chose from. From booty-callls, Friends with benefits, re-bounds, ex-factors, sugar mami's and sugar papi's, "money" relationship, common law, baby-daddy or baby-mamz, illicits affairs, work affairs, Long distance love and so on. Where is the LOVE?
Was love so far gone that we no longer even believe that it exist? Or that we think Sex is love? We have been there and done that! But yet no matter how much it hurts us inside we stay in that "relationship" then we cross our fingers to hopefully find love soon. Love does not happen overnight my dear.
It's a job you need to search for...do some internship...do some part-times hours to see if its your taste...then apply for full time. And once hired...you must keep up with the competition and upgrade and always keep it burning. If we take love like our career...with some daily routine work....perks...benefits and insurance...a contract of loyalty...dedication...and honesty...some well deserve vacations...some events to look forward to...surprises to keep each other happy...yearly bonuses...extravagant holidays...or even simple ones...remembering special occasions...file memories away...merge with other "couple" to have some activities other than in the house...train together to be better...give constructive criticism when needed...learn to take directions and when to take initiatives...dress well for the occasion..be it for business or personal ;) ...and to just always try to be your best and represent each other the best way possible...I think it can work.
I believe that love does not happen overnight...love is an on going upgrade. It grows every day of nurture, understanding, communications, and compromise. Relationships have been perceived in so many types of level...but most times its falsified image of LOVE. We tend to be more concern of what others might think regarding our own personal affairs that we ignore our own needs. The need to love..to be cared for and to just share our very intimate and personal cravings. We say I love you just because its a word that sounds" nice"r. But really what is love without its meaning?
We stay in relationship that complicated our mind and alters our very own belief. We replace SEX for LOVE...and we try to believe that its "okay" and that no commitment means = no one gets hurt! But how true is it when inside we hide who we really are? We smile when inside you have so many things to say. So we stay...words unspoken...and in our deepest intimate thoughts...we hope and we pray..that someday that right person to come and rescue us from the very grave our hearts lay...and to rescue us and rekindle that heat it once had...to be free of restrictions and to really finally say and mean the words "I love you"
I guess practice what I preach? I am trying to and hopefully my future article would have some good news...and if its not...it will be a well learned lesson...and like what I always say " When hurt...cry...then move on"
Posted 10/2/08
Unreal goodbye
I watched your lips as you spoke to me
But I heard nothing of that painful melody
My heart shut out the words I didn't want to hear
Switched up the words to make it sweeter for me
I stepped back from the heat that you wanted to give
Afraid that your message would get through skin deep
I closed my eyes to rewind the time
The first time you approached me
Like a movie it replayed in my mind
How you think I was so so so fine
I could still feel your hands when you held mine for the very first time
As we kissed,hugged and your promises to never make me blue
I opened my eyes with a strong punch of this sudden reality
The silence and coldness was evident between you and me
I felt the tearing of my heart as you tore me apart
Your words confessing that someone replaced me in your heart
Everything suddenly froze
I screamed "I loved you" but you heard none of those words
I could see myself fading as she is now all that you see
I looked at your lips...how you used to love to kiss me
Your hands that couldn't get enough of holding me
Every minute seemed to last for eternity
As we sat in silence
I'm trying to hold on to my sanity
Am I in a nightmare and tomorrow you'd still love me?
In denial my this heart of mine crashing before me
My tears felt like hot lava on my cheeks burning me as you walked away
From us, from me, from what used to be.
From what could have been a home that she could never be.
Posted 10/1/08
But I heard nothing of that painful melody
My heart shut out the words I didn't want to hear
Switched up the words to make it sweeter for me
I stepped back from the heat that you wanted to give
Afraid that your message would get through skin deep
I closed my eyes to rewind the time
The first time you approached me
Like a movie it replayed in my mind
How you think I was so so so fine
I could still feel your hands when you held mine for the very first time
As we kissed,hugged and your promises to never make me blue
I opened my eyes with a strong punch of this sudden reality
The silence and coldness was evident between you and me
I felt the tearing of my heart as you tore me apart
Your words confessing that someone replaced me in your heart
Everything suddenly froze
I screamed "I loved you" but you heard none of those words
I could see myself fading as she is now all that you see
I looked at your lips...how you used to love to kiss me
Your hands that couldn't get enough of holding me
Every minute seemed to last for eternity
As we sat in silence
I'm trying to hold on to my sanity
Am I in a nightmare and tomorrow you'd still love me?
In denial my this heart of mine crashing before me
My tears felt like hot lava on my cheeks burning me as you walked away
From us, from me, from what used to be.
From what could have been a home that she could never be.
Posted 10/1/08
To Sleep Alone...(Dedicated to my Tito Atong)
I don't wan to talk of the things that were obvious
We knew that you was "special" that's what the doctors says
Grandma protected you and Grandpa tolerated you
But to me you was the funnest Uncle I knew
They said you were crazy and to me you were my clown
You demand for a lot of attention......
Someone to give you what you desire...
It's the simple things but it made you smile...
The attention it seemed you felt you just have to had.
I remember your laughter when you've done something bad...
Like a child you'd hide cuz Grandma's Candy you just had.
I used to watch you and although they were afraid of you.....
I knew that you would never hurt me....you was my friend too....
But I left to come to this country.....but I always remember you.
I knew that you was diagnosed with severe mental health too.
Although Grandmas love could not heal you....
Even though it broke her heart she had to send you out....
Your out burst of anger I knew was not from your heart....
You can't control the disease that was eating you inside out.
No one understood the loneliness inside of you....
and today was just like everyday until the phone rang....
All I heard was that you past away....
Starved yourself to death till your body gave way....
My heart broke in pieces as I think you....
Did you feel sorrow that's why you gave up on food?
Did you feel the emptiness and thought death would be better for you?
The saddest thing that replay in my mind...
Is that you thought you slept alone tonight....
Rest in piece Tito Atong...
Tonight you sleep well with Angels by your side
And for eternally God will be by your side.
***Dedicated to my Uncle who was diagnosed with Mental Illness....and died last night back home....RIP...see you in heaven Tito***Posted 9/17/08
We knew that you was "special" that's what the doctors says
Grandma protected you and Grandpa tolerated you
But to me you was the funnest Uncle I knew
They said you were crazy and to me you were my clown
You demand for a lot of attention......
Someone to give you what you desire...
It's the simple things but it made you smile...
The attention it seemed you felt you just have to had.
I remember your laughter when you've done something bad...
Like a child you'd hide cuz Grandma's Candy you just had.
I used to watch you and although they were afraid of you.....
I knew that you would never hurt me....you was my friend too....
But I left to come to this country.....but I always remember you.
I knew that you was diagnosed with severe mental health too.
Although Grandmas love could not heal you....
Even though it broke her heart she had to send you out....
Your out burst of anger I knew was not from your heart....
You can't control the disease that was eating you inside out.
No one understood the loneliness inside of you....
and today was just like everyday until the phone rang....
All I heard was that you past away....
Starved yourself to death till your body gave way....
My heart broke in pieces as I think you....
Did you feel sorrow that's why you gave up on food?
Did you feel the emptiness and thought death would be better for you?
The saddest thing that replay in my mind...
Is that you thought you slept alone tonight....
Rest in piece Tito Atong...
Tonight you sleep well with Angels by your side
And for eternally God will be by your side.
***Dedicated to my Uncle who was diagnosed with Mental Illness....and died last night back home....RIP...see you in heaven Tito***Posted 9/17/08
Charice Pempenco - serenaded my ears!!!
Good morning everyone! While enjoying my coffee and toast with butter and Strawberry Jam, I am here blog a little more...let's just say my heart beats inspired me once again to share :)
I was watching Charice Pempengco (who is from my country of the Philippines) on YOUTUBE and I can't help but let a few tears drip down from my asian eyes to my rosey cheeks. This girl truly got talents and that passion that she has singing. To have that talent be recognized by Ellen DeGeneres, Celine and Oprah is HUUUUGE!!! But I believe the best moments are every time she looks at her proud mother and knows that she is singing to her. And after she sings you could see her tears...isn't that something? That's what you call passion...the love for her singing...and most of all it is hard not to be affected by her amazing voice. I just hope that she does not turn like the other stars who sold their dignity for a few or *ahem* millions of $$$$$. I am going to buy her CD :) I absolutely love her song A NOTE TO GOD...you guys should really check it out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4Xd435coD4 (have a tissue handy because if you are like me...well you won't have dry eyes at all)
I was watching Charice Pempengco (who is from my country of the Philippines) on YOUTUBE and I can't help but let a few tears drip down from my asian eyes to my rosey cheeks. This girl truly got talents and that passion that she has singing. To have that talent be recognized by Ellen DeGeneres, Celine and Oprah is HUUUUGE!!! But I believe the best moments are every time she looks at her proud mother and knows that she is singing to her. And after she sings you could see her tears...isn't that something? That's what you call passion...the love for her singing...and most of all it is hard not to be affected by her amazing voice. I just hope that she does not turn like the other stars who sold their dignity for a few or *ahem* millions of $$$$$. I am going to buy her CD :) I absolutely love her song A NOTE TO GOD...you guys should really check it out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4Xd435coD4 (have a tissue handy because if you are like me...well you won't have dry eyes at all)
Intro to blogging

Well here I am...it's 2010 and I decided that I should really start expressing my thoughts for the world to read :)well...that's AFTER watching Julia & Julia a movie based on Julia Childs love for cooking…so I got that movie to thank for :)
So let's begin our relationship...my name is Sabrositaness...for obvious reason that I am a curvier woman...but maybe we can curve that back to a less curve before the summer...wish me luck! :)
So have you started your resolution? I did...I started with organizing my apartment...throwing out unnecessary clutter and well...actually keeping things minimal and comfy. I might as well since I am paying rent :) To start the new year with less baggage is a good start don't you think? I think I will start buying paper plates (yes...the ones you can recycle) because I ABSOLUTELY HATE WASHING DISHES! lol!
So my blog will consist of random thoughts from emotional outburst of happiness or sadness...or whatever that seems to have taken my mind and wonder.
I do hope that you enjoy it as I know I will enjoy posting...are you reading? I hope so...and please do come around and check up on me...I love comments :)
See you soon...and btw...Happy New Year 2010 :)
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