I choose me [After watching different chick flick and listening to my friends stories...these piece came to play]
Posted January 17th, 2009 at 01:33pm on Lyrical Liquor!
I lost count on the amount of tears I cried
I lost count on the times I smiled
I can't remember the last moment I was happy in love
Oh how I almost forgot how it felt like
I can't recall the last I heard those words
Or did I ever hear forever after those same words?
I can't feel what I willingly give
I wish a kiss opens a window to what is near
I don't remember being held
All I have are memories of what left
No matter how hard I try
I'll always love falling in love till the day I die
A night of "girl-talk" came to play
Reminisced all of our exes to date
We laughed about our silly high school crush
Cried and gave comfort when we talked about the last
I don't want to be like Christina who stayed with a cheater
Cheat on her once shame on him
Cheat on her twice shame on her
She always gossip about the worst of the others
But the worst one lives at home with her...
Her man who loves to creep on her
And she just salivate on every next brother
Why should I envy Kiki?
She's a doormat for any man who just want an easy p***y
A walking hypocrite when she barks at someone's dog
At least if you're gonna try and give advice
Get your own ish right!
Oh I don't want to be like Sharifa
She got a man of six years
But he played for ten months with Ms. Jamaica
Guess she's just like Kiki
Holding on to man who can't stop getting with a new jibby
So I sat at home after a long day at the office
Thinking what do I really miss?
The fight?
The disbelief?
The tears?
The baby mamas?
The other dramas?
And added baggage?
Or those bills unpaid?
Oh how do those ladies manage?
In the end I choose me...
Stress free
Living free
Ms. Independent me
A little lonely but
Not for too long honey
I don't settle for the second best
Not a fool for no body!
God will bless me as I wait patiently
For Mr. right for me
Not a cheating hubby
And live in an apt indefinitely!
Hell no that won't be me...
I rather focus on a career
Make that money...
And take care of me.
I choose me!
These are MY thoughts and MY opinions based on what I see with MY own eyes and what I feel in MY heart!
About Me

- Sabrosita
- Scarborough, Ontario, Canada
- To know me is to feel my aura...you must be an intense person to understand me. I need poetry the way I need love, I need love to live. I love the rain because it inspires me. I aim to live a content life and enjoy the fruit of hard work. I believe that hard work paves our future. One cannot wish for a companion just to live, I believe that an empire can be built by two strong individual as long as the loyalty and interest have met their equilibrium to co-exist. I think life is simply lived at it's best when we simply learn to appreciate and love every moment we have living.
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