About Me

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Scarborough, Ontario, Canada
To know me is to feel my aura...you must be an intense person to understand me. I need poetry the way I need love, I need love to live. I love the rain because it inspires me. I aim to live a content life and enjoy the fruit of hard work. I believe that hard work paves our future. One cannot wish for a companion just to live, I believe that an empire can be built by two strong individual as long as the loyalty and interest have met their equilibrium to co-exist. I think life is simply lived at it's best when we simply learn to appreciate and love every moment we have living.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

When A Woman's Fed Up...

Hello Readers, Lovers, Bloggers, Stalkers, and yes even you my haters out there!

It was a rough month for me! I’ve had trouble in my relationship, my work, and even with myself. It was a constant battle to be this understanding. It's as if every element in this world is testing my patience. Giving my world a crazy spin and I can see the changes that is up & surely coming. It scares me...it excites me, and above all it leaves me breathless because change always means some things will never be the same

Relationships, whether be it in your personal or professional career, takes work and dedication to succeed. Collaborating two hearts to make a relationship work is an ultimate test to humans. There are two personalities, two minds, two morals, to religions, two beliefs, and two different histories. To merge these to make the future takes a lot of give & take.

Ladies we are all pre-programmed to care and to create our own niche. Fellas...I can't speak for y'all (for obvious reasons!). Women think A LOT and WE WOMEN looks at the whole picture NOT just the moment. We think of the pre & post situations. That's why FELLAS y'all need to check yourself. If you are with an educated woman...don't think for second that she won't catch bullshits. Let's face it...men are like dogs and women are like cats. Cat like ability to take care of bullshit and knows how the trace should be kept DL. Men like dogs, does their BS and let trails all over and then tries to deny the BS that is reeking in the air. REALLY? Are you really serious that you'd think your EDUCATED WOMAN won't booked that BS? Hmmm...OHM think again! IF you her YOU won't be too damn shady!

The internet is truly a magical place where truth and lies and make believes co-exist. But there's this thing called HISTORY that allows those lies and hidden searches float right up for your woman to go POSTAL! Don't even try to assume that she is all up your business! It is YOUR woman's business to know when you are browsing sites that disrespects your relationship! How men try to pass this as nothing still makes me shake my head and just stop myself from catching a case! Fellas...fellas...fellas...please do yourself a fav. STOP and THINK before you ACT! That's all...stop & think!
5...4..3...2..1 NOW you got it!!!Yup IF you think it might cause a problem with your woman...MOST LIKELY it will.

Men will be men and would click on porno. But to deny it is just silly and sad! After all, your woman might be willing to watch and try those things with you. But lying about it is another thing...that just means you are guilt of something. If you are not able to talk with you woman about the things that you enjoy...best believe that she CAN do it better than you

When A Woman's Fed Up...There's ain't nothing you can do about it She will leave and you will move on...but if you got a good woman by your side. You better think twice before you fuck shit up! There are so many things in this life that women can do better and one of them is the rebound because the line up never ends once she flashes that "single card".

Women can get any men at any time and any place. It's just that easy. Fellas you know you can't…even if you are the hottest man out there. If a woman stands outside naked, there will be some sort of commotions and line up to get to her...and then police MIGHT be called. IF a man does the same...police will be called right away and some various reactions.

I wonder why people gamble on their relationship! Little white lies can lead to so many other lies which will inevitably take you to monster lies. If what you think you are doing could possibly upset your woman then why are you proceeding? Would you like it if she did the same? Remember it takes two to make or break a relationship and if what you got with her is good...you'd be a 40 years old man ALONE without love and all you can do is wonder WHAT IF you didn't do the things you did that ended your chance for happiness? This applies to you ladies too! You'd be a single women still dreaming of love & risked it all for foolishness. NOW I know some of you might be thinking "if he cheats I'll cheat too". But two wrongs cannot make it right. It makes it worst because you're both just taking hits like a boxing match!

How do you approach the one you LOVE when you've found some disturbing things?

Do you just ask or do you observe? I personally would ask because I don't really have time for mind games. It's either, tell me what's good or lie and risk me leaving. We can all cry over spilled milk…but mop it up, clean it up and then get yourself a whole new bag of milk at a cost and sure enough in due time you will enjoying your fresh cup of milk. So why do people act BEFORE they think? If any of you readers know the answer to this...do get at me!

I do need tons of advice on relationships because I never knew how hard love is until I felt real REAL love...For the first time I am really in love with L but I am not a fool so please believe it that even with being this much in love...I AM CAPABLE OF LEAVING if my heart is not his priority to take care of. But he is my superman and he shows me just how much he loves me everyday with the things he does, the things he say, and the way he looks at me. And I know that he knows just how much I love him too. So ladies and fellas...please don't go out there breaking anyone heart...there's really no other feelings as great as when you finally found true love.

So this is my time to sign out and leave you with a song and I'll be and chillin with my man...damn he looks so sexy :)

Saturday, April 17, 2010


It doesn’t get any easier everyday you are gone
It doesn’t get easier with every song that plays on
Cuz all I remember was our good times
The moments that made me fall in love with you
I guess I am still in denial
But reality yanks me right back
Back to the moment I heard your words
In your eyes my reflections fades
And your soul no longer matches my own
I know I can find another lover
Matter of fact he was holding me tight
A few hours later
Sippin on good drinks…
Listening to the DJ play reggae beats
But the alcohol didn't numb by heart
I find myself wishing it was you holding me
You dancing with me…
But I guess our time wasn’t meant to be
Part of me don’t want you to call
But my heart is dying
To hear you words…
The things you used to say
Just like when we lay…
In the dark together
You holding me…
But you lied…
You promised to never let go
And here we go
With broken hearts
And another man wants
To have my heart
How do I say yes to another?
When you was all that I wanted
And still for my

See the world thru my eyes...

See the world thru my eyes...
My eyes can't lie...it sees every thing! It shows everything!