About Me

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Scarborough, Ontario, Canada
To know me is to feel my aura...you must be an intense person to understand me. I need poetry the way I need love, I need love to live. I love the rain because it inspires me. I aim to live a content life and enjoy the fruit of hard work. I believe that hard work paves our future. One cannot wish for a companion just to live, I believe that an empire can be built by two strong individual as long as the loyalty and interest have met their equilibrium to co-exist. I think life is simply lived at it's best when we simply learn to appreciate and love every moment we have living.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Got my thinking cap on...here it goes again...

Hello readers, fams, lovers, haters, and stalkers,

If you live in Toronto you will know what METRO NEWSPAPER is and let's just say that almost everyone has one in hand during the morning rush hours on the bus. Sometimes we even wait for the person to put it down if there's a shortage of print. It's almost "gold" sometimes because it also helps to avoid eye contact when the bus is packed like SARDINES! I am guilty of those that reads it from front page to the last page. And I can't help but feel frustrated with all the news. Here's what I think about the following "blog worthy news":

"Eaton Centre will get a fresh look"

Understandable that since they first opened according to METRO NEWS back in 1977, they are now planning to upgrade with a $120 million dollars to serve food on real china plates. Now last time I was downtown, Eaton Centre crowds can be counted in thousands. And the food court is like the jungle, fighting for seats and the rushing of shoppers makes it hard to even sit long enough to have proper conversation without having someone cloud over you because they are waiting for you to get up so that they can sit and eat their food.

NOW how the heck would they serve food on real china plates? I am assuming that this is an attempt to assist in the current unemployment. And this new upgrade will create job for those who were immensely affected by the recession right? That is something that I would love to watch on it's first day...with new visitors to see the "upgrade". If you are planning to see this event happen (when it happens) I highly recommend bringing some form of tranquilizer because it WILL BE A JUMANJI type of event!

"Project runway cancelled"

After North Bay Airport got upgraded worth 10 million dollars, they just learned recently that the soooooo special guest aren't even coming by. I think that's a malarky considering the money should have gone to those who actually live in Toronto, and needs the financial help. *SMH*

"Hospital patients discharged to open up beds"

This is in anticipation of incidents that might happen during the G20. ARE THEY F'IN KIDDING ME?????? I would love to know how they will make that decision of who goes and who can stay in the hospital? I can see tons of law suits coming to these hospitals in the near future IF this is really what they end up implementing. GOOD LUCK!

"Gabriella Nagy"

Is this bitch for real? She is suing Rogers because since they bundled her plan, her husband found out that she is a cheating whore! Ohm...Gabrielle please stop smoking cheap crack! You was found out because you are a triflin-vowbreakin-whore!!!

It's called KARMA that got you and the other whores by your freakin necks! You are suing Rogers for BREACHED of privacy? How about you BREACHED YOUR VOWS BEFORE GOD? You REAP what you SOW and daaaaaaahlinx you WEEP cuz yous a HO! Unfuckingbelievable! Women like her are too stupid to have a vagina!

"Fake Lake"

I wish Harper drowns in his fake lake and someone to fakingly save his ass and everyone can do a fake cry when he dies because he is a fake as M(*^(*F(*&(^!!!!

"Billionaires backing the Giving Pledge"

A launch for the ridiculously wealthy people like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet to give HALF of their wealth to charity. Now I am NOT against this. I think it's a nice "thought" (because until it happen it's just another promise that they can easily break. If they really want to help WHY NOT PLUG THOSE WHO HAS LESS THAN $5000 IN THEIR BANK ACCOUNT WITH MONEY?

This way the economy can bounced back because everyone will be able to afford to actually BUY something other than the staples of life. Sometimes I feel that those who have money didn't use their brain to get to the top...but then again how would I know right? Well...I've read and watched the news and let me tell you...most of them ain't smarter than a third grader! Again I *sigh*

"Dad & son got life term for killing the daughter/sister in the name of "HONOUR"

All I am going to say is that THEY should have been sent to "OZ" jail and mesh with General Population and NO PAROLE! I think an eye for an eye is suitable here don't you think? This type of tragedy bothers me because how many girls and women out there are facing this or faced this type of ending but was never resolved?

Anyways...I will sign out for now and I must say these are my feed back on the news that I read in METRO NEWS, I did not own these title but just a quote of the printed news paper on June 17, 2010. I love METRO NEWS because they keep me updated with the world events and keeps my thinking cap HOT!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

What makes an EE (Excellent Employee) Linked discussion forum

Hello Readers, Lovers, Haters and Stalkers,

The following paragraphs consist of 1, 978 words that were collaborated by my heart, my curious yet opinionated mind, and my ability to express my thoughts so freely.

I love browsing Linked for everything that the site has. I mean you get to network with businesses, learn new skills that you can aim to achieve, and promote yourself and your business. My love for writing and my opinionated personality linked me to a discussion on "What makes an Excellent Employee". For those of you who knew me, you already know how I feel about this. Anyways, the following entries are what I've posted.

Entry One:

What defines an excellent employee? I can only speak for myself but I think one must have a career mind to be successful. If an employee is only focused on just “getting that paper” their performance is distinctively different in comparison to someone, like myself, who is career driven. The drive, dedication and loyalty will be grossly different too.

I always use the quote by Aristotle: “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit”. What defines an excellent worker? Is it someone who does the job behind the scene and not demand proper compensation? Or is it someone who performs at a mediocre level and is favored based on personality? I think everyone tend to forget that any employee initially applies for a job and with the promise to perform to his/her best ability. Employers in turn promises proper salary compensation based on qualifications, experiences, and actual hands on performance. Unfortunately, this type of review fade in the background as business schedule sometimes conflicts. But I believe that if everyone is well compensated accordingly, there will be a balanced relationship between employer and the employee.

A successful company can only be as strong as it’s employee that represents them, or does the work, whether in the front end or behind the scenes administrations.

I am guilty of being a workaholic and willing to take on any project and provide excellent quality but I do wait for the proper compensation or promise of raise. No one wants to work for free, that is a fact. And when your employee’s performance decreases you might want to review if you have compensated them properly in the past.

I’ve seen many employees and or workers from different companies, who are EXCELLENT EMPLOYEES, resign because they are being taken for granted. How can any company allow their best performers and their “dream team” detoriates by neglecting the simple calculations of performance = proper salary compensations. How much? Well, let’s look at the actual worth of the company. It’s easy to just hire newbie who will settle for less pay, but the amount of time wasted on training new ones, instead or properly compensating your current best performers, is really a company’s lost. Time is money and let’s face it who wants to lose either one?

And to Steve Hoffman, the best ones are looking, but I think that they are overlooked because no one really adds blatantly “I’M THE BEST” on their resume...which I think they should. I’ve coached colleagues and friends on how they should perform at work and I know what qualities could make a great employee. But I’ve also witness BEST EMPLOYEES who changed due to mistreatment and lack of appreciation from upper managements.

We all have to look at ourselves and what we are willing to work for. I think HR, Hiring Manager, prior to hiring someone, should ask themselves “Would I perform all those duties for that salary?” BEST EMPLOYEE exist, how a company drives their loyalty and how they abide by the code of ethics of a company will depend on how they are being treated as a person and as a worker and how they are compensated for their hard work. Who wants to wear 10 different hats and not even get a simple appreciation of thanks or have “salary increase” promised only to never see it on your pay stabs?

If your employees are dropping like flies…the upper management needs to be put under microscope because employee neglect can and will lead to lower staff which causes the quality of client service to decrease. This can only lead to misfortunes in the future.

Entry Two:

Bottom line great employees are the ones that are never recognized and become bitter. They are usually underpaid and those who many of you call "mediocre" workers (some are even relatives of the UPPER MANAGEMENTS) get away with "delegating" a job and then taking full credit for the EEs work. Unbelievable!!!!

I've seen this happen. I've seen managers ask their employees to do a report and then send that report to "their boss" and guess what? Replacing the EE's email signature with their email signature and inevitable the managers gets the credit. While the EE just sits and wait for proper compensation for all the years dedicated with the hope that the promised raise will eventually come. They tend to use the word "recession" a little too much and those of us that have this thing called "BILLS" are stuck between a hard place and a rock. It's an employers’ world, they know that people need money and they take full advantage of this. Its funny how "thank you" or proper acknowledgments are MIA in many organizations. What happened to those employers who truly appreciate their employees?

I'm one of those EE and I have to tell you that if there's a company out there who wants a dedicated, hard working, and career oriented employee and you know how to appreciate a hard working employee...contact me! :)

I invite ALL of you to join my network as well because I absolutely love all of your thoughts and your opinions!

Entry Three:
I don't believe that people who are stays at the job they hare deserves to get nothing because they chose to stay. No one leaves a solid ground for unstable unknown. So they stick around until a better job is found, THAT's the responsible way. This has no similar relations to dating. In a perfect world you can quit any job and get a high paying job just like that, but unfortunately that is just not the case. Bread and butter don't come along as easy as it was back in good ol'days.

What made you, Gisela McKay, think that those who are unhappy at their current situations deserve to have blessings pass them by? Everyone has their own stories and reasons, I'd like to think no one woke up and said "hmmm I'm just going to let things pass me by and I can rush my bottom dollar down the hole"

It all boils down to mutual respect and similar goal from both ends.

Entry Four:
We all have our own opinions and end of stick right?

My comments were out of frustration because I know there are enough employers out there but is it really the employers? Or is it the HR who handles the hiring?

What does an EE have to do to get notice? Does it involve kissing the behind and feet of those in charge? I always thought that working hard and doing the best that I would prove to my employer that what I indicated in my resume can be backed up by my actions. And reality hits that unless I am willing to kiss arse, be the coffee delivery person, or the silent one I WILL NEVER see the promised raise.

I'm sorry Gisela but I didn't mean to make you feel attacked. I was just typing away my thoughts. But it's really frustrating when people in general assume that people are at the bottom by choice. It's really not the case for all of us. We work hard and we have bills to pay and leaving is not an easy option. I am actively looking but sometimes hiring managers tend to look at those whose salary expectations are lower. Or they only want to hire on a P/T basis without possibility of getting benefits.

How do you leave a bad situation for a worst one?

But I don't give up my hopes of building a career in my future...but I will continue to provide my current employer nothing less than excellent results because I was brought up to always give my best.

Entry Five:

"Decision makers don't notice you if you don't do anything to get their attention...good or bad, as long as you get their attention" (quote from one of the group members)

This is my reply:
If someone who is supposed to be “the decision makers” only pays attention to those who jumps up and down in front of their faces and fails to acknowledge the rest who don’t, I think that person is not the right person for the job. In order to be the “decision maker” I always thought that they need to be aware and know everything in order to make the proper decision. How can anyone in that position "decide" the future or a company if they fail to know the past and the present?

Just because someone is “loud” does not mean that they are right for any “recommendation” as opposed to someone who is “quiet” but perform their job above expectations.

Why would my need to be compensated rightfully have to depend on deciding to do “either bad or good”? My job responsibility is not about JUMPING in front of my boss and making her notice me like a child. It is highly applauded for. I take care of what needs to be done in order to ensure that my boss doesn’t have to deal with, that’s what I was hired for which is TO TAKE CARE OF BUSINESS and only FLAG her when an escalation that I don’t have an authority to approve comes up. You know “able to work well independently with minimal to zero supervision. Do I need to put a flag on my desk asking for to be noticed like a child? No. I don’t agree with that. Human Resource has time lines to follow in regards to providing

I am sure that EE’s are not requesting for some form of extravagant acknowledgement. If a management fails to provide an employee’s their right of reviews and raise, I think there’s a problem. Yes, due to the latest economic events both in the US & Canada, this process might have been slower or halted all together, but I think that failing to completely acknowledge your employees performance shows poor management in general.

I am sure that if you were in the under appreciated EE’s position you would think differently…somehow I question that because we are all different in regards to how we handle situations. BUT ultimately I think it depends on how you know your own management.

ALL EE’s either take it or leave. But what happens to finding an equilibrium resolution? If that’s how it should be, leave every difficult situation, I think the world would be in chaos and everyone would just play “musical jobs”. We might as well give up our rights all together.
It bothers me how anyone in the upper management tends to forget that they used to be at the bottom and forget how hard it is to demand equal rights when the doors are always shut.

TO ALL EE’s – regardless of all the assumptions by many, I think that for every door that shuts, another will open, when? Time will tell…but never let the quality of your work go down because it is always easier to acknowledge vices as opposed to a job well done. Two wrongs don’t make anything right…patience, determination and hard work will. IT might not be from the same employer but it will happen. If the whole world thinks the way some people do, with such negative assumptions, I think human rights for equality might as well bid adieu!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Randomness part dos!

Hello readers, lovers, haters and stalkers,

Life is so interesting in so many ways that I wonder sometimes if those who lost their minds are the lucky ones to find happiness in this confusing world, or are we the lucky ones not get caught in the maze?

Everything in life that we do is only worth it if we love it. Anything less than what we love is just a "duty". Love it or hate it or whatever it is that makes us tolerate things in our life defines us. What we are in this society. What we are capable of. What we are willing to fight for.

Personally after going through certain stages of my life, I still find myself in certain situations that makes me wonder WHY AM I DOING THIS? The reality hits, because I love life and everything it offers. My constant need to find "home" and "happiness" is my gasoline to be able to drive through obstacles.

Reading the news, watching shows, and the plain daily observations of my surroundings got me feeling overwhelmed. Taken back how the world in my younger years was so much calmer than the current one. I am not saying my world is upside down, but it just seems like the world with homeworks didn't seem so bad now right? When you have no rent and the only reason why you needed a job was to pay for your beeper. Ten dollar a month for my beeper was my expense too but with added rent and other "extra-fees" that my adopted parents decided to charge and this includes gifts for to a party hose and we are not invited to, church collections, groceries and did I not mention she was also receiving money from my real mother and never told us? Anyways I will discuss that soon but let's go back to the topic.

The media provides us with up to date information on what is happening around the world. Within a click of a mouse or a button we can find out how hard life is in other countries. STOP. THINK. Isn't it interesting that we search for "bad" events and the research on "good" events are lower? Why is it that we are so interested in the negativity of humanity as opposed to the great things about other country? Why does it take a war for any country to be on the front page?

I was reading about a convicted drug dealer whose drug consumptions all through the years finally caught up with him in a form of cancer. He is actually suing the government for not paying for his treatment bills. I'm sorry? Did I just read that? For not paying for his bills? Why does criminals get away with this? First they are participating in illegal events and then when they get caught they sit in jail with all the perks, might as well send them to Hilton. They free education, food, laundry, books, recreation facility and on top of that WE TAX PAYERS pay for their living expense. Usually the victims family are left to fend for themselves while criminals gets the bloody first class treatment! Tell me how fucked up that is!

I find it messed up.I really do.

The world WAS our oyster and turned into an escargo just for the rich to enjoy and those of us who can't seem to reach high are stuck with their dictations. To suffer regardless if it's mother nature's pms or if it's the government's pms.

So we are to enjoy what we can...and yet the most simple things in life is no longer free. LOVE has it's price which is our PRIDE. The pride that lingers in the air and pollute what's little left of purity. And then what are we? Unhappy ghost of the past world that used to have hopes and dreams. But now unless we are high on some drugs, prescriptions or not, it's hard to swallow the hits on our pride. It just continue to eat at us until one day the world would be just like residents evil...humans inflicted by anger and pain.

So much for this blog to be another damper...but hey it's raining and the news are coming in just like every raindrops on my window pane. Sigh.

I love the rain...until I felt my tears flowing with it.

Signing out....Sabrosita

See the world thru my eyes...

See the world thru my eyes...
My eyes can't lie...it sees every thing! It shows everything!