First of ALL I do swear on my blog!This is a blog and is my other persona...the one that is untamed and yes unapologetic! So if you're one of those "ooooh you said bad words" kid, get the fuck out of my blog!
The first week of 2011 came in, did a little reminisce, slipped and then re-focused for the official beginning of the NEW YEAR! Did you make a resolution? And how are you keeping it? Hmmm for some it seems that the Christmas holiday is the only time that they can be pleasant. For some reason the bitch was nice and the asshole was actually polite! SHOCKER, well for a week that is or just during the Christmas HOLIDAY ONLY!!! Have you encountered those types of people? Ahhhhhhhh you’re not alone my friend…you are not alone. We all have assholes and bitches in our lives that tend to creep in our life – at work, at the mall, on the road and hopefully we don’t have to deal with them at home. And again unfortunately SOME of you have them at home…that’s just unfortunate.
I’ve read so many news articles about workplace and actual review on behaviors, and let me tell you that they are pretty accurate. Facebook allows us to post our thoughts and broadcast our life. I’ve discussed with friends how nice people tend to be when “Saint Nick” comes around. But how quickly they change back to their old habits faster than I can put away my Christmas decorations! Let us call these, people who only pleasant by occasions, the BAHFUCKINHAMBUGS! Fake ass people.
Now let’s generalize this a bit so that some people’s feeling won’t be hurt as much as I would want them to…Hmmmm! How can one person talk behind someone’s back and when they realized that the person found out what they done did…they go all out to make it up and then AGAIN talks so much thrash! Now are they stupid or are they S T U P I D? How the hell did they think the word spread? Maybe the person that you gossiped to felt compelled to tell the others, I can only guess that they are sick of your antics and they want someone to put you on your place. But people THINK before you talk, THINK before you act and definitely THINK twice BEFORE you PISS anyone OFF!
You see I try to be a peaceful person, but I also know that I must speak my mind up. Why would I let an asshole and a bitch go on like they can get away with it? Why would you? Why should anyone? I say put them in their place because the more we let them go on with their ignorant self the more they will feel powerful. Who the hell wants an asshole and a bitch to have powers?
Now let’s talk about the miserable peoples. Now if you are miserable in a relationship or at work, don’t take it out on those people around you! If you hate your job so much then get the fuck out and get another job. Why would you make everyone at work miserable because you are? YES I AM VENTING! Because the funny thing is…I watched this show and some people who hate their life or job actually habitually affects everyone around them. They slack of and the poor "nice" coworker had to pick up their slack or they are just plain ruuuuuuuuuude! I can’t deal with RUDE people as I try to be nice…even just for the day. What is the point of being miserable? No one should take their misery out on an innocent person. SURPRISE SURPRISE you miserable assholes and bitches…I was born and out of the millions you’ve encountered GUESS WHAT? YUP I ain’t taking your shit so be prepared to hear it! Why the hell should I let you run me down? Best believe it! Why should I be afraid to speak my mind? I am pleasant and respectful of my friends and coworkers and I can’t stand it when people take niceness for weakness.
Here’s a fair warning to some of you miserable people out there, be very careful who you tick off because you will never know how they will react! Just saying! Seeeeeeeeeeeeen?
Do your heart a fav will you?....and just smile….I swear it’s good for you!
Until next time…
Signing out…